Rails: How to provide a public link in a mail

Lets say we have a user with a contract whereas contract is a mounted carrierwave file.

Now we want to send the link to the contract in a mail. For this use case join the root_url with the public contract path in the mailer view:

Plain text email

URI.join(root_url, @user.contract.url)

HTML email

link_to('Show contract', URI.join(root_url, @user.contract.url).to_s)

Note: You need to follow [http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_mailer_basics.html#g...

How to resize your boot partition when there is an encrypted partition after it

Boot partitions from installations prior to the 16.04 era are terribly small. When you install updates and encounter errors due to a full /boot partition, consider risizing it.

If you can't do the steps described below, ask someone experienced to help you out.
This has worked 100% so far. 1 out of 1 tries. ;)

Scenario A: There is unassigned space on your physical drive

When there is some unpartitioned space on your drive, increasing the size of /boot is actually very easy (even though the list below is rather long). It only takes a...

Writing strings as Carrierwave uploads

When you have string contents (e.g. a generated binary stream, or data from a remote source) that you want to store as a file using Carrierwave, here is a simple solution.

While you could write your string to a file and pass that file to Carrierwave, why even bother? You already have your string (or stream).
However, a plain StringIO object will not work for Carrierwave's ActiveRecord integration:

>> Attachment.create!(file: StringIO.new(contents))
TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String

This is because Carrierwav...

Chrome: Making high-resolution website screenshots without add-ons

If you want to make a screenshot of a website that works well in print or on a high-DPI screen (like Apple Retina displays), here is how you can capture a high-resolution screenshot.

You can do this without an addon:

  • Open the website
  • If you have multiple monitoros:
    • Resize the Chrome window so it covers multiple monitors (in Linux you can hold ALT and resize by dragging with the right mouse button)
    • Zoom into the page using CTRL + and CTRL - so it covers most of the window area. Leave a little padding on the left and right so...

Capybara: A step for finding images with filename and extension

This cucumber step is useful for testing an image (looking at the src of the image).

Then(/^I should see the image "([^"]*)"$/) do |filename_with_extension|
  expect(page).to have_css("img[src*='#{filename_with_extension}']")
Then I should see the image "placeholder.png"

Outline: Read more about how to test a uploaded file here, e.g. file downloads.

Carrierwave: Deleting files outside of forms

TL;DR Use user.update!(remove_avatar: true) to delete attachments outside of forms. This will have the same behavior as if you were in a form.

As you know, Carrierwave file attachments work by mounting an Uploader class to an attribute of the model. Though the database field holds the file name as string, calling the attribute will always return the uploader, no matter if a file is attached or not. (Side note: use #present? on the uploader to check if the file exists.)

class User < ApplicationRecord
  mount :avatar, ...

Spreewald: Content-Disposition not set when testing a download's filename


  • You are not using javascript tests
  • The file is served from a public folder (not via controller)

Problem description

If you deliver files from a public folder it might be that the Content-Disposition header is not set. That's why the following spreewald step might raise an error:

Then I should get a download with filename "..."
expected: /filename="some.pdf"$/
     got: nil (using =~) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)


One solution...

Async control flow in JavaScript: Promises, Microtasks, async/await

Slides for Henning's talk on Sep 21st 2017.

Understanding sync vs. async control flow

Talking to synchronous (or "blocking") API

print('script start')
html = get('/foo')
print('script end')

Script outputs 'script start', (long delay), '<html>...</html>', 'script end'.

Talking to asynchronous (or "evented") API

print('script start')
get('foo', done: function(html) {
print('script end')

Script outputs 'script start', `'...

Vagrant: create entry for box in .ssh/config

If you want to ssh into your vagrant box without switching into the project directory and typing vagrant ssh, you can also create an entry directly in ~/.ssh/config. This will allow you to use ssh <my-box> from anywhere. Simply paste the information provided by vagrant ssh-config to your ~/.ssh/config-File: vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config


$ vagrant ssh-config
Host foobar-dev
  User vagrant
  Port 2200
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  PasswordAuthentication no

Deleting stale Paperclip attachment styles from the server

Sometimes you add Paperclip image styles, sometimes you remove some. In order to only keep the files you actually need, you should remove stale Paperclip styles from your server.

This script has been used in production successfully. Use at your own risk.

# Config #######################################################################
delete_styles = [:gallery, :thumbnail, :whatever]
scope = YourModel # A scope on the class with #has_attached_file
attachment_name = :image # First argument of #has_attached_file
noop ...

ImageMagick: How to auto-crop and/or resize an image into a box


ImageMagick can automatically crop surrounding transparent pixels from an image:

convert input.png -trim +repage output.png

You need to +repage to update the image's canvas, or applications will be randomly confused.
Trimming specific colors is also possible, see the documentation.

Resizing into a box

Occasionally, you want to resize an image to a maximum width or height, and change the "outer" image dimensions to something that won't match the input image.

To re...

How to define height of a div as percentage of its variable width

This is useful if, for example, you want to use a background-image that has to scale with the width and the div should only have the height of the picture.


<div class="outer">
  <div class="inner">


.outer {
  width: 100%;
  background-image: image-url('background.png');
  background-size: cover;
.inner {
  padding-top: 60%;

How does it work?

There are several CSS attributes that can handle values as percentage. But they use different other attributes as "reference value...

CSS: Don't target multiple vendor-prefixed pseudo-elements in a single rule

Some pseudo-elements need to be addressed with vendor prefixes. E.g. ::selection is not supported by Firefox, you need to use ::-moz-selection instead.

What you cannot do is to define a single CSS rule to address both the standard and vendor-prefixed form:

::selection, ::-moz-selection {
  background-color: red;

This rule will be ignored by all browsers. The reason is that if a browser doe...