Upgrade guide for moving a Rails app from Webpack 3 to Webpack 4

Webpacker is Rails' way of integrating Webpack, and version 4 has been released just a few days ago, allowing us to use Webpack 4.

I successfully upgraded an existing real-world Webpack 3 application. Below are notes on everything that I encountered.
Note that we prefer not using the Rails asset pipeline at all and serving all assets through Webpack for the sake of consistency.


  • Remove version locks in Gemfile for webpacker
  • Remove version locks in package.json for webpack and webpack-dev-server
  • Install by ca...

Introduction to Google Tag Manager (for web developers who know Google Analytics)

As a web developer, you know Google Analytics (GA). Probably you've dropped the GA snippet into more than one website, maybe you've even used its Javascript API to implement tracking at the event level.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a related tool, but on a higher level and thus with much more power. GTM is not a replacement for GA. Rather, it can make GA configurable without changing anything in the application's code base (and much more beyond, see below).

Only prefer GTM if the customer requests it, or if he is updating his tracking r...

How to: Client-side language detection

When you have a localized website, you may want to redirect users to their preferred language when they visit the root path.
Here is how to do it without a server-side component (like a Rails application).

  • Use JavaScript's navigator.language (real browsers and IE11+) and navigator.userLanguage (old IEs).
  • Use a <meta> refresh as fallback
  • Provide buttons for paranoid users that disabled JavaScript and meta refreshs.


The following JavaScript will try to auto-detect a user's preferred language.

It understands string...

What you need to know about Angular SEO

Search engines, such as Google and Bing are engineered to crawl static web pages, not javascript-heavy, client-side apps. This is typical of a search engine which does not render javascript when the search bot is crawling over web pages.

This is because our javascript-heavy apps need a javascript engine to run, like PhantomJS or v8, for instance. Web crawlers typically load a web page without using a javascript interpreter.

Are we out of luck for providing good SEO for our Angular apps? This article will show you exactly what you nee...

Capybara: Pretending to interact with the document

Browsers blocks abusable JavaScript API calls until the user has interacted with the document. Examples would be opening new tab or start playing video or audio.

E.g. if you attempt to call video.play() in a test, the call will reject with a message like this:

NotAllowedError: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD


To pretend document interaction in a test you can create an element, click on it, and remove the element again. This unblocks the entire JavaSc...

Disable built-in dragging of text and images

Most browsers have built-in drag and drop support for different page elements like text and images. While this may be useful in most situations, it may become annoying in others. If you e.g. want to allow the user to scroll/move horizontally within a container by grabbing an item and moving the mouse, you will notice that nothing will move and you'll instead start dragging that element.

To disable this, add the following CSS to your content:

-webkit-user-drag: none
user-drag: none

-webkit-user-drag is only fully supported in ...

Minify Font Awesome fonts with webpack

Font Awesome 5 is a comprehensive solution for vector icons on your website.

Originally, Font Awesome came as an icon font (plus stylesheets), but recently it can also be used as a pure JavaScript solution (which will render icons as inline <svg> tags), or even as SVG sprites.

All solutions have their pros and cons:

Icon font:

  • little CPU load (no JavaScript)
  • fonts are relatively large
  • 1 extra HTTP request

Javascript + inline SVG:

  • higher CPU load (needs to watch the DOM via mutation observers to ad...

Rails Assets

Automatically builds gems from Bower packages (currently 1700 gems available). Packaged Javascript files are then automatically available in your asset pipeline manifests.

Why we're not using it

At makandra we made a choice to use bower-rails instead. While we believe Rubygems/Bundler to be superior to Javascript package managers, we wanted to use something with enough community momentum behind it that it won't go away in 10 years...

Using Firebug Lite to inspect HTML in Internet Explorer and other browsers

You know Firebug as a Firefox extension but there is also a "Lite" version which runs purely off JavaScript.

Though all major browsers offer inspection tools you may like the Firebug style. Also, for me this is a lot better than the IE8 developer tools -- and it works in older versions of IE, too.

Get the bookmarklet over at http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite#Stable. It usually loads the JavaScript code from a remote server but you can also download it to have it run locally. If adding the bookmarklet does not work in IE, add a new book...

Unpoly 2: Don't try to download files through AJAX requests

Rails has the handy controller method send_file which lets us download files easily. We can decide whether the file should be downloaded (disposition: 'attachment') or shown in the browser (disposition: 'inline'). The default is disposition: 'attachment'.

Downloading files will not work when you are calling the controller action from an AJAX request. The browser will try to render the file and insert it in the DOM, which is never what you want.

Unpoly 2

Unpoly (sin...

AngularJS directive to format a text with paragraphs and new lines

If you are using Angular and want something like Rails' simple_format which HTML-formats a plain-text input into paragraphs and line breaks, this directive is for you.

Any HTML fragments inside that text will still be escaped properly.

Use it like this, where your text attribute specifies something available in your current scope:

<simple-format text="email.message"></simple-format>

This is the directive, in CoffeeScript syntax:

@app.directive 'simpleFor...

Copy to clipboard without flash (clipboard.js)

We used zeroclipboard.js in some of our projects but now we switched to clipboard.js because it does not rely on flash. Flash support of the major browsers has ended.

Some more advantages of clipboard.js:

  • it consists only of a single javascript file, so it does not trigger additional requests with rails
  • it automagically provides user feedback by selecting the text it has copied
  • it provides callbacks for success and error which make it easier to add custom behaviour after copying to the clipboar...

