Caching may break relative paths in your merged stylesheet

If you turn on stylesheet caching, it might happen that stylesheets from different locations with different relative pathes will be put together to one big stylesheet.

This stylesheet then resides in /stylesheets but still holds the old pathes, which aren't valid anymore. This leads to the effect that images are displayed on your local development machine (where caching is turned off automatically) but not on the server.

To fix this, either:

  • Move all stylesheets to the same folder
  • or have one cache per folder

Declare different CSS background-images for different locales

If you would like to use language specific layout (e.g. background-images) in your applications stylesheets you can achieve this easily by using the lang attribute in your views (ERB):

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<%= I18n.locale || 'en' %>" lang="<%= I18n.locale || 'en'%>">

or in HAML:

%html :xmlns => "", :"xml:lang" => I18n.locale || 'en', :lang => I18n.locale || 'en'

Then, in your stylesheet you can for example declare different background-images fo...

Large forms are slow on the iPad

  • Forms with many inputs (600+ in my case) become extremely unresponsive on an iPad, up to the point where it can take several seconds for a control to respond to touch commands.
  • This is true for both iPad 1 and iPad 2 models.
  • While certain CSS styles can lead to performance issues, removing those styles won't help if the form simply is very large.
  • A workaround is to only show a limited number of form inputs at the time, e. g. by toggling groups of form...

Web font embedding requires new CSS for IE9

If you embedded web fonts in the past years (e.g. by copying CSS from a Font Squirrel @font-face kit), that CSS won't work in Internet Explorer 9.

You can fix it by turning these styles...

  font-family: 'MyFont'
  src: url('myfont.eot')
  src: local("☺"), ('myfont.ttf') format("truetype")
  font-weight: normal
  font-style: normal

... into these:

  font-family: 'MyFont'
  src: url('myfont.eot')
  src: local("☺"), url('myfont.e...

Improve web font rendering in Windows by autohinting fonts

Web fonts are awesome. After being restricted to Arial for two decades there is finally a cross-browser way to embed fonts into web pages.

Unfortunately while web fonts look awesome on Linux and MacOS, they look horrible on Windows, a problem that gets worse with smaller font sizes.

The culprit is something called font hinting:


Give table columns equal width using CSS

If you want to distribute a <table>'s width equally over its columns, you can use the following CSS property:

table-layout: fixed

It is supported by every browser ever.

Parse & sort unique hits in logfiles

If you want to know the exact hits on your website (or whatever logfile you want) for a specific date without duplicates, here's how.
"Unique" means you don't want to count hits to an URL originating from the same IP twice.

You can use the attached script to do so:

# ./log_parser.rb 2011-10-04

27 hits on /rss.xml
36 hits on /stylesheets/fonts/slkscr-webfont.woff
37 hits on /stylesheets/fonts/slkscrb-webfont.woff
37 hits on /images/bullet.png
38 hits on /images/download.png
38 hits on /images/play.png

How to make a single check box (or image, etc) align vertically

Consider this HTML:

<div style="line-height: 42px">
  <input type="checkbox" />

Even though the surrounding container defines a line-height, which vertically centers its inline elements, the check box will be top aligned if it is the only element inside the container.

It will be aligned correctly if the HTML looks like this:

<div style="line-height: 42px">
  <input type="checkbox" /> foo

Complex explanation here.

So the ac...

Detect the current Rails environment from JavaScript or CSS

Detecting if a Javascript is running under Selenium WebDriver is super-painful. It's much easier to detect the current Rails environment instead.

You might be better of checking against the name of the current Rails environment. To do this, store the environment name in a data-environment of your <html>. E.g., in your application layout:

<html data-environment=<%= Rails.env %>>

Now you can say in a pi...

Capybara - The missing API

The Capybara API is somewhat hard for parse for a list of methods you can call on a Capybara node. Below you can find such a list. It's all copied from the Capybara docs, so all credit goes to the Capybara committers.

When you talk to Capybara from a Cucumber step definition, you always have page as the document root node, or whatever you scoped to by saying within(selector) { ... }. You can select child notes by calling page.find(selector) or page.all(selector). You can call the same ...

Always store your Paperclip attachments in a separate folder per environment

tl;dr: Always have your attachment path start with :rails_root/storage/#{Rails.env}#{ENV['RAILS_TEST_NUMBER']}/.

The directory where you save your Paperclip attachments should not look like this:


The problem with this is that multiple environments (at least development and test) will share the same directory structure. This will cause you pain eventually. Files will get overwritten and...

How to grep through the DOM using the Capybara API

When your Cucumber feature needs to browse the page HTML, and you are not sure how to express your query as a clever CSS or XPath expression, there is another way: You can use all and find to grep through the DOM and then perform your search in plain Ruby.

Here is an example for this technique:

Then /^I should see an image with the file...

Insert multiple blank rows into an Calc spreadsheet

Select as many rows as you'd like to insert by dragging over the row numbers on the left. Then right-click on any selected row number and select "Insert Rows". Calc will now insert multiple blank rows.

The inserted rows will copy the style from the row above the selection.

This is horrible.

Firefox 3.6 truncates long tables when printing

Possible fixes:

  • Upgrade your Firefox. It's fixed in 5.0.
  • Hunt down funny float or overflow directives in your CSS.
  • Remove <h1> and <caption> tags in proximity of your table (seriously).

Getting non-Aero toolbars for Thunderbird 5 on Windows 7

Thunderbird 5 brings a custom chrome on Windows Vista/7 that uses translucent Aero decorations on toolbars and menubars. Here is how to restore solid backgrounds if you don't like it.

Put the following into chrome\userChrome.css in your Thunderbird profile directory:

@namespace url("");
window {
  background-color: -moz-dialog !important;

(Re-)start Thunderbird afterwards.

If you need more info on where the userChrome.css is suppose...

Check whether an element is visible or hidden with Javascript


You can say:




jQuery considers an element to be visible if it consumes space in the document. For most purposes, this is exactly what you want.

Native DOM API

Emulate jQuery's implementation :

element.offsetWidth > 0 && element.offsetHeight > 0;

jQuery > 3

Query 3 slightly modifies the meaning of :visible (and therefore of :hidden).

Emulate jQuery'...

Using StaticMatic for static pages

Update: Staticmatic will not be further developed. They suggest to switch to middleman.

If you need to make a static web page and find yourself missing all your Rails comforts, take a look at StaticMatic.

This works like an extremely stripped down version of Rails, giving you

  • HAML
  • SASS
  • helpers
  • partials

When done, everything is simply compiled to s...

Center a float horizontally

Note: We have card with all CSS centering options. You probably want to head over there and get an overview over what techniques are available for your use case and browser requirements.

If you cannot use display: inline-block, centering a float can be useful if you want to center something and at the same time make its width automatically fit some content.

Use this SASS:
