Login forms: Disable browser prompt to remember the password

In order to prevent the browser from asking whether to remember the password, give a form an autocomplete attribute with the value off:

<form "/session" method="post" autocomplete="off">

Rails example

form_for @model, :html => { :autocomplete => "off" } do |form|

Large forms are slow on the iPad

  • Forms with many inputs (600+ in my case) become extremely unresponsive on an iPad, up to the point where it can take several seconds for a control to respond to touch commands.
  • This is true for both iPad 1 and iPad 2 models.
  • While certain CSS styles can lead to performance issues, removing those styles won't help if the form simply is very large.
  • A workaround is to only show a limited number of form inputs at the time, e. g. by toggling groups of form...

Multi-line Ruby block in Haml

There are several options, but most of them are impractical. The best way is to use the :ruby filter:

  puts javascript_include_tag(
    :cache => true


How to use html_safe correctly

Back in the war, Rails developers had to manually HTML-escape user-supplied text before it was rendered in a view. If only a single piece of user-supplied text was rendered without prior escaping, it enabled XSS attacks like injecting a <script> tag into the view of another user.

Because this practice was so error-prone, the rails_xss plugin was developed and later integrated into Rails 3. rails_xss follows a different approach: Instead of relying...

Micro clearfix mixin for Sass

Clearfix is a hack to clear floating elements without additional HTML markup.

If you only need to support IE8 and above, a great clearfix with few side effects is:

    content: ""
    display: block
    clear: both

This is a Sass mixin.

Issues clearing with display: table

You will find many clearfix solutions that clear with display: table instead:

    content: ""
    display: table
    clear: both

The problem with th...

Stub methods on any instance of a class in Rspec 1 and Rspec 2

RSpec 1 (Rails 2)

With the most recent spec_candy.rb helpers you can say:

User.stub_any_instance(:foo => :bar)
user = User.new
# => :bar

RSpec 2 (Rails 3)

RSpec 2 comes with this feature built in:

User.any_instance.stub(:foo => :bar)
user = User.new
# => :bar

RSpec 3

How to change the order of nested forms being rendered (especially blank forms)

Generally for nested forms, a blank form is placed below all other existing object forms. If you would like to change the position of the blank form(s) you can reorder the object's one-to-many association. For example you can put the blank form on top with the following snippet:

actors = movie.actors
actors.unshift(actors.pop(1)) # won't work with Rails 4+

Because build_for_form creates new objects and ap...

Test that a form field has an error with Cucumber and Capybara

You can use the step definition below to say this:

Then the "Last name" field should have an error


Then /^the "([^\"]*)" field should( not)? have an error$/ do |field, negate|
  expectation = negate ? :should_not : :should
  page.send(expectation, have_css('.field_with_errors', :text => field))

Using heredoc for prettier Ruby code

You can use heredoc to avoid endlessly long lines of code that nobody can read. Heredoc strings preserve linebreaks and can be used like this:

def long_message
    Here goes a very long message...

<<-EOT will be somewhat of a placeholder: anything you write in the line after you used it will be its value until you write EOT in a single line.

You can use any string to flag your heredocs. To be more verbose you...

Rendering a custom 404 page in Rails 2

Simple: Tell the application controller how to handle exceptions, here a RecordNotFound error.
Do this with the following line:

# application_controller.rb

  rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :render_404

This will call the method render_404 whenever a RecordNotFound error occurs (you could pass a lambda instead of a symbol, too).
Now write this method:

def render_404
  render 'errors/404', :status => '404'

Finally create a 404 document views/errors/errors.html.haml.

%h1 Record...

Let a Rails 3 application make a request to itself

Ever wondered how Rails talks to itself in a Cucumber feature? In Rails 3 you can do it like this:

def rack_env(path)
  { "rack.input" => {},

request = rack_env('/users/new')
response = Rails.application.call(request)
status, headers, body = response

puts status # e.g. 200
puts headers.inspect # hash of headers
puts body.body # html of response body

Instead of Rails.application you can also call any Rack application.

When Rails no longer renders changes in view templates or Sass stylesheets

Do you have page caching enabled for the development environment and there are cached pages lying around in public/?