Material Design Lite

CSS (+ some Javascript) framework, implementing Google's material design for static web pages.

Can be used for plain websites without requiring a full blown Javascript framework, unlike the (also excellent) Polymer paper elements, or Angular material.

Prelimiary impression:

I would recommend against using it at this stage, for a couple of reasons:

  • It is much less complete than you might expect from a CSS framewor...

How to detect touch-capable browsers

The easiest way to detect touch-capable browsers is to check for the presence of touch events. It is no 100% solution, but has by far the best cost-benefit ratio. (Know that this does not detect touch devices, but browsers.)


var isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in window


isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' of window

On the difference between the Javascript and the Coffeescript version, see [Beware: Coffeescript "in" is not the Javascript "in"](https://makandracards.com/makandra/31073-beware-c...

parallel_tests: Disable parallel run for tagged scenarios

Note: This technique is confusing and slows down your test suite.

Copy the attached code to features/support. This gets you a new Cucumber tag @no_parallel which ensures that the tagged scenario does not run in parallel with other scenarios that are tagged with @no_parallel. Other scenarios not tagged will @no_parallel can still run in parallel with the tagged test. Please read the previous sentence again.

This can help when multiple test processes that access a single resource that is hard to shar...

Capturing signatures on a touch device

If you need to capture signatures on an IPad or similar device, you can use Thomas J Bradley's excellent Signature Pad plugin for jQuery.

To implement, just follow the steps on the Github page.

The form

If you have a model Signature with name: string, signature: text, you can use it with regular rails form like this:

- form_for @signature, :html => { :class => 'signature_form' } do |form|
      = form...

Playing audio in a browser

If you want to play music or sounds from a browser, your choice is to use either Flash or the new <audio> tag in HTML5. Each method has issues, but depending on your requirements you might not care about all of them.


  • Works in all desktop browsers, even Internet Explorer. Does not work on iPads or iPhones.
  • Requires you to embed a Flash component into your page which will later play the audio for you.
  • Can play MP3s or Wave files. Cannot play OGG Vorbis audio.
  • Cannot reliably seek to a given position when playing VBR-enco...

Upgrading Cucumber and Capybara to the latest versions available for Rails 2

Specify these gem versions in your Gemfile:

gem 'cucumber', '~> 1.3.0'
gem 'cucumber-rails', '= 0.3.2' # max version for Rails 2
gem 'capybara', '< 2' # capybara 2+ requires Rails 3
gem 'mime-types', '< 2' # dependeny of capybara
gem 'nokogiri', '< 1.6' # dependency of capybara
gem 'rubyzip', '< 1' # dependency of selenium-webdriver, rubyzip 1+ requires Ruby 1.9
gem 'cucumber_factory'
gem 'database_cleaner', '< 1'
gem 'cucumber_spinner', '~> 0.2.5'
gem 'launchy', '~> 2.1.2'

With these versions set, `...

CSS: How to force background images to scale to the container, ignoring aspect ratio

You can scale background images in CSS to the container size using background-size (Demo).

Commonly, we use contain or cover because we want to preserve the image's aspect ratio.
If you do not want to do that, simply provide scaling values for X and Y:

background-size: 100% 100%

(a simple 100% would mean 100% auto and respect the image's aspect ratio)

SVGs with a viewBox will force their aspect ratio

The above may not work for you when ...

The HTML5 video element

# Basic HTML example
<video poster="preview_image.png" controls>
  <source src="or_here.webm" type="video/webm" />
  <source src="alternative_if_browser_cant_pay_first_source.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  <track src="optional_subtitles.vtt" kind="subtitles" srclang="de" label="Deutsch" default>

# Javascript API (notable methods and properties)
video = document.querySelector('video')
video.load() // Reset to the beginning and select the best available source
video.currentSrc // The selected source

Unpoly: Testing values for presence or blankness

In Ruby on Rails, all objects have a useful blank? method. It returns true for nil but also for empty strings or empty arrays. There is also a universal method present? which returns true for all values that are not blank?.

In JavaScript you need to roll your own implementation of blank? and present?.

If your application uses [Unpoly](...

Cheat Sheet for the modern DOM API

See the attached link for a useful overview of modern (and classic) DOM API methods, like matches, contains, append, cssText, etc.

You will still need to look up some documentation, e.g. on how to modify a ClassList, but it's still better than browsing interfaces and superclasses of Element on MDN without knowing what to look for.

When coming from jQuery, also see the card on JavaScript without jQuery. This card includes a link to [You Don't Need jQuery](https://github.com/nefe/You-Dont-Need-jQuery/blob/maste...

Nested Spreewald patiently blocks are now patient

In Spreewald 1.10.4+, nested patiently blocks are now patient.

Here is an example:

patiently do
  patiently do

On spreewald 1.11.2+ the inner block will wait for the full configured wait time (by default 5 seconds). The outer patiently block would now be out of time, but it will always be retried at least a second time. This behavior allows with_scope to be patient, and it must be patient, as explained below.

In versions 1.10.4 - 1.11.1, inner blocks would keep giving the ou...

Spreewald: Content-Disposition not set when testing a download's filename


  • You are not using javascript tests
  • The file is served from a public folder (not via controller)

Problem description

If you deliver files from a public folder it might be that the Content-Disposition header is not set. That's why the following spreewald step might raise an error:

Then I should get a download with filename "..."
expected: /filename="some.pdf"$/
     got: nil (using =~) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)


One solution...