Nested Spreewald patiently blocks are now patient
In Spreewald 1.10.4+, nested patiently
blocks are now patient.
Here is an example:
patiently do
patiently do
On spreewald 1.11.2+ the inner block will wait for the full configured wait time (by default 5 seconds). The outer patiently
block would now be out of time, but it will always be retried at least a second time. This behavior allows with_scope
to be patient, and it must be patient, as explained below.
In versions 1.10.4 - 1.11.1, inner blocks would keep giving the ou...
Spreewald: Content-Disposition not set when testing a download's filename
- You are not using javascript tests
- The file is served from a public folder (not via controller)
Problem description
If you deliver files from a public folder it might be that the Content-Disposition
header is not set. That's why the following spreewald step might raise an error:
Then I should get a download with filename "..."
expected: /filename="some.pdf"$/
got: nil (using =~) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
One solution...
Async/Await Will Make Your Code Simpler
Sometimes modern Javascript projects get out of hand. A major culprit in this can be the messy handling of asynchronous tasks, leading to long, complex, and deeply nested blocks of code. Javascript now provides a new syntax for handling these operations, and it can turn even the most convoluted asynchronous operations into concise and highly readable code.
Clicking issues with chromedriver
ChromeDriver clicking works by simulating a mouse click in the middle of the element's first client rect (or bounding client rect if it doesn't have a first client rect). (Clicking issues)
So if you are trying to click on an element, chromedriver
tries to click at the position where it first finds that element.
This can lead to some problems and unexpected behavior like:
Element is not clickable at point ...
erros - Another element which is now located at...
Looping through iterators in Coffeescript
Some modern Javascript APIs return iterators instead of arrays.
In plain Javascript you can loop through an iterator using
var iterator = ...;
for (var value of iterator) {
While there is a for...of
construct in Coffeescript, it iterates through property/value pairs and **...
How to open a new tab with Selenium
Until recently, you could open a new tab via
when using execute_script
in Selenium tests. It no longer works in Chrome (will show a "popup blocked" notification).
This is because browsers usually block
unless the user interacted with an element for security reasons. I am not sure why it did work via Selenium before.
Here is an approach that will insert a link into the page, and have Selenium click it:
path = "/your/path/here"
id = "helper_#{SecureRandom.hex(8)}"
execute_script <<-JAVASCRIPT
Bootstrap 4 is coming
What's new
- Moved from Less to Sass. Bootstrap now compiles faster than ever thanks to Libsass, and we join an increasingly large community of Sass developers.
Improved grid system. We’ve added a new grid tier to better target mobile devices and completely overhauled our semantic mixins.
Opt-in flexbox support is here. The future is now—switch a boolean variable and recompile your CSS to take advantage of a flexbox-based grid system and components. - Dropped wells, thumbnails, and panels for cards. Cards are a brand new co...
Flash-Free Clipboard for the Web
Unfortunately, Web APIs haven’t provided the functionality to copy text to the clipboard through JavaScript, which is why visiting GitHub with Flash disabled shows an ugly grey box where the button is supposed to be. Fortunately, we have a solution. The editor APIs provide document.execCommand as an entry point for executing editor commands. The "copy" and cut" commands have previously been disabled for web pages, but with Firefox 41, which is currently in Beta, and slated to move to release in mid-September, it is becoming available to Ja...
Testing focus/blur events with Cucumber
This is a problem when using Selenium with Firefox. We recommend using ChromeDriver for your Selenium tests.
This setup allows to test focus/blur events in Cucumber tests (using Selenium). For background information, see How to solve Selenium focus issues.
Cucumber step definition:
# This step is needed because in Selenium tests, blur events are not triggered
# when the browser has no focus.
When /^I unfocus the "(.*?)" field to trigger ja...
Make jQuery.animate run smoother with almost no code changes
jQuery comes with .animate()
that lets you transition some CSS selectors:
function floatIn($element) {
$element.css({ 'opacity': 0, 'margin-top': 200px });
$element.animate({ 'opacity': 1, 'margin-top': 0 }, { duration: 500 });
The animation is implemented using setInterval
and Javascript. This works great, but it's not as smooth as a CSS transition.
Fortunately the animate
API can be mapped almo...
Javascript library for drag'n'drop that seems to have more options than native HTML5 drag'n'drop.
They also claim to support "multi-touch", which would be awesome if it means that you can drag on touch devices.
Another library with similar aims is interact.js (Github).
They're pitching JavaScript drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE8+).
6 front-end techniques for Rails developers. Part I: From big ball of mud to separated concerns
Amazing guide how to divide a ball of Javascript spaghetti distinct separate layers (model, view, controller, backend adapter).
It does not use a Javascript framework.
How to call overwritten methods of parent classes in Backbone.js
When you are working with Backbone models and inheritance, at some point you want to overwrite inherited methods but call the parent's implementation, too.
In JavaScript, there is no simple "super
" method like in Ruby -- so here is how to do it with Backbone.
BaseClass = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(options) {
MyClass = BaseClass.extend({
initialize: function(options) {
hint.css - A tooltip library in CSS
A tooltip library that does not use Javascript. Works in IE9+.
This library (or the technique used by it) could be a great choice for projects with a lot of tooltips, which are hard to do fast with Javascript.
Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Instead of letting the browser recompile the JavaScript and CSS between each page change, it keeps the current page instance alive and replaces only the body and the title in the head.
This is similar to pjax, but instead of worrying about what element on the page to replace, and tailoring the server-side response to fit, we replace the entire body. This means that you get the bulk of the speed benefits from pjax (no recompiling of the JavaScript or CSS) without having to tail...
Drag'n'drop in trees: I went to town
For my Gem Session project Holly I ran the Ironman of drag'n'drop implementations:
- Dragging in nested lists
- User-definable order of items
- Complicated item elements with super-custom CSS and other Javascript functionality
- Items that can be both leaves and containers of other items
- has_ancestry on the server side
Things I learned:
- Be ready to write a lot of CSS. You need to indicate what is being dragged, where it will be dropped, if it is dropped above, below o...
Tabs in Textarea Plugin for jQuery
This is a demo of the "Tabby" Javascript jQuery plugin to use tabs in regular textareas to make them suitable for in-browser coding of languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, or your favorite server-side language. The idea is to be able to use a press of the TAB button or SHIFT+TAB to indent or outdent your code.
Rails 3: Make "link_to :remote => true" replace HTML elements with jQuery
In Rails 2, you could use link_to_remote ... :update => 'id'
to automatically replace the content of $('#id')
To do the same in Rails 3, include usual rails-ujs JavaScript, and put this into your application.js
$(function() {
.data('type', 'html')
.live('ajax:success', function(event, data) {
var $this = $(this);
IE7 not properly redrawing elements with position: relative
If you manipulate the DOM with JavaScript and your page contains nested elements with position: relative
, chances are Internet Explorer 7 will not properly move to the right position.
I have not found a fool-proof workaround, but these are options that have worked for me:
- Try to lose some
position: relative
attributes, so they do not nest. This is often impossible, though. - Force the correct redrawing of the elements using JavaScript. Adding a bogus class (
) seems to suffice. - Try to give the off...
Skip Selenium scenarios in a Cucumber run
Cucumber scenarios that are tagged with @javascript
so they run with Selenium are very slow. You might not want to run them every time.
In order to skip all Selenium scenarios, call Cucumber like this:
cucumber --tags ~@javascript
Note that you should still run all the scenarios, including the Selenium ones, before you push a change.
Test that an exception or error page is raised in Capybara
You can use these step definitions:
Then /^I should not see an error$/ do
(200 .. 399).should include(page.status_code)
Then /^I should see an error$/ do
(400 .. 599).should include(page.status_code)
Note that you need to tag the scenario with @allow-rescue
to test that an error is shown like this
Scenario: Accessing the admin area requires a login
When I go to the admin area
Then I should see an error
These step definitions will not work for @javascript
Using CSS3PIE cross-domain
Currently not possible as the linked .htc file contains JavaScript which is not explicitly called.
The developers are working on a pure JavaScript solution which will have some downsides but work across different domains.
jnicklas's capybara at master - GitHub
Capybara sets up some tags for you to use in Cucumber. Often you’ll want to run only some scenarios with a driver that supports JavaScript, Capybara makes this easy: simply tag the scenario (or feature) with @javascript:
CSS: How to force background images to scale to the container, ignoring aspect ratio
You can scale background images in CSS to the container size using background-size
Commonly, we use contain
or cover
because we want to preserve the image's aspect ratio.
If you do not want to do that, simply provide scaling values for X and Y:
background-size: 100% 100%
(a simple 100%
would mean 100% auto
and respect the image's aspect ratio)
SVGs with a viewBox will force their aspect ratio
The above may not work for you when ...