Fast rubocop autocorrection alias

The rubocop binary has a few interesting flags:

  • rubocop (using the --parallel default ) scans the current repository for linting issues while using multiple CPU cores
  • rubocop -a (or --autocorrect) safely corrects most offenses while doing a sequential scan
  • rubocop -A (or --autocorrect-all) also tries to correct unsafe suggestions

Autocorrection takes significantly longer on large projects because of the sequential nature.
To speed things up, you can use the following alias. It first checks in parallel if any files...

ASDF: A Version Manager To Rule Them All


asdf allows you to manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool and is backwards compatible by supporting existing config files, like e.g. .nvmrc or .ruby-version.

Getting Started

  1. Disable rbenv
    1.1 Delete or comment out source /home/$user/.rbenvrc in ~/.profile
    1.2 Delete or comment our eval "$(rbenv init -)" in ~/.bashrcor~/.zshrc`
    1.3 To take effect you may have to restart your shell or log out and log in again from your current linux session
  2. Install asdf by following the official [...

Rubymine: Configure CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + c to work with "Test Source Roots"

To navigate between test and test subject Rubymine requires you to set the test root sources as Test Sources Root.

In case you are using the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + c" to copy the reference path + you have set the "Test Sources Root" for your test folders, you might consider setting this keyboard to "Copy From Repository Root". This will return the path `spec/foo_spec....

Rails: Assigning associations via HTML forms

Let's say we have posts with an attribute title that is mandatory.

Our example feature request is to tag these posts with a limited number of tags. The following chapters explain different approaches in Rails, how you can assign such an association via HTML forms. In most cases you want to use Option 4 with assignable values.

The basic setup for all options looks like this:


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root "posts#index"
  resources :posts, except: [:show, :destroy]


Heads up: Deployment with newly generated SSH key (using ED25519) might fail

If you use a newer SSH key generated with the ED25519 algorithm instead of RSA (see Create a new SSH key pair), the deployment with Capistrano may fail with the following message:

The deploy has failed with an error: unsupported key type `ssh-ed25519'
net-ssh requires the following gems for ed25519 support:
 * ed25519 (>= 1.2, < 2.0)
 * bcrypt_pbkdf (>= 1.0, < 2.0)
See for more information
Gem::LoadError : "ed25519 i...

Story Checklist Template

This is an story checklist I use to work on stories. For this purpose I extracted several cards related to the makandra process and ported them into a check list and refined that over time a little bit.

This task list is divded by the Gate keeping process in the following steps:

1. Starting a new feature
2. Working on the story
3. Finishing a feature
4. After Review

Here are ...

git: find the version of a gem that releases a certain commit

Sometimes I ran across a GitHub merge request of a gem where it was not completely obvious in which version the change was released. This might be the case for a bugfix PR that you want to add to your project.

Git can help you to find the next git tag that was set in the branch. This usually has the name of the version in it (as the rake release task automatically creates a git tag during release).

git name-rev --tags <commit ref>


The more commonly used git describe command will return the last tag before a c...

Fixing wall of net/protocol warnings

After upgrading to Rails one of our apps printed a wall of warnings while booting:

/var/www/app/shared/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/net-protocol-0.2.1/lib/net/protocol.rb:68: warning: already initialized constant Net::ProtocRetryError
/home/deploy-app/.rbenv/versions/2.6.10/lib/ruby/2.6.0/net/protocol.rb:66: warning: previous definition of ProtocRetryError was here
/var/www/app/shared/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/net-protocol-0.2.1/lib/net/protocol.rb:214: warning: already initialized constant Net::BufferedIO::BUFSIZE

Jasmine: Mocking ESM imports

In a Jasmine spec you want to spy on a function that is imported by the code under test. This card explores various methods to achieve this.


We are going to use the same example to demonstrate the different approaches of mocking an imported function.

We have a module 'lib' that exports a function hello():

// lib.js

function hello() {
  console.log("hi world")

export hello

We have a second module 'client' that exports a function helloTwice(). All this does is call hello() ...

Caution: `.includes` can make `.ids` non-unique.

This can happen with a very simple model:

class Note
  has_many :attachments

Everything looks normal:

Note.all.to_a.size # => 8
Note.all.ids.size # => 8

Then .includes leads to weird results:

Note.all.includes(:attachments).to_a.size # => 8
Note.all.includes(:attachments).ids.size # => 12

If a note has 5 attachments, its id will be included 5 times.

