IE9: Linear gradients remove border-radius and inset box-shadows

When you add a linear gradient to an element, IE9 removes all border-radius and inset box-shadows. This is because you probably are doing linear gradients with this weirdo Microsoft filter:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#0A284B', endColorstr='#135887');

filter hijacks the rendering of the entire element box, so you're out of luck. IE9 doesn't support CSS gradients.

A forward-looking workaround is to not use gradients and [emulate your gradients with box-shadows](

Validate attachment presence using paperclip

Make sure you call the methods in the following order and not vice versa:

has_attached_file :image
validates_attachment_presence :image

Validation with condition works fine, too:

validates_attachment_presence :image, :if => :method

This is because validates_attachment_presence is only available after saying has_attached_file.

Markdown/Commonmarker examples

This card shows you how to format a card's content using Markdown. We use the Commonmarker interpreter, so here are examples for its dialect.








> Quoted text

Quoted text

Here is [a link](

Here is a link.

![An image; this is the alt text](http:/...

CSS: Change text selection color

You can change the color for text selection via CSS, using the ::selection and ::-moz-selection pseudo-elements.

Adding this to your Sass will make all text selections use a red background:

  background-color: #f00

  background-color: #f00

Unfortunately, those can't be combined into "::selection, ::-moz-selection". Doing so will have no effect.

How to embed images in higher resolutions for printing

When you print out a HTML pages, all raster images (like PNGs) will appear aliased. This is because a printer's resolution is usually much higher than that of a computer screen.

If an image absolutely must look awesome when printed, a solution is to embed the image in much higher solution than needed (e.g. four times the horizontal resolution), then scale it down to the desired width using CSS.

Note that this will slightly alter the image's appearance on the screen because browsers will scale down the image [using an anti-aliasing method](...

Limiting CPU and memory resources of Paperclip convert jobs

If you're using Paperclip to store and convert images attached to your models, processing a lot of images will probably cause headache for your system operation colleagues because CPU and/or memory peaking.

If you're on Unix you can use nice to tell the Kernel scheduler to prefer other processes that request CPU cycles. Keep in mind that this will not help if you're running into memory or IO trouble because you saved some bucks when you ordered (slow) harddrives.

ImageMagick (the tool which is used by Paperclip to do all that funky ima...

Make Less interpret the escape codes in a logfile

The unix command line tool less is a good choice for browsing logfiles. In the standard configuration, though, it does not interpret the escape sequences used in the rails logfiles. To enable this type:

less -R my_logfile.log

You can also have an alias to save yourself the typing

alias less='less -R'

User friendly form design

There are two types of forms: User forms, e.g. for sign up, and Administration forms, to maintain data. They are quite different in purpose: The former must be simple and quick to fill in, whereas the latter should organize a lot of data in a reasonable way.


  • Simple is win.
  • Align forms vertically, one element below the other.
  • Never explain your form. If it is too complicated, redesign.
  • Skimp on lines and boxes. If you need them, something is wrong with your form.

A form element needs

  • Label. Above the field i...

Declare different CSS background-images for different locales

If you would like to use language specific layout (e.g. background-images) in your applications stylesheets you can achieve this easily by using the lang attribute in your views (ERB):

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<%= I18n.locale || 'en' %>" lang="<%= I18n.locale || 'en'%>">

or in HAML:

%html :xmlns => "", :"xml:lang" => I18n.locale || 'en', :lang => I18n.locale || 'en'

Then, in your stylesheet you can for example declare different background-images fo...

Parse & sort unique hits in logfiles

If you want to know the exact hits on your website (or whatever logfile you want) for a specific date without duplicates, here's how.
"Unique" means you don't want to count hits to an URL originating from the same IP twice.

You can use the attached script to do so:

# ./log_parser.rb 2011-10-04

27 hits on /rss.xml
36 hits on /stylesheets/fonts/slkscr-webfont.woff
37 hits on /stylesheets/fonts/slkscrb-webfont.woff
37 hits on /images/bullet.png
38 hits on /images/download.png
38 hits on /images/play.png

Auto-generate state_machine graphs as PNG images

The state_machine gem comes with a rake task that lets you generate PNG graphs from any model using state_machine.

Install the required dependencies like this:

sudo apt-get install graphviz
sudo gem install ruby-graphviz

You can now generate a graph like this:

rake state_machine:draw CLASS=ModelUsingStateMachine

Replace ModelUsingStateMachine with the name of your model class.

If it the raketask does not exist for you, add to Rakefile (in your pr...

When Balsamiq Mockups won't let you load an image file

Did you check Copy to Projects Asset as ... and there is an existing file with the same name in your project folder?

Convert the colorspace of a PDF from RGB to CMYK under Ubuntu Linux

Note that converting from RGB to CMYK will usually degrade your colors because no exact mapping is possible. Anyway, this Stackoverflow post worked for me:

-sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK \
-sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf