Ruby on Rails 4 and Batman.js

Batman is an alternative Javascript MVC with a similar flavor as AngularJS, but a lot less features and geared towards Ruby on Rails.

The attached link leads to a tutorial for a small blog written with Rails / Batman.js.

I'm collecting other Batman.js resources in my bookmarks.

RulersGuides.js demo

RulersGuides.js is a Javascript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page

Also available as a bookmarklet.

Pure CSS Timeline | CSSDeck

Clever hack to allow user interaction without Javascript (by using radio buttons and selecting on :checked).

Opal, A new hope (for Ruby programmers)

Opal is a source to source ruby to javascript compiler, corelib and a runtime implementation that currently passes 3000 rubyspecs w/a reachable goal of passing them all.

Understanding AngularJS service types

Angular comes with different types of services. Each one with its own use cases.

All of these services are singletons. You probably want to use Factory all the time.


  • is the parent of all other services (except constant)
  • can be configured using `app.config(function(Provider) { ...})
  • a little complex


  • simpler than Provider, but without configuration
  • definition: `app.factory('name', someFunction)
  • someFunction is called when the name service is instantiated and should return an object


Coffeescript: Caveat when cloning objects with fat-arrow methods

Coffeescript allows you to create classes whose methods are automatically bound to the correct this. You can do this by using a fat arrow:

class Person

  constructor: (name) ->
    @name = name

  sayHello: =>
    alert("Hello, I am #{@name}")

An important caveat is that when you clone such an object, all of its methods are still bound to the original instance:

eve = new Person("Eve")
eve.sayHello() # => "Hello, I am Eve"
bob = _.clone(eve) = "Bob"
bob.sayHello() # => "Hello, I am Eve"

I don't thin...

Test redirects to an external URL with Cucumber/Capybara

When a controller action redirects to an external URL (like you will find that this is hard to test with Cucumber and Capybara:

  • A non-Javascript Rack::Test scenario will just ignore the host and try to open /some/path in your local application
  • A Selenium test will actually follow the redirect, which you probably don't want either

There are two workarounds for this. You can use either, or a combination of both.

  1. Write a controller spec

Controller specs can test if a resp...

Selenium: How to close another tab (popup)

If you open a pop-up window [1] in your Selenium tests and you want to close it, you can do this:

# Find our target window
handle = page.driver.find_window("My window title")

# Close it

# Have the Selenium driver point to another window
last_handle = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last

Mind these:

  • find_window returns a window handle, which is something like `"{485fa8bd-fa99-...

Test that a form field is visible with Cucumber/Capybara

Spreewald now comes with a step that tests if a form field is visible:

Then the "Due date" field should be visible
But the "Author" field should not be visible

The step works by looking up the field for the given label, then checks if that field is hidden via CSS (or Javascript).

It is not currently tested if the label is visible or hidden. For this see: [Check that an element is visible or hidden via CSS with Cucumber/Capybara](

Geocoding Strategies - Google Maps API

The attached article outlines considerations when choosing client-side vs. server-side implementations of the Google Geocoding APIs (geocoder, directions, not maps drawing). The main points are:

  • On the server side you only get a fixed daily request quota
  • On the client side the quota is per-client, so basically unlimited
  • When implementing APIs on the server-side, be aware that quota is measured by IP. When hosting in the cloud **you don't always know which other services might...

occ/TraceKit ยท GitHub

Tracekit is a JavaScript library that automatically normalizes and exposes stack traces for unhandled exceptions across the 5 major browsers: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

CSS3 Animated Loading Bar

Shows how to implement an animated progress bar in pure CSS, without animated GIFs, Javascript or Flash.


Makes a robust determination of a user's timezone through Javascript.

Evening on Backbone.js/Views w/ Q&A with David Heinemeier Hansson - YouTube

Interesting interview with DHH, where he talks about how they made the new Basecamp feel very fast without using a lot of Javascript (most of Basecamp still lives on the server). The two tricks they used are PJAX and Russian Doll Caching.

How to test print stylesheets with Cucumber and Capybara

A print stylesheet is easy to create. Choose a font suited for paper, hide some elements, done. Unfortunately print stylesheets often break as the application is developed further, because they are quickly forgotten and nobody bothers to check if their change breaks the print stylesheet.

This card describes how to write a simple Cucumber feature that tests some aspects of a print stylesheets. This way, the requirement of having a print stylesheet is manifested in your tests and cannot be inadvertedly removed from the code. Note that you can...

PhoneGap Build

Write your app using HTML, CSS or JavaScript, upload it to the PhoneGap Build service and get back app-store ready apps for Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows Phone 7, Palm, Symbian, BlackBerry and more.

By compiling in the cloud with PhoneGap Build, you get all the benefits of cross-platform development but can still build apps just the way you like.

Updated: Capybara: Check that a page element is hidden via CSS

  • The step we used in the past (Then "foo" should not be visibile) doesn't reliably work in Selenium features.
  • I overhauled the entire step so it uses Javascript to detect visibility in Selenium.
  • The step has support for jQuery and Prototype projects, so it should be a drop-in replacement for all your projects.
  • For Rack::Test the step no longer uses XPath so you should be able to understand it when you are not a cyborg :)
  • There were some other cards detailing alternative steps to detect visibility. I deleted all these other cards s...

Click on a piece of text in Cucumber / Capyabra

The step definition below lets you write:

When I click on "Foo"

This is useful in Selenium features where the element you click on is not necessarily a link or button, but could be any HTML element with a Javascript event binding.

The easiest way to get this step is to use Spreewald. If you would like to add it manually, here is the step definition:

When /^I click on "([^\"]+)"$/ do |text|
  matcher = ['*', { :text => text }]
  element = page.find(:css, *matcher)
  while be...

jQuery Tag Cloud

TagCanvas is a Javascript class which will draw and animate a HTML5 canvas based tag cloud.

Use different CSS depending on whether elements render on the same line or multiple lines

You will find this useful when creating responsive designs that work well on small screens.

The attached Javascript gives a container different CSS classes (single_line or multiple_lines) depending on whether its children render on one line or multiple lines.

Initialize it with the selectors for container and children:

$(function() {

You can now use different CSS styles like this:

  &.single_line a
    // styles when all anchors are rendered on the same line...

Run Chrome in a specific resolution or user agent with Selenium

When you want to test how an web-application reacts in a specific resolution, you can set up a specific Selenium driver for some tests:

 Before('@chrome320x480') do
     Capybara.current_driver = :chrome320x480

 After('@chrome320x480') do

You can use either chromium or chrome beta (as of 2012.05 the Version "19.0.1084.41 beta" works), or any other member of the family. It only needs to supports the "--window-size" command-line switch. [See this list](

Navigating through the browser history in a cucumber feature using selenium

In order to navigate through the browser history. you can manipulate the window.history object via javascript like follows:

When /^I go back in the browser history$/ do

For further functions of the window and history objects check out this link.

An improved version of this step is now part of our gem spreewald on Github.


A small library to provide the Rails I18n translations in Javascript clients.


CodeMirror is a JavaScript component that provides a code editor in the browser. When a mode is available for the language you are coding in, it will color your code, and optionally help with indentation.