Code splitting in esbuild: Caveats and setup

TL;DR Still has caveats.

Code splitting is a feature of JavaScript bundlers that can keep huge libraries out of the main bundle.

How code splitting works

Like Webpack esbuild lets you use the await import() function to load code on demand:

// application.js
const { fun } = await import('library.js')


However, esbuild's code splitting is disabled by default. The code above would simply [inline](

Chromedriver: Connect local chromedriver with docker

Debugging your integration tests, that run a headless Chrome inside a docker image, is tricky.

In many cases you can connect your Chrome to a remote docker container like docker-selenium, which should be the preferred way when you try to inspect a page within your integration test.

Otherwise you might be able to start your docker container with --net=host and access your local chromedriver in the host address space host.docker.internal.

If both options above don't work for you here is a...

Fast rubocop autocorrection alias

The rubocop binary has a few interesting flags:

  • rubocop (using the --parallel default ) scans the current repository for linting issues while using multiple CPU cores
  • rubocop -a (or --autocorrect) safely corrects most offenses while doing a sequential scan
  • rubocop -A (or --autocorrect-all) also tries to correct unsafe suggestions

Autocorrection takes significantly longer on large projects because of the sequential nature.
To speed things up, you can use the following alias. It first checks in parallel if any files...

Rails: Fixing ETags that never match

Every Rails response has a default ETag header. In theory this would enable caching for multiple requests to the same resource. Unfortunately the default ETags produced by Rails are effectively random, meaning they can never match a future request.

Understanding ETags

When your Rails app responds with ETag headers, future requests to the same URL can be answered with an empty response if the underlying content ha...

ASDF: A Version Manager To Rule Them All


asdf allows you to manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool and is backwards compatible by supporting existing config files, like e.g. .nvmrc or .ruby-version.

Getting Started

  1. Disable rbenv
    1.1 Delete or comment out source /home/$user/.rbenvrc in ~/.profile
    1.2 Delete or comment our eval "$(rbenv init -)" in ~/.bashrcor~/.zshrc`
    1.3 To take effect you may have to restart your shell or log out and log in again from your current linux session
  2. Install asdf by following the official [...

JavaScript: Detecting the end of native smooth scrolling

When you use native smooth scrolling there is no built-in method to detect the end of the scrolling animation. Methods like scrollTo() don't return a promise. We will eventually get a scrollend event, but that is still some time away.

Until then I'm using the following `awaitScrollE...

Rails: Your index actions probably want strict_loading

By activating strict_loading you force developers to address n+1 queries by preloading all associations used in the index view. Using an association that is not preloaded will raise an ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError.

I think it's a good default to activate strict_loading in your controllers' #index actions. This way, when a change introduces an n+1 query, you...

SASS: Reusing styles from other files

SASS has an @extend keyword to inherit styles.

  color: red
    border: 1px solid red
    padding: 5px
    @extend .-framed
    border-width: 5px

When compiling, SASS will simply join the selectors. Note how .-homepage is written where .-framed was defined:

.alert.-framed, .alert.-homepage {
  border: 1px solid red;
  padding: 5px;
.alert.-homepage {
  border-width: 5px;


Unfortunately, this does...

Heads up: Deployment with newly generated SSH key (using ED25519) might fail

If you use a newer SSH key generated with the ED25519 algorithm instead of RSA (see Create a new SSH key pair), the deployment with Capistrano may fail with the following message:

The deploy has failed with an error: unsupported key type `ssh-ed25519'
net-ssh requires the following gems for ed25519 support:
 * ed25519 (>= 1.2, < 2.0)
 * bcrypt_pbkdf (>= 1.0, < 2.0)
See for more information
Gem::LoadError : "ed25519 i...

Rails: Using database default values for boolean attributes

In the past we validate and set default values for boolean attributes in Rails and not the database itself.

Reasons for this:

  • Older Rails didn't support database defaults when creating new records
  • Application logic is "hidden" in the database

An alternative approach, which currently reflects more the general opinion of the Rails upstream on constraints in the database, is adding default values in the schema of the database itself. We also ...

git: find the version of a gem that releases a certain commit

Sometimes I ran across a GitHub merge request of a gem where it was not completely obvious in which version the change was released. This might be the case for a bugfix PR that you want to add to your project.

