Exchange messages between Javascript and Flash
Flash movies (.swf files) can talk with Javascript code embedded in the same HTML page. There are two ways to do this:
- The preferred way is to use the ExternalInterface class to call Javascript functions from ActionScript, and to bind ActionScript functions to the Flash movie's DOM element so they can be called from Javascript.
- The deprecated way is to use the global [fscommand](http://help.adobe....
JavaScript: Moving elements inside an array, modifying the array in place
If you want to move an element inside an array, neither JavaScript/ES6+ nor libraries like LoDash offet that natively.
Here is a simple function instead that modifies the input array in place.
function moveArrayElement(array, element, offset) {
const index = array.indexOf(element)
const newIndex = index + offset
if (newIndex > -1 && newIndex < array.length) {
// Remove the element from the array
const removedElement = array.splice(index, 1)[0]
// At "newIndex", remove 0 elements and insert the removed el...
Simple debounce in vanilla JavaScript
Debouncing a method call delays its execution until after a specified time has passed.
If it's called again before that time has passed, its execution is delayed again.
This technique is commonly used to improve performance when code would be run more often than it needs to.
One example for that are scroll
event handlers in JavaScript: You want to react to a user scrolling, but it's enough to do that when they have stopped scrolling.
Here is a small JavaScript function that you can use for that:
function debounce(callback...
How to find child nodes that match a selector with JavaScript
Using querySelector
or querySelectorAll
in JavaScript, you can easily find descendants of a node that match a given selector.
But what if you want to find only children (i.e. direct descendants) of an element?
Easy: use :scope
. It references the element on which DOM API methods are being called:
element.querySelectorAll(':scope > .your-selector')
Consider this HTML
<div id="container1">
<div id="container1a">foo</div>
<div id="container1b">bar</div>
<div id="container1c">baz</...
Triggering JavaScript when an element is clicked
Often people need links which are not linked directly, but should trigger execution of JavaScript.
❌ Bad workarounds
You can find a lot of workarounds for that:
<a href="#">Do something with js!</a>
This defines an empty anchor. This may lead the browser to let the page jump to the top when the link is clicked, unless you callpreventDefault
on the event. This is probably not what you want. -
<a href="#!">Do something with js!</a>
This tells the browser to jump to an anchor!
. It depends on the browser implementation wha...
Terser is good at minifying JavaScript
Terser is a really good minifier ("compressor") for JavaScript code. I'm often surprised by the thoughtfulness of its compressed output.
Let's take this function:
function fn() {
if (a) {
return 'foo'
} else if (b) {
return 'foo'
} else {
return c()
Terser will reduce this to the following code:
Note how:
- The
statement has been replaced by a tertiary expression. This is often less readable, but it doesn't matter in c...
JavaScript: Humanizing durations
Modern JavaScript includes Intl.NumberFormat to format numbers in different formats and locales.
In this card, we describe a wrapper for it that humanizes a given number of seconds in the "next best" unit, like seconds, minutes, etc.
Example usage
>> new Duration(42).humanized()
=> '42 Sekunden'
>> new Duration(123456).humanized()
=> '1 Tag'
>> new Duration(123456).humanized('es')
=> '1 día'
Here is the code ...
JavaScript has a native event emitter
Suppose you want to implement a publish/subscribe pattern in your Frontend application to react to data changes and events. First, you might be looking for an event emitter library.
Today I learned that vanilla JavaScript comes with a native event emitter, which I've been indirectly using forever. There's no need for extra code!
const emitter = new EventTarget()
emitter.addEventListener('YOLO', () => {
// invoke attached event listeners
emitter.dispatchEvent(new Event('YOLO'));
Using regular expressions in JavaScript
Regular expressions in Javascript are represented by a RegExp
object. There also is a regex literal as in many other languages: /regex/
. However, they are used slightly differently.
Regex literal
- Usage:
- Shorthand for creating a regular expression object
RegExp() object
- Usage:
ornew RegExp("foo+")
- No surrounding slashes required (they're the literal markers)
- Since the argument is a string, backslashes need to be escaped as well:
- Regex objects [never eq...
Getter and setter functions for JavaScript properties
JavaScript objects can have getter and setter functions that are called when a property is read from or written to.
For example, if you'd like an object that has a virtual person.fullName
attribute that dynamically composes person.firstName
and person.lastName
var person = {
firstName: 'Guybrush',
lastName: 'Threepwood',
get fullName() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
set fullName(name) {
var parts = name.split(" ");
this.firstName = parts[0];
this.lastName = parts[1];
JavaScript: Calling a function with a variable number of arguments
This card describes how to pass an array with multiple element to a JavaScript function, so that the first array element becomes the first function argument, the second element becomes the second argument, etc.
Note how this is different from passing the entire array as the first argument. Compare these two different ways of calling fun()
in Ruby:
# Ruby
array = [1, 2, 3]
fun(array) # same as fun([1, 2, 3]) (1 argument)
fun(*array) # same as fun(1, 2, 3) (3 arguments)
Depending on your culture the spreading of array eleme...
