CSS: How to find out the rendered font in chrome

The rendered font often depends on the local font your system provides, therefore you often find a rule like below in the computed style for an element:

font-family: Menlo,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace,serif

This means if your system has a font named Menlo, it will render the text with this font. Otherwise it will try Monaco and so on. For the last two fallback options the system is free to use any monospace font or if not present any serif font. At lea...

How to fix: Corrupt special characters in ZIPs on Linux

When you receive a ZIP file from a Windows user, umlauts and other non-latin1 characters in filenames may look corrupt, and probably will be corrupt when extracting the ZIP file.

The reason is encoding: Such archives are probably using Codepage 850. I am serious, 1987 is calling.

Fortunately, the unzip command can handle such files like so:

unzip -O CP850 file.zip

Interestingly enough, Rubyzip also compresses files that way. Probably so files look alright to Windows users.

How to resize your boot partition when there is an encrypted partition after it

Boot partitions from installations prior to the 16.04 era are terribly small. When you install updates and encounter errors due to a full /boot partition, consider risizing it.

If you can't do the steps described below, ask someone experienced to help you out.
This has worked 100% so far. 1 out of 1 tries. ;)

Scenario A: There is unassigned space on your physical drive

When there is some unpartitioned space on your drive, increasing the size of /boot is actually very easy (even though the list below is rather long). It only takes a...

Making httpclient use the operating system's SSL cert store

The httpclient gem comes with a custom SSL cert store.

While an customizable, application-level cert store is great when you need to deal with broken or self-signed certificates, you usually want to use the cert store from the underlying Linux. The Linux cert store is updated periodically while httpclient's cert store goes out of date and will eventually not be able to verify certs.

To use the cert store from the underlying operating system:

client = HTTPClient.new

Chrome: Making high-resolution website screenshots without add-ons

If you want to make a screenshot of a website that works well in print or on a high-DPI screen (like Apple Retina displays), here is how you can capture a high-resolution screenshot.

You can do this without an addon:

  • Open the website
  • If you have multiple monitoros:
    • Resize the Chrome window so it covers multiple monitors (in Linux you can hold ALT and resize by dragging with the right mouse button)
    • Zoom into the page using CTRL + and CTRL - so it covers most of the window area. Leave a little padding on the left and right so...

How to move all files in a folder to a new subfolder

Let's say you have a folder images and want to to move all files in there to a new subfolder public.

cd images
mkdir public
mv !(public) public

The !(public) excludes the new subfolder itself from being moved.

How to view Image Metadata on the Linux Command Line with ImageMagick

ImageMagick has a command line tool called identify which can read image metadata:

>identify -verbose DSC00136.JPG
Image: DSC00136.JPG
  Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 5472x3648+0+0
  Resolution: 350x350
  Print size: 15.6343x10.4229
  Units: PixelsPerInch
  Type: TrueColor
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: sRGB
  Depth: 8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 11...

Thinkpad: Disable Bluetooth on start-up

Add the following to /etc/rc.local:

(sleep 3 && echo disable > /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth)&

Bluetooth icon will be active for a few seconds, then turn gray.

Linux: Quickly create large files for testing

To create a 10 GB file:

fallocate -l 10G huge_file.dat

Linux: Using grep with a regular expression

You can use three different versions of the regular expression syntax in grep:

  • basic: -G
  • extended: -E(POSIX)
  • perl: -P (PCRE)

Difference between basic and extended:

In basic regular expressions the meta-characters '?', '+', '{', '|', '(', and ')' loose their special meaning; instead use the backslashed versions '?', '+', '{', '|', '(', and ')'.

Difference between extended (POSIX) and perl (PCRE): E.g. \d is not supported in POSIX.

This g...

Howto: Free disk space when /boot is full

Easy mode

This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course, includes obsolete kernel versions, with the explicit exception of the currently running kernel, the kernel version that was installed on the system before that and, of course, the latest updated version of the kernel. However, it will also remove any and all other packages that have been marked as installed automatically but have no other packages depending on them. This could lead to unexpected removal of package...

