Unobtrusive jQuery to toggle visibility with selects and checkboxes

Use this if you want to show or hide part of a form if certain options are selected or boxes are checked.

The triggering input gets an data-selects-visibility attribute with a selector for the elements to show or hide, like

<%= :advancedness, [['basic', 'basic'], ['advanced', 'advanced'], ['very advanced', 'very_advanced]], {}, :"data-selects-visibility" => ".sub_form" %>

The elements that are shown/hidden look like

<div class="sub_form" data-show-for="basic"> 
  only shown for advancedness = basic 


Autofocus a form field with HTML5 or jQuery

In Webkit you can use the HTML5-attribute autofocus:

= form.text_field :title, :autofocus => 'autofocus'

Here is a jQuery fallback for browsers that don't speak HTML5:

var Autofocus = {

  supported: function() {
    return 'autofocus' in document.createElement('input');

  fake: function() {

  extend: function() {
    Autofocus.supported() || Autofocus.fake();



Test if a checkbox is checked in jQuery':checked')

Why your all.js is empty on staging or production

When you include a non-existing Javascript file, you probably won't notice it during development. But with caching active (on production or staging) Rails will write an empty all.js file without complaining.