Fix: "undefined method `bytesize' for #<Array>"

I believe that when WEBrick has trouble bringing up your Rails application, the WEBrick component that is supposed to print you a pretty error message has a bug and sometimes fails with this message:

"undefined method `bytesize' for #<Array>"

Starting the application in Passenger gave me a stacktrace in log/development.log that pointed to the actual problem.

Possible causes discovered by looking at the logs

How to use Rails URL helpers in any Ruby class

If you have any class which requires access to some path methods generated by your routes. Even though you could technically include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers, this may include way too many methods and even overwrite some class methods in the worst case.

Instead, most of the time the following is advised to only make the desired methods available:

class Project
  delegate :url_helpers, to: 'Rails.application.routes'

  def project_path

Invoices: How to properly round and calculate totals

While it might seem trivial to implement an invoice that sums up items and shows net, gross and vat totals, it actually involves a lot of rules and caveats. It is very easy to create invoices where numbers don't add up and a few cents are missing. A missing cent is a big deal for an accountant, so it is important for your invoices to list correct numbers.

Note that this is not legal advice. Also note that while this note has a number of code examples in Ruby and MySQL, the concepts apply to all programming languages and data stores.

When ...

Always show all form errors during development

You've been there: A form cannot be submitted, but you don't see a validation error because the field at fault has no corresponding input field on the form. Because this is usually a bug, you insert debug information listing all errors into the form view. And once the bug is fixed, you forget to take out that debug information.

There is a better way. By copying one of the attached initializers into config/initializers, your forms will always render a small box listing all form errors in the bottom right corner of the screen. This box is n...

Distance of time in what you like: days, months, years

Sometimes the Rails helper #distance_of_time_in_words is using too much magic.
When you need a time difference in a specific unit, use this method:
def distance_of_time_in(unit, from, to)
diff = to - from

  if 1.respond_to? unit
    distance = diff / 1.send(unit)
    raise ArgumentError, "#{unit.inspect} is not supported as unit"

distance_of_time_in(:days, Time.now, 1.year.ago)
=> 365

Remove the .abs if you want the mathematical *differ...

How to make a single check box (or image, etc) align vertically

Consider this HTML:

<div style="line-height: 42px">
  <input type="checkbox" />

Even though the surrounding container defines a line-height, which vertically centers its inline elements, the check box will be top aligned if it is the only element inside the container.

It will be aligned correctly if the HTML looks like this:

<div style="line-height: 42px">
  <input type="checkbox" /> foo

Complex explanation here.

So the ac...

Ruby GetText will eval scripts containing ActiveRecord classes

When the Ruby parser module of Ruby-GetText comes across a file in one of its search directories (e.g. lib/scripts/) and finds out that you are defining ActiveRecord classes inside it, it evaluates the whole file. Here is how to avoid that.

What's happening?

Let's say you have the following script which is only run once, manually, via script/runner:

# lib/scripts/doomsday.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end

In that case we ...

Detect the current Rails environment from JavaScript or CSS

Detecting if a Javascript is running under Selenium WebDriver is super-painful. It's much easier to detect the current Rails environment instead.

You might be better of checking against the name of the current Rails environment. To do this, store the environment name in a data-environment of your <html>. E.g., in your application layout:

<html data-environment=<%= Rails.env %>>

Now you can say in a pi...

How to stub class constants in RSpec

Hint: There's another card with this helper for Cucumber features.

Sometimes you feel like you need to stub some CONSTANT you have defined in an other class. Since actually constants are called constants because they're constant, there's no way to easily stub a constant.

Here are three solutions for you.

Easiest solution

Rethink! Do you really need CONSTANT = %w[foo bar] to be constant? In many cases, setting it as a...

Capybara - The missing API

The Capybara API is somewhat hard for parse for a list of methods you can call on a Capybara node. Below you can find such a list. It's all copied from the Capybara docs, so all credit goes to the Capybara committers.

When you talk to Capybara from a Cucumber step definition, you always have page as the document root node, or whatever you scoped to by saying within(selector) { ... }. You can select child notes by calling page.find(selector) or page.all(selector). You can call the same ...