How to accept or deny JavaScript confirmation dialogs in Capybara/Selenium
These methods are available to you:
page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.text # the confirmation text
Spreewald gives you steps like these:
When I confirm the browser dialog
When I cancel the browser dialog
Note that recent versions of Selenium will automatically dismiss confirmation dialogs. [Here is how to fix that](
How to read the current breakpoint tier(s) in JavaScript
To read the current breakpoint tier in JavaScript, employ this CSS:
:root {
--current-breakpoint-tier: xs;
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
--current-breakpoint-tier: sm;
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
--current-breakpoint-tier: md;
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
--current-breakpoint-tier: lg;
@media (min-width: $screen-xl-min) {
--current-breakpoint-tier: xl;
@media (min-width: $screen-xxl-min) {
--current-breakpoint-tier: xxl;
Then use this JavaScript:
A reasonable default CSP for Rails projects
Every modern Rails app should have a Content Security Policy enabled.
Very compatible default
The following "default" is a minimal policy that should
- "just work" for almost all applications
- give you most of the benefits of a CSP
In your config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
, set
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.object_src :none
policy.script_src :unsafe_eval, :strict_dynamic, :https # Browsers with support for "'strict-dynamic'" will ignore "https:"
JavaScript Sentry: How to check if errors will be reported
One really simple way to check whether JavaScript Sentry integration was successful (raven-js or @sentry/browser), is to create an erroneous event handler like this:
<h1 onClick="throw new Error('JavaScript Sentry was successfully integrated')">
My Website
… and clicking on the element afterwards.
If your site has a strict CSP, see Using inline event handlers with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP).
Adding Jasmine JavaScript specs to a Webpack(er) project
The goal is to get Jasmine specs running in a Rails project using Webpacker, with the browser based test runner. Should be easily adaptable to a pure Webpack setup.
Step 1: Install Jasmine
yarn add jasmine-core
Step 2: Add two separate packs
Since we do not want to mix Jasmine into our regular Javascript, we will create two additional packs. The first only contains Jasmine and the test runner. The second will contain our normal application code and the specs themselves.
We cannot...
esbuild: Compressing JavaScript harder with Terser
esbuild comes with a minifier that is good enough for most cases. If you're looking to squeeze out as many bytes as possible, you can consider compressing with Terser instead.
Using Terser will increase your build times significantly, but produce the smallest output:
| | Terser (3 pass) | Terser (1 pass) | esbuild |
JavaScript: Listening to a class getting added
Reacting on a class getting added can be done with a mutation observer. Example:
const items = document.querySelectorAll('.item')
const expectedClass = 'active'
const activeObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
if ( {
// Do something
items.forEach(item => activeObserver.observe(item, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class'] }))
Note that this is not a generic solution – it makes a few assumptions to simplif...
Javascript: Avoid using innerHTML for unsafe arguments
Make sure that you use the correct property when editing an HTML attribute. Using innerHTML
with unsafe arguments makes your application vulnerable to XSS.
: Sets the content of aNode
(arguments are HTML-safe escaped) -
: Sets the HTML of anElement
(arguments are not escaped and may not contain user content)
This hierarchy gives you a better understanding, where the textContent
and the innerHTML
properties are defined. It also includes (just for completeness) the innerText
property, whi...
JavaScript: Detecting the end of native smooth scrolling
When you use native smooth scrolling there is no built-in method to detect the end of the scrolling animation. Methods like scrollTo()
don't return a promise. We may eventually get a scrollend
event, but that is still some time away.
Until then I'm using the following `awaitScrollEn...
Jasmine: Expecting objects as method invocation arguments
To check if a method has been called in Jasmine, you first need to spy on it:
let spy = spyOn(window, 'alert')
expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Important message')
To expect an object of a given type, pass the constructor function to jasmine.any()
To expect an object with given key/value properties, use `jasmine.objectContaining(...
Unobtrusive JavaScript helper to progressively enhance HTML
The attached compiler()
function below applies JavaScript behavior to matching HTML elements as they enter the DOM.
This works like an Unpoly compiler for apps that don't use Unpoly, Custom Elements or any other mechanism that pairs JavaScript with HTML elements.
The compiler()
function is also a lightweight replacement for our legacy [$.unobtrusive()
Webpack(er): A primer
webpack is a very powerful asset bundler written in node.js to bundle (ES6) JavaScript modules, stylesheets, images, and other assets for consumption in browsers.
Webpacker is a wrapper around webpack that handles integration with Rails.
This is a short introduction.
If you haven't already, you need to install node.js and Yarn.
Then, put
gem 'webpacker', '~> 4.x' # check if 4.x is still cu...
JavaScript: New Features in ES2021
With ES2021 you now can use
, logical assignment operators, numeric separators andWeakRef
on all major browsers except IE11.
JavaScript's replace(searchValue, replaceValueOrFn)
by default replaces only the first match of a given String or RegExp.
When supplying a RegExp as the searchValue argument, you can specify the g
("global") modifier, but you have to remember doing that, hence using replace
when you expect global replacement is prone to errors.
When supplying st...