Bookmarklet to generate a Pivotal Tracker story from Zammad Ticket

This is a bookmarklet you can add to Chrome or Firefox which will allow you to create a story in Pivotal Tracker from a Zammad ticket. This might come in handy when creating stories for SWAT Teams.

But first you will have to set two variables in the script below:

  • pt_project_id: the ID of the Pivotal Tracker Project you want to add stories to. This can be found as part of the URL of the project (<pt_project_id>)
  • pt_token: the Pivotal Tracker token used for authentication. Can be found in y...

Jasmine: Testing AJAX calls that manipulate the DOM

Here is a Javascript function reloadUsers() that fetches a HTML snippet from the server using AJAX and replaces the current .users container in the DOM:

window.reloadUsers = ->
  $.get('/users').then (html) ->

Testing this simple function poses a number of challenges:

  • It only works if there is a <div class="users">...</div> container in the current DOM. Obviously the Jasmine spec runner has no such container.
  • The code requests /users and we want to prevent network interaction in our uni...


capybara-lockstep can help you with flaky end-to-end tests:

This Ruby gem synchronizes Capybara commands with client-side JavaScript and AJAX requests. This greatly improves the stability of a full-stack integration test suite, even if that suite has timing issues.

How to build a fully custom TinyMCE 5 dialog

TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG editor which is quite customizable.

  1. Add a custom button to the tinyMCE toolbar and tell tinyMCE to open a dialog with the route to your dialog's view.
  // ...
  toolbar: 'myCustomButton',
  setup: function(editor) {
      editor.ui.registry.addButton('myCustom Button', {

Clean up application servers when deploying

Our development process makes us deploy very often. As the number of releases grows, junk clogs up the hard drive of our application servers:

  • Old release code
  • Old tmp folders with compiled view templates etc.
  • Precompiled assets (Javascripts, images...) that no longer exist. When using the asset pipeline, Capistrano will symlink the public/assets directory to shared/assets. This is cool since we can still serve previous assets after a new release, in the window where browser caches might still have references to old assets. But i...

Check that an element is hidden via CSS with Spreewald

If you have content inside a page that is hidden by CSS, the following will work with Selenium, but not when using the Rack::Test driver. The Selenium driver correctly only considers text that is actually visible to a user.

Then I should not see "foobear"

This is because the Rack::Test driver does not know if an element is visible, and only looks at the DOM.

Spreewald offers steps to check that an element is hidden by CSS:

Then "foo" should be hidden

You can also check that an el...

A few recent CSS properties

  • Feature Queries (Edge 12+): Similar to @media queries, @supports blocks can be scoped to browsers that support a given declaration. There is CSS.supports() to do the equivalent in Javascript.

  • backdrop-filter (Edge 17+, but not FF): Applying filters to what is visible through an element.

  • [touch-action](https://d...

Waiting for page loads and AJAX requests to finish with Capybara

If you're using the Capybara webdriver, steps sometimes fail because the browser hasn't finished loading the next page yet, or it still has a pending AJAX request. You'll often see workarounds like

When I wait for the page to load
Then ...

Workarounds like this do not work reliably, will result in flickering tests and should be avoided. There is no known reliable way to detect if the browser has finished loading the page.


Instead you should wait until you can observe the result of a page load. E.g. if y...

Defining "partials" in pure HTML without additional rendering helpers

A while ago I tweeted a thread about how a small JavaScript snippet, one that can fit in a single tweet in fact, can be used to allow defining custom elements purely in HTML. This post will expand on the idea, show how the snippet works, and argue for why you might want to actually use this.

A nice trick that lets you define "partials" in HTML without any additional rendering technology on the server or client.

Using CSS transitions

CSS transitions are a simple animation framework that is built right into browsers. No need for Javascript here. They're supported by all browsers.

Basic usage

Transitions are used to animate the path between to property values. For example, to let the text color fade from red to green on hover, the following SASS is used (shorthand syntax):

  color: red
  transition: color .1s
    color: green

This tells the browser "whenever the color of an .element changes...

DOM API for jQuery users

General hints on the DOM

  • the root of the DOM is document
  • custom elements inherit from HTMLElement. They need a - (dash) in their name, e.g. <notification-box>.
  • event listeners don't have event delegation à la .on('click', cssSelector, handler)


Action jQuery DOM API equivalent
Find descendant(s) by CSS selector .find(selector) one: `.querySelector(selecto...

How to: Use Ace editor in a Webpack project

The Ace editor is a great enhancement when you want users to supply some kind of code (HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, etc).
It offers syntax highlighting and some neat features like auto-indenting.

For Webpack 3+

Integrate as described in the documentation. For example load ace Editor like this:

  function loadAceEditor() {
    return import(/* webpackChunkName: "ace" */ 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace').then(() => {
      return import(/* webpackChunkName: "ace" */ 'ace-builds/webpack-r...

