How to monitor Sidekiq: A working example

In order to have monitoring for Sidekiq (like queue sizes, last run of Sidekiq) your application should have a monitoring route which returns a json looking like this:

  "sidekiq": {
    "totals": {
      "failed": 343938,
      "processed": 117649167
    "recent_history": {
      "failed": {
        "2016-11-06": 1,
        "2016-11-07": 46,
        "2016-11-08": 0,
        "2016-11-09": 0,
        "2016-11-10": 0
      "processed": {
        "2016-11-06": 230653,
        "2016-11-07": 230701,

Detecting if a Ruby gem is loaded

Detect if a gem has been activated

A gem is activated if it is either in the current bundle (Gemfile.lock), or if you have manually activated it using Kernel#gem (old-school).

To detect if e.g. activerecord has been activated:

if Gem.loaded_specs.has_key?('activerecord')
  # ActiveRecord was activated

Detect if a particular gem version has been activated

To detect if e.g. activerecord ma...

Capistrano: exclude custom bundle groups for production deploy

Capistrano is by default configured to exclude the gems of the groups development and test when deploying to the stages production and staging. Whenever you create custom groups in your Gemfile, make sure to exclude these, if they should not be deployed to the servers. The gems of these groups might not be loaded by rails, however, the deployment process will take longer as the gems will be downloaded and installed to the server.

e.g. to exclude the groups cucumber and deploy, add the following to `config/deploy/production.rb...

Ruby: __FILE__, __dir__ and symlinks

Ruby's __FILE__ keyword returns the path to the current file. On popular for this are Ruby binaries:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
require 'my_cli'!

However, if you create a symlink to this file, this will no longer work. __FILE__ will resolve to the path of the symlink, not to its target.

One solution is to use File.realpath(__FILE__).

In Ruby 2+ you can also use this:

$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../lib', __dir__)

__dir__ is simply a shortcut for `Fi...

Represent astral Unicode characters in Javascript, HTML or Ruby

Here is a symbol of an eight note: ♪

Its two-byte hex representation is 0x266A.

This card describes how to create a string with this symbol in various languages.

All languages

Since our tool chain (editors, languages, databases, browsers) is UTF-8 aware (or at least doesn't mangle bytes), you can usually get away with just pasting the symbol verbatim:

note = '♪'

This is great for shapes that are easily recognized by your fellow programmers.
It's not...

has_one association may silently drop associated record when it is invalid

This is quite an edge case, and appears like a bug in Rails (4.2.6) to me.

Update: This is now documented on Edgeguides Ruby on Rails:

If you set the :validate option to true, then associated objects will be validated whenever you save this object. By default, this is false: associated objects will not be validated when this object is saved.


# post.rb
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :attachment
# attachment....

Ruby's default encodings can be unexpected

Note: This applies to plain Ruby scripts, Rails does not have this issue.

When you work with Ruby strings, those strings will get some default encoding, depending on how they are created. Most strings get the encoding Encoding.default_internal or UTF-8, if no encoding is set. This is the default and just fine.

However, some strings will instead get Encoding.default_external, notably

  • the string inside a
  • some strings created via CSV
  • files read from disk
  • strings read from an IRB

Encoding.default_external d...

Download Ruby gems without installing

You can download .gem files using gem fetch:

gem fetch activesupport consul

This will produce files like active-support-5.0.0.gem and consul-0.12.1.gem in your working directory.

Dependencies will not be downloaded.

Testing terminal output with RSpec

When testing Ruby code that prints something to the terminal, you can test that output.
Since RSpec 3.0 there is a very convenient way to do that.

Anything that writes to stdout (like puts or print) can be captured like this:

expect { something }.to output("hello\n").to_stdout

Testing stderr works in a similar fashion:

expect { something }.to output("something went wrogn\n").to_stderr

Hint: Use heredoc to test multi-line output.

expect { something }.to output(<<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc).to_stdout...

PostgreSQL and its way of sorting strings

PostgreSQL uses the C library's locale facilities for sorting strings:

  • First, all the letters are compared, ignoring spaces and punctuation.
  • It sorts upper and lower case letters together. So the order will be something like a A b B c C
  • Then, spaces and punctuation are compared to break ties.


Ruby PostgreSQL
IMAGE3.jpg image2.jpg
image.jpg image3.jpg
image2.jpg IMAGE3.jpg
image3.jpg image.jpg

[PostgreSQL-FAQ: Why_do_my_strings_sort_incorrectly](

Ruby: Converting UTF-8 codepoints to characters

Converting string characters to or from their integer value (7-bit ASCII value or UTF-8 codepoint) can be done in different ways in Ruby:

  • String#ord or String#unpack to get character values
  • Integer#chr or Array#pack to convert character values into Strings

Character values to Strings


To get the character for a 7-bit ASCII value or UTF-8 codepoint (0-127) you can use Integer#chr:

# => "t"

To get a character for values larger than 127, you need to pass the encoding. E.g. to get codepoint 25...

How to organize monkey patches in Ruby on Rails projects

As your Rails project grows, you will accumulate a number of small patches. These will usually fix a bug in a gem, or add a method to core classes.

Instead of putting many files into config/initializers, I recommend to group them by gem in lib/ext:


How to Work With Time Zones in Rails

With different time zones

When dealing with time zones in Rails, there is one key fact to keep in mind:

Rails has configurable time zones, while
Ruby is always in the server's time zone

Thus, using Ruby's time API will give you wrong results for different time zones.

For consistency, you should only use Rails' methods, but the hard thing is to know which method originates from Ruby and which from Rails. To simplify this, adhere to the following suggestion:

Use for everything time-related

# E...

Install MySQL 5.6 in Ubuntu 16.04

Instead of using this hack you might want to use MariaDB 10.x which can work with both old and new apps.

An alternative could be to use the MySQL Docker image which is still updated for 5.6.

Ubuntu 16.04 only provides packages for MySQL 5.7 which has a range of backwards compatibility issues with code written against older MySQL versions.

Oracle maintains a list of official APT repositories for MySQL 5.6, but those repositories do...