Test that an exception or error page is raised in Capybara

You can use these step definitions:

Then /^I should not see an error$/ do
  (200 .. 399).should include(page.status_code)

Then /^I should see an error$/ do
  (400 .. 599).should include(page.status_code)

Note that you need to tag the scenario with @allow-rescue to test that an error is shown like this

Scenario: Accessing the admin area requires a login
  When I go to the admin area
  Then I should see an error

These step definitions will not work for @javascript scena...

Trigger an event with Javascript

This is non-trivial because you need to fake event objects and require different code for different browsers. Luckily, there is tool support for most types of events.

In jQuery you can say:


In Prototype you can use event.simulate.js from the Protolicious library to say:


To trigger custom events with Prototype, you can use the [built-in Element.fire()](http://api.prototypejs.org/dom/...

Bookmarklet to generate a commit message with Pivotal Tracker story ID and title

For clarity and traceability, your commit messages should include the ID and title of the Pivotal Tracker story you're working on. For example:

[#12345] Add Google Maps to user profiles
Optional further commit messages in the body

Also see Howto: Write a proper git commit message

To quickly generate such commit messages, add a new link "Commit" to your bookmarks and use the following Javascript as the link URL:

javascript:(function() { ...

Pay attention to the order of your submit buttons

If you have several submit elements (inputs or buttons with type="submit") that each cause different things to happen (e.g. you might have a button that sends an extra attribute) you might run into trouble when submitting the form by pressing the return key in a field.

When nothing fancy like a tabindex is defined it seems as if the first submit element inside a form is chosen (and has its attributes submitted) when pressing return.\
So, if possible, put your "default" (aka least harmful) submit element before others.

NB: If you s...

Efficiently add an event listener to many elements

When you need to add a event listener to hundreds of elements, this might slow down the browser.

An alternative is to register an event listener at the root of the DOM tree (document). Then wait for events to bubble up and check whether the triggering element (event.target) matches the selector before you run your callback.

This technique is called event delegation.

Performance considerations

Because you only register a single listener, registering is ...

Setting expiry dates for images, JavaScript and CSS

When deploying Rails applications you might have noticed that JS and CSS are not cached by all browsers.

In order to force Apache to add expiry dates to its response, add the attached .htaccess to the public directory. This will add a header such as Expires: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 07:21:45 GMT to the httpd response.

Configuring Apache

Check that you have mod_expires enabled. You need it for the attached .htaccess to work:

sudo a2enmod expires

Configuring Nginx

You can add this: