Installing old versions of mysql2 on Ubuntu 20.04+

On some of our older projects, we use the mysql2 gem. Unfortunately, versions 0.2.x (required for Rails 2.3) and versions 0.3.x (required for Rails 3.2) can no longer be installed on Ubuntu 20.04. Trying this either leads to errors when compiling the native extension, or a segfaults when using it.

For Rails 4.2, mysql2 version 0.4.10 seems to work okay. If you still have issues, upgrade to 0.5.x, which should be compatible.

To install it, you have to switch the mysql2 gem to our fork. In your Gemfile, ...

Rails: How to restore a postgres dump from the past

It sometimes happen that a database dump, that would want to insert into your development database, does not match the current schema of the database. This often happens when you have an old dump, but your current setup is up to date with the the master.

Hint: In most cases it is sufficient to delete and recreate the local database in order to import the dump. If any problems occur, proceed as follows:

1. Figure out the original migration status of the dumpfile

  • Convert your dump to plaintext: `pg_restore -f some.dump > some.dump....

How to implement simple queue limiting/throttling for Sidekiq

The sidekiq-rate-limiter gem allows rate-limiting Sidekiq jobs and works like a charm. However, it needs to be integrated on a per-worker basis.

If you want to limit a whole queue instead, and if your requirements are simple enough, you can do it via a Sidekiq middleware yourself.

Here is an example that limits concurrency of the "mailers" queue to 1. It uses a database mutex via the [with_advisory_lock](

VCR and the webdrivers gem

If you're using the webdrivers gem and VCR together, depending on your configuration, VCR will yell at you regulary.
The webdrivers gem tries to update your webdrivers on your local machine. To do so, it checks the internet for newer versions, firing an HTTP-request to e.g.

You can "fix" this in multiple ways:

  1. Update your drivers on your machine with
    RAILS_ENV=test rake webdrivers:chromedriver:update

  2. Ignore the driver update-URL in your ...

How to fix: Rails query logs always show lib/active_record/log_subscriber.rb as source

Rails 5.2+ supports "verbose query logs" where it shows the source of a query in the application log.
Normally, it looks like this:

  User Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ...
  ↳ app/controllers/users_controller.rb:42:in `load_users'

However, you may encounter ActiveRecord's LogSubscriber as the source for all/most queries which is not helpful at all:

  User Load (0.5ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ...
  ↳ activerecord ( lib/active_record/log_subscriber.rb:100:in `debug'

While th...

Parallel cucumber: How to pass in cucumber arguments

Here is an example with the --tags option. You need to wrap them inside --cucumber-options option of parallel_cucumber.

DISPLAY=:17 bundle exec parallel_cucumber --cucumber-options '--tags @solo' features

See more details in the docs.

PostgreSQL: How to use with_advisory_lock to prevent race conditions

If you want to prevent that two processes run some code at the same time you can use the gem with_advisory_lock.

What happens

  1. The thread will wait indefinitely until the lock is acquired.
  2. While inside the block, you will exclusively own the advisory lock.
  3. The lock will be released after your block ends, even if an exception is raised in the block.

This is usually required if there is no suitable database row to lock on.


You want to generate a...

Vortrag: Content Security Policy: Eine Einführung


CSP hat zum Ziel einen Browser-seitigen Mechanismus zu schaffen um einige Angriffe auf Webseiten zu verhindern, hauptsächlich XSS-Angriffe.

Einschub: Was ist XSS?

XSS = Cross Site Scripting. Passiert wenn ein User ungefiltertes HTML in die Webseite einfügen kann.

<div class="comment">
  Danke für den interessanten Beitrag! <script>alert('you have been hacked')</script>

Rails löst das Problem weitgehend, aber

  • Programmierfehler weiter möglich
  • manchmal Sicherheitslücken in Gems oder Rails


Automatically validating dependency licenses with LicenseFinder

"Open-source software (OSS) is great. Anyone can use virtually any open-source code in their projects."

Well, it depends. Licenses can make things difficult, especially when you are developing closed-source software. Since some OSS licenses even require the employing application to be open-sourced as well (looking at you, GPL), you cannot use such software in a closed-source project.

To be sure on this, we have developed a project-level integration of Pivotal's excellent [license_finder](https:/...

How to use Active Job to decouple your background processing from a gem

In a web application you sometimes have tasks that can not be processed during a request but need to go to the background.
There are several gems that help to you do that, like Sidekiq or Resque.

With newer Rails you can also use ActiveJob as interface for a background processing library. See here for a list of supported queueing adapters.
For ...

Legacy CarrierWave: How to generate versions with different file extensions

We use CarrierWave in many of our projects to store and serve files of various formats - mostly images. A common use case of CarrierWave's DSL is to "process" the original file in order to create multiple "versions", for example different resolutions of the same image.

Now we could go one step further: What if we want to create versions that have a different file extension than the original file? For example, let's assume we'd like to create a ve...

Ruby: Referencing global variables with the built-in English library


Don't forget require 'English' if you use a named global such as $LAST_MATCH_INFO. Otherwise this could result in an annoying bug.

With Ruby's build-in library English you can reference global variables with an english name. This makes you code easier to read and is also suggested by Rubocop's Style/GlobalVars cop.

Example before:

if 'foo' =~ /foo/
  puts $~[1] # => foo

Example af...

whenever: Installing cron jobs only for a given Rails environment or Capistrano stage

We use the whenever gem to automatically update the crontab of the servers we deploy to. By default, whenever will update all servers with a matching role (we use the :cron role ).

This card describes how to install some tasks only for a given Rails environment or for a given Capistrano stage ("deployment target").

Installing jobs only for a given Rails environment

Ruby: Using the pry debugger in projects with older Ruby versions

In case you want to use pry with an older version of Ruby, you can try the following configurations.

Ruby 1.8.7

Your pry version must not be greater than 0.9.10.

gem 'pry', '=0.9.10'
gem 'ruby-debug', '=0.10.4'
gem "ruby-debug-pry", :require => "ruby-debug/pry"
gem 'pry-nav'
gem 'ruby18_source_location'

Ruby 1.9.3

Your pry version must not be greater than 0.9.9.

gem 'debugger', '=1.1.4'
gem 'pry-debugger', '=0.2.0'
gem 'pry', '=0.9.9'

Known errors

No source for ruby-1...

Rubygems: Installing the last version of rubygems that has no rubyforge_project deprecation warning

You can install rubygems 3.0.8 (released on February 18, 2020) to keep all the Gem::Specification#rubyforge_project deprecation warnings away from your development log. With Rubygems >= 3.1 this deprecation warning was introduced. While maintaining older projects this could get quite annoying and the fix below might okey, for newer projects the right ways is to upgrade the gems.

gem update --system 3.0.8

Example message:

NOTE: Gem::Specification#rubyforge_project= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed o...

How to: Run bundle install in parallel

You can run bundle install in parallel. This might be helpful for development, where you often install many new gems when switching between projects.

  1. Find out the number of processors you have:
  1. Set the config in your ~/.bundle/config globally (replace 8 with your number of proccessors):
bundle config jobs 8


If you suspect parallel execution for bundling issues, you can try serially with bundle install --jobs 1.

Rails: Concurrent requests in development and tests

With puma you can have concurrent requests. There are two concepts on how Puma can handle two incoming requests: Workers and Threads.


Puma can have multiple workers. Each worker is a process fork from puma and therefore a very heavy instance and can have multiple threads, that handle the incoming requests.

Example: A Puma server with 2 workers and 1 thread each can handle 2 request in parallel. A third request has to wait until the thread of one of the workers is free.


Rails is thread-safe since version 4 (n...