Haml: Generating a unique selector for an element

Having a unique selector for an element is useful to later select it from JavaScript or to update a fragment with an Unpoly.

Haml lets you use square brackets ([]) to generate a unique class name and ID from a given Ruby object. Haml will infer a class attribute from the given object's Ruby class. It will also infer an id attribute from the given object's Ruby class and #id method.

This is especially useful with ActiveRecord instances, which have a persisted #id and will hence **generate the same selector o...

Font Awesome 5 migration guide

Font Awesome version 5 changed some icon names, and introduces new prefixes fab, far, and fas.

There is a JavaScript shim that you can use as a "quick fix". It allows you to keep v4 icon names on v5.

The linked page includes details on using that, and a migration guide including a list of icon renames.

ClockPicker: Android-style time picker for Bootstrap

ClockPicker is a JavaScript and Bootstrap implementation of an Android-style time picker which looks and feels great.

Unfortunately, it is no longer maintained.


Middleman does not fingerprint asset paths by default

We're using Middleman for some static sites like our blog.

Despite being very similar to Rails, Middleman does not add a fingerprint hash to its asset paths by default. This means that when you write this:

<%= javascript_include_tag 'all.js' %>

... you always get the same path, regardless of the contents of all.js:

<script src='/javascripts/all.js'>

Because browsers tend to cache assets for a while, this means that users might not get your changes until their cac...

object-fit polyfill by lazysizes

All new browsers support the new object-fit CSS property. It allows to specify how an element behaves within its parent element and is intended for images and videos. The most useful values are contain (fit-in) and cover (crop).

Unfortunately, IE does not support this yet. However, if you're already using lazysizes, you can use its object-fit polyfill!


In your Javascript manifest, require them like this:

#= require plugins/object-fit/ls.obj...

Dynamically uploading files to Rails with jQuery File Upload

Say we want …

  • to create a Gallery that has a name and has_many :images, which in turn have a caption
  • to offer the user a single form to create a gallery with any number of images
  • immediate uploads with a progress bar per image
  • a snappy UI

Enter jQuery File Upload. It's a mature library that can do the job frontend-wise. On the server, we'll use Carrierwave, because it's capable of caching images.

(FYI, [here's how to do the u...

Preloading images with CSS

Sometimes you want to preload images that you will be using later. E.g. if hovering over a an area changes its background image, the new image should be preloaded. If you only load it once the user starts hovering, there will be a delay until the background image flips.

The attached article explains how to preload images with only CSS. No Javascript required.

The gist is:

.element:after {
  content: url(img01.jpg) url(img02.jpg) url(img03.jpg);
  display: none;

thoughtbot/fake_stripe: A Stripe fake so that you can avoid hitting Stripe servers in tests.

fake_stripe spins up a local server that acts like Stripe’s and also serves a fake version of Stripe.js, Stripe’s JavaScript library that allows you to collect your customers’ payment information without ever having it touch your servers. It spins up when you run your feature specs, so that you can test your purchase flow without hitting Stripe’s servers or making any external HTTP requests.

We've also had tests actually hitting the testing sandbox of Stripe, which worked OK most of the time (can be flakey).

Manually uploading files via AJAX

To upload a file via AJAX (e.g. from an <input type='file'>) you need to wrap your params in a FormData object.

You can initialize a FormData using the contents of a form:

var form = document.querySelector('') // Find the <form> element
var formData = new FormData(form); // Wrap form contents

Or you can construct it manually, param by param:

var fileInput = document.querySelector('form input[type=file]');
var attachment = fileInput.files[0];

var f...

IIFEs in Coffeescript

In JavaScript we often use Immediately Invoked Function Expessions (or IIFEs) to prevent local variables from bleeding into an outside scope:

(function() {
  var foo = "value"; // foo is scoped to this IIFE

In Coffeescript an IIFE looks like this:

  foo = "value" # foo is scoped to this IIFE

There is also a shorthand syntax with do:

do ->
  foo = "value" # foo is scoped to this IIFE

You can also use do with arguments t...

Useful tricks for logging debugging information to the browser console

During debugging you might pepper your code with lines like these:

console.log('foo = ' + foo + ', bar = ' + bar)

I recommend to use variable interpolation instead:

console.log('foo = %o, bar = %o', foo, bar)

This has some advantages:

  1. It's easier to write
  2. Variables are colored in the console output
  3. You don't need to stringify arguments so the + operator doesn't explode
  4. If the variable is a structured object like a D...

How to render an html_safe string escaped

Once Rails knows a given string is html_safe, it will never escape it. However, there may be times when you still need to escape it. Examples are some safe HTML that you pipe through JSON, or the display of an otherwise safe embed snippet.

There is no semantically nice way to do this, as even raw and h do not escape html_safe strings (the former just marks its argument as html_safe). You need to turn your string into an unsafe string to get the escaping love from Rails:

embed = javascript_tag('var foo = 1337;') # This is an h...