Force absolute URLs in views throughout a response

This is more tricky than it should be because url_for, asset_path, etc. all rely on different mechanisms.

Anyway, you can use the attached trait like this:

class ExampleController < ApplicationController
  does 'host_enforcement', :for => 'some_action'

Short explanation:

  • asset_host is used for links to stylesheets and javascripts
  • asset_host belongs to ActionController::Base -- changes are persistent and will not be reset after a request
  • rewrite_options is used by the ..._path methods in the views

Unobtrusive JavaScript and AJAX

Attached (see below) is some code to allow using unobtrusive JavaScript on pages fetched with an AJAX call.

After you included it, you now do not use the usual

$(function() { 

any more, but instead you write

$.unobtrusive(function() {

that is

  • $.unobtrusive() instead of $()
  • don't do stuff to the whole page, but just to elements nested below $(this)

Normal pages work as before (your $.unobtrusive functions are ca...