Why preloading associations "randomly" uses joined tables or multiple queries

ActiveRecord gives you the :include option to load records and their associations in a fixed number of queries. This is called preloading or eager loading associations. By preloading associations you can prevent the n+1 query problem that slows down a many index view.

You might have noticed that using :include randomly seems to do one of the following:

  1. Execute one query per involved table with a condit...

Opera: How to use outlining for better layout debugging

I prefer using Opera's "User mode" to toggle an outlining of HTML elements quickly. This helps greatly when you want to see the actual dimensions of elements, e.g. for floating elements inside containers, instead of opening up the Dragonfly inspector every time.

Navigate to View → Style → "Manage Modes..." and tick the checkboxes like in the attached image. Then, switch to the User Mode by pressing the shortcut (Shift+G for the 9.2-compatible layout or for the default layout with enabled "single-key shortcuts") and select "Outline" from...

Cancelling event propagation

Within an event handler, there are multiple methods to cancel event propagation, each with different semantics.

  • event.preventDefault()

    Only prevents the default browser behavior for the click, i.e. going to a different url or submitting a form.

    When invoked on a touchstart event, this also prevents mouse events like click to be triggered.

  • event.stopPropagation()

    Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM.

  • `event.st...

Caching in Rails

The information in this card is only relevant for Rails 2.3-era apps.

This note gives a quick introduction into caching methods (page caching, action caching and fragment caching) in rails and describes some specific problems and solutions.

The descriptions below are valid for Rails 2 and 3. Recently, caching with timestamp- or content-based keys has become more popular which saves you the pain of invalidating stale caches.

How to enable/disable caching

To enable or disable caching in rails you ca...

Upgrading Cucumber and Capybara to the latest versions available for Rails 2

Specify these gem versions in your Gemfile:

gem 'cucumber', '~> 1.3.0'
gem 'cucumber-rails', '= 0.3.2' # max version for Rails 2
gem 'capybara', '< 2' # capybara 2+ requires Rails 3
gem 'mime-types', '< 2' # dependeny of capybara
gem 'nokogiri', '< 1.6' # dependency of capybara
gem 'rubyzip', '< 1' # dependency of selenium-webdriver, rubyzip 1+ requires Ruby 1.9
gem 'cucumber_factory'
gem 'database_cleaner', '< 1'
gem 'cucumber_spinner', '~> 0.2.5'
gem 'launchy', '~> 2.1.2'

With these versions set, `...

Synchronize a Selenium-controlled browser with Capybara

When you click a link or a press a button on a Selenium-controlled browser, the call will return control to your test before the next page is loaded. This can lead to concurrency issues when a Cucumber step involves a Selenium action and a Ruby call which both change the same resources.

Take the following step which signs in a user through the browser UI and then sets a flag on the user that was just signed in:

Given /^the user "([^"]*)" signed in (\d) days ago$/ do |name, days|
  visit new_session_path
  fill_in 'Username', :w...

Check that an element is hidden via CSS with Spreewald

If you have content inside a page that is hidden by CSS, the following will work with Selenium, but not when using the Rack::Test driver. The Selenium driver correctly only considers text that is actually visible to a user.

Then I should not see "foobear"

This is because the Rack::Test driver does not know if an element is visible, and only looks at the DOM.

Spreewald offers steps to check that an element is hidden by CSS:

Then "foo" should be hidden

You can also check that an el...

Add a prefix to form field IDs

If you use a form (or form fields) multiple times inside one view, Rails will generate the same id attributes for fields again.

This card presents you with a way to call something like

- form_for @user, :prefix => 'overlay' do |form|
  = form.text_field :email

and get this as HTML:

<input name="user[email]" id="overlay_user_email" (...) />

You can also put a :prefix into a field's options. Note how only the id but not the name changes as we would not want to pass an overlay_user[email] param to the controller. Sett...

Continously run command under bash

Sometimes you want to run a command forever, e.g. to compile a haml to html file on the console. Use this:

$ while(true) do haml index.haml index.html; sleep 1.5; done

Dynamic conditions for belongs_to, has_many and has_one associations

Note: Consider not doing this. Use form models or vanilla methods instead.

The :conditions option for Rails associations cannot take a lambda. This makes it hard to define conditions that must be evaluated at runtime, e.g. if the condition refers to the current date or other attributes.

A hack to fix this is to use faux string interpolation in a single-quoted :conditions string:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :contracts
  has_one :current_contract, :class_name => 'Contract', :conditions => '...

Perform HTTP basic authentication in Cucumber (with or without Selenium)

This card describes a Cucumber step that lets you say:

When I perform basic authentication as "username/password" and I visit the admin area

The path component ("... the admin area") is parsed through your path_to helper in features/support/paths.rb.


The step definition is part of Spreewald. The step has been tested with multiple versions of Capybara, Rack::Test and Selenium.

Webrat (legacy)

This is a simpler version of the step above:

When /...

Don't mix Array#join and String#html_safe

You cannot use Array#join on an array of strings where some strings are html_safe and others are not. The result will be an unsafe string and will thus be escaped when rendered in a view:

unsafe_string = '<span>foo</span>'
safe_string = '<span>bar</span>'.html_safe
[unsafe_string, safe_string].join(' ') # will incorrectly render as '&lt;span&gt;foo&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span&t;bar&lt;/span&gt;'


The solution is not to call html_safe on the joined array and if you thought it would be, you [don't understand how XSS prot...

Firefox: Remove dotted border from focused buttons

The following Sass will do the trick:

input[type="file"] > input[type="button"]
    border: none

There's also a plain CSS version.

Note that you can no longer visually navigate through a form with the keyboard without these borders.

Cucumber steps to test input fields for equality (with wildcard support)

Our collection of the most useful Cucumber steps, Spreewald, now supports exact matching of form fields and lets you use wildcards.


And the "Money" field should contain "134"
# -> Only is green if that field contains the exact string "134", neither "134,50" nor "1000134"

And the "Name" field should contain "*Peter*"
# -> Accepts if the field contains "Peter" or "Anton Peter" or "Peter Schödl" etc.

And the "Comment" field should contain "Dear*bye"
# -> Accepts if the field contains "De...

Inspect the page content in a Cucumber session

When you need to see the content of a page (i.e. not all the HTML but the relevant text body)

  • you can do pp (html_content)
    • pp will format the html String human readable pretty printed
  • where html_content can be replaced by one of the following commands:


body or response.body


  • page.driver.html.content
  • page.body



The returned strings can be cleaned up by calling .gsub(/^\s*$/, '').squeeze("\n") on them.\
Although this may be useful for d...

Check if a field or button is disabled with Cucumber

Using this step definition you can check if any form field (text field, checkbox, etc) or button is disabled:

Then the "Name" field should be disabled
  And the "Save" button should be disabled
But the "Locked" field should not be disabled


This step part of Spreewald.


Then /^"([^\"]*)" should( not)? be disabled$/ do |label, negate|
  attributes = field_labeled(label).element.attributes.keys
  attributes.send(negate ? :should_not : :should...