Fix external Displays switching not on when plugging notebook in docking station

If your external displays not switching on or showing a weird behavior (for e.g. all displays getting the same configuration all the time) you can fix it by switching off all external displays and re-enabling only one in the first step. Afterwards you can apply your whole configuration via xrandr. This behavior could be a bug in the kernel and may be fixed in linux 4.8.

Example display configuration

Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 5760 x 1200, maximum 32767 x 32767
eDP1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis...

Giving a presentation with a dual screen layout on linux

When giving a presentation with a projector it is sometimes better to use a dual screen layout instead of a cloned display. If you still want a preview of the projector screen on your primary screen, you can do this:

  1. Install x11vnc and a vnc viewer (e.g. xtightvncviewer).

  2. Connect the projector.

  3. In your system display settings, move the projector to the left or your primary screen (not strictly necessary, but I had weird clipping issues otherwise).

  4. Start a vnc server for your second display with

    x11vnc -clip xinera...

How to disable material design in Google Chrome

A few releases back, Chrome started using a Material Design UI on desktop. If you don't like it (on some window managers or GTK themes it's ugly), you can disable it.

  1. Visit chrome://flags/
  2. Search (Ctrl+F) for "Material Design"
  3. Switch to "Non-Material"
  4. Restart Chrome

Chrome's default theme should now be pretty again.

How to type brackets, braces, pipe, backslash, or at sign on OSX

On OSX (real or inside Browserstack), you need different keystrokes for your favorite special characters than you'd use on Linux or Windows.

Character OSX Keystroke
[ Alt+5
] Alt+6
{ Alt+8
} Alt+9
` ` (Pipe)
\ (Backslash) Alt+Shift+7
@ Alt+L

How to find out what is running on a port on a remote machine

By convention, common protocols use a defined port, like 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS.

You can use nmap to find out what service is running behind a given port, and most often see some details about it. This can be helpful if servers don't offer the services you expect for some ports. If you'd like to see what ports are listing on your local machine, you might want to use netstat instead of nmap.

Note that nmap's service discovery may trigger several requests.


When using nmap, adding the -A switch ...

Google Chrome: How to find out your currently installed theme

So you downloaded a theme for Chrome a while ago and don't remember which one it is?

You can go to chrome://settings/appearance (on Chrome 61+) to see the theme's name, and click a link to open it in the Chrome Web Store.

If you are on an older version, or if the above no longer works, you have to check Chrome's Preferences file.




/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Preferences



Icon font vertical alignment in Windows

I had an issue with icons from an icon font aligning differently on Linux, iOS and Windows (seemingly browser-independent). With vertical-align:middle, they aligned properly on Linux, iOS and macOS, whereas with a vertical-align of -18%, it looked good on Windows and iOS, but not Linux.

Further investigation showed that not only icons, but also normal capital letters aligned differently. No setting of vertical-align could fix this, neither top, bottom, middle, nor additional paddings or margins. It seems like browsers take the...

Linux: Find out which processes are swapped out

Processes in Linux might be put into Swap ("virtual memory") occasionally.
Even parts of a single process might be removed from memory and put into Swap.

In order to find out which processes remain within Swap, run this:

sudo grep VmSwap /proc/*/status | egrep -v "0 kB"

Keep in mind Swap is not evil by definition. Some bytes per process beeing put to Swap will not have that much of performance influence.

If you want the Linux virtual memory manager (which is responsible for the decision if and which processes are moved to Swap) to be...

How to fix: RubyMine / IntelliJ "find file" dialog losing focus on awesome wm

Many of our developers love to use the "awesome" window manager on Linux. However, RubyMine dialogs occasionally defocus while typing.

Here is a fix for that, tested on awesome 3.4, 3.5 and 4.0 (Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04).


Consider the following:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+N
  2. "Find file" dialog opens
  3. Type to search, file list appears
  4. Type more, file list is being replaced

If your mouse pointer hovers the file list, the main window is focused when the list is being replaced (or simply when it shrinks and your mouse pointe...