With .preload it works as expected:

Note.all.preload(:attachments).to_a.size # => 8
Note.all.preload(:attachments).ids.size # => 8


I crea...

GitLab: Git alias for creating a merge request on push

Git allows you to set push options when pushing a branch to the remote.
You can use this to build an alias that automatically pushes a branch and creates a merge request for it.

Put this in your ~/.gitconfig in the [alias] section:

mr = push origin HEAD -o merge_request.create -o merge_request.draft

Now you can do git mr and a draft merge request will be created.
Target branch is your project's default branch, i.e. main or master.

To specify a different target branch, add -o


Git: Switch


git checkout is the swiss army of git commands. If you prefer a semantically more meaningful command for branch related tasks, use git switch instead.

You can use git switch since git 2.23.

Switch Branch

git branch
# * master
#   feature-branch

git switch feature-branch
git branch
#   master
# * feature-branch

git switch -
git branch
# * master
#   feature-branch


For this use case you can of course also use git checkout.

Switch on a Remote Branch

git branch -a
# * m...

Git: Restore


git checkout is the swiss army of git commands. If you prefer a semantically more meaningful command for restoring tasks, use git restore instead.

With this command you can ...

  • ... do unstaging - git restore --staged
  • ... discard staged changes - git restore --staged --worktree
  • ... discard unstaged changes - git restore
  • ... restore deleted files - git restore
  • ... restore historic versions - git restore --source
  • ... recreate merge conflicts - git restore --merge
  • ... specifiy...

Git commands to discard local changes

Use case

You have uncommited changes (you can always check by using git status), which you want to discard.


Now there are several options to discard these depending on your exact situation.
The headlines will differentiate the cases whether the files are staged or unstaged.

  1. Staged and unstaged changes
  2. [Staged changes](

Prefer using Dir.mktmpdir when dealing with temporary directories in Ruby

Ruby's standard library includes a class for creating temporary directories. Similar to Tempfile it creates a unique directory name.


  • You need to use a block or take care of the cleanup manually
  • You can create a prefix and suffix e.g. Dir.mktmpdir(['foo', 'bar']) => /tmp/foo20220912-14561-3g93n1bar
  • You can choose a different base directory than Dir.tmpdir e.g. `Dir.mktmpdir('foo', Rails.root.join('tmp')) => /home/user/rails_example/tmp/foo20220912-14...

How to get the git history of a file that does not exist anymore

If you want to see the git history of a project file, that doesn't exist anymore, the normal git log <path_to_file> won't work. You have to add certain flags to make it work:

git log --all --full-history -- <path_to_file>

Git: removing feature branches on merge

When working with feature branches, stale branches pile up over time. It's best to remove them right after merge, locally and on the remote, but it is a little tedious: you need to remember it, and perform the few steps manually each time.

Enter Git hooks. The folks at Liquid Light have built a little post-merge hook that will delete a feature branch on confirmation....

makandra tech survey - results

These are the results of the "personal tech stack survey". I've included only the most popular mentions, maybe it can help you find one or two useful tools for your own usage.

Desktop environment

pie title Desktop environment
    "Gnome" : 16
    "i3": 2
    "sway": 2
    "awesome": 1
    "bspwm": 1
    "mate": 1
    "xfce": 1

Gnome dominates (unsuprising, it's the Ubuntu default), but quite a few people use tiling window managers, most popular i3 and the mostly i3-compatible [sway](https://swaywm....

Fix for mysql2 error "Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for x.x.x but the client library is y.y.y."

This should be fixed in the latest LTS-branches of our mysql2 fork, 0.2.x-lts and 0.3.x-lts.


gem 'mysql2', git: '', branch: '0.2.x-lts' # for Rails 2.x
gem 'mysql2', git: '', branch: '0.3.x-lts' # for Rails 3.x

in your Gemfile, and do a

bundle update mysql2


mysql2 used to check that the client library used at runtime actually matches the one it was compiled against. However, at least on Ubunt...

Fix: esbuild assets are missing after capistrano deploy

Issue: You have an app using jsbundling-rails and esbuild. After deploy, the assets built by esbuild are missing in public/assets.

Solution: Add app/builds to your git repo (by adding a app/builds/.keep file).

Something in sprockets is caching paths and refuses to accept files in "unknown" locations.