Git can help you to find the next git tag that was set in the branch. This usually has the name of the version in it (as the rake release task automatically creates a git tag during release).

git name-rev --tags <commit ref>


The more commonly used git describe command will return the last tag before a c...

Fixing wall of net/protocol warnings

After upgrading to Rails one of our apps printed a wall of warnings while booting:

/var/www/app/shared/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/net-protocol-0.2.1/lib/net/protocol.rb:68: warning: already initialized constant Net::ProtocRetryError
/home/deploy-app/.rbenv/versions/2.6.10/lib/ruby/2.6.0/net/protocol.rb:66: warning: previous definition of ProtocRetryError was here
/var/www/app/shared/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/net-protocol-0.2.1/lib/net/protocol.rb:214: warning: already initialized constant Net::BufferedIO::BUFSIZE

Timecop: reset after each test

Timecop is a great gem to set the current time in tests. However, it is easy to introduce flakyness to your test suite when you forget to reset the time after the test.
This might be the case if:

  • a test freezes time and a later test does not work for frozen time
  • a later test needs the real current date to work correctly

Often you only notice these kinds of errors in rare cases when tests are executed in a particular order.

A way to avoid this is by using block notation (` ...

Jasmine: Mocking ESM imports

In a Jasmine spec you want to spy on a function that is imported by the code under test. This card explores various methods to achieve this.


We are going to use the same example to demonstrate the different approaches of mocking an imported function.

We have a module 'lib' that exports a function hello():

// lib.js

function hello() {
  console.log("hi world")

export hello

We have a second module 'client' that exports a function helloTwice(). All this does is call hello() ...

Heads up: network requests `Kernel#open` are not mocked with VCR

We usually rely on VCR and WebMock to prevent any real network connection when running our unit tests.

This is not entirely true: They are both limited to a set of HTTP libraries listed below (as of 2022). Direct calls to Kernel#open or OpenURI#open_uri are not mocked and will trigger real network requests even in tests. This might bite you e.g. in [older versions of CarrierWave](

Temporary solution for connection errors with rubygems

The problem

If you're experiencing that your bundle install command fails with an error message like this, might have issues with their ipv6 connectivity:

$ bundle install
Fetching source index from

Retrying fetcher due to error (2/4): Bundler::HTTPError Could not fetch specs from due to underlying error <timed out (>

The (a little bit dirty) possible solution

If that's actually the case, then you can try to deprioritize the ipv...

Local development with SSL and Puma

Sometimes the need arises for SSL in local development. We have guides for different webservers, this one is for puma.

  1. make sure mkcert is installed

  2. create an SSL certificate for localhost with mkcert:

$ mkcert-v1.4.4-linux-amd64 localhost
Created a new local CA 💥
  1. use the certificate in the Puma config config/puma.rb:
localhost_key = "#{File.join('localhos...

Generating and streaming ZIP archives on the fly

When your Rails application offers downloading a bunch of files as ZIP archive, you basically have two options:

  1. Write a ZIP file to disk and send it as a download to the user.
  2. Generate a ZIP archive on the fly while streaming it in chunks to the user.

This card is about option 2, and it is actually fairly easy to set up.

We are using this to generate ZIP archives with lots of files (500k+) on the fly, and it works like a charm.

Why stream downloads?

Offering downloads of large archives can be cumbersome:

  • It takes time to b...

Fix for mysql2 error "Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for x.x.x but the client library is y.y.y."

This should be fixed in the latest LTS-branches of our mysql2 fork, 0.2.x-lts and 0.3.x-lts.


gem 'mysql2', git: '', branch: '0.2.x-lts' # for Rails 2.x
gem 'mysql2', git: '', branch: '0.3.x-lts' # for Rails 3.x

in your Gemfile, and do a

bundle update mysql2


mysql2 used to check that the client library used at runtime actually matches the one it was compiled against. However, at least on Ubunt...