Live CSS / view reloading

Next time you have to do more than trivial CSS changes on a project, you probably want to have live CSS reloading, so every time you safe your css, the browser updates automatically. It's pretty easy to set up and will safe you a lot of time in the long run. It will also instantly reload changes to your html views.

Simply follow the instructions below, taken from

Install CSS live reload (only once per project)

  1. Add th...

Upgrading Rails 2 from 2.3.8 through 2.3.18 to Rails LTS

This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to 2.3.18, and then, hopefully, Rails LTS.

2.3.8 to 2.3.9

This release has many minor changes and fixes to prepare your application for Rails 3.

Step-by-step upgrade instructions:

  1. Upgrade rails gem
  2. Change your environment.rb so it says RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.9'
  3. Change your environment.rb so all invocations ...

News flash: Absolute CSS positioning on opposite sides is not a problem

Back in the old days, we couldn't do something like that:

.foo {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  /* This was bad: */
  left: 10px;
  right: 10px;

Why? Because IE5 and IE6 (which a majority of people used back then) failed horribly trying to render it.

I've now checked if this is still an issue with any browser that's not from the stone age. \
Turns out all is well -- except if you have to support IE6 and below, but then you're in some other kinds of trouble.

It works in all sane browsers, and Internet Explorer 7, 8...

Good real world example for form models / presenters in Rails

We have often felt the pain where our models need to serve too many masters. E.g. we are adding a lot of logic and callbacks for a particular form screen, but then the model becomes a pain in tests, where all those callbacks just get in the way. Or we have different forms for the same model but they need to behave very differently (e.g. admin user form vs. public sign up form).

There are many approaches that promise help. They have many names: DCI, presenters, exhibits, form models, view models, etc.

Unfortunately most of these approaches ...

How to horizontally center absolute positioned container with CSS

Note: We have card with all CSS centering options. You probably want to head over there and get an overview over what techniques are available for your use case and browser requirements.

Horizontally centering a static element in CSS is normally handled by setting the left and right margins to auto, for example:

$container_width: 100px
  width: $container_width
  margin: 0 auto

However, this w...

CSS: Combining different length units with calc()

calc() lets you mix CSS units. Ever wanted to give an element "the container's width minus 20px on each side"? Here you go:

.foo {
  width: calc(100% - (20px * 2));

When using Sass, you need to interpolate Sass expressions:

$margin: 20px * 2

  width: calc(100% - #{$margin})

Supported by all modern browsers and IE9+.

Minified JavaScript and CSS

JavaScripts and CSS should be minified for production use.

In Rails 3.1+ the asset pipeline will take care of this. Thus you're best off using an uncompressed version of your Javascript in development. Also load the non-minified versions of libraries. This way debugging will be easier and you will still get all the minification love once deployed.

In Rails 2.3 and 3.0 you should at least embed external JavaScript libraries in minified form, using something like JavaScript compressor.

Capturing signatures on a touch device

If you need to capture signatures on an IPad or similar device, you can use Thomas J Bradley's excellent Signature Pad plugin for jQuery.

To implement, just follow the steps on the Github page.

The form

If you have a model Signature with name: string, signature: text, you can use it with regular rails form like this:

- form_for @signature, :html => { :class => 'signature_form' } do |form|
      = form...

CSS: Set content from other attributes

You can use the content CSS attribute to set an element's content -- which is especially useful for the :before and :after pseudo elements:

a:before {
  content: 'Click me: ';

The above example would prepend "Click me:" to any link on the page.

Note that you can also refer the contents of other attributes of the element. So, if your links have a helpful title set, you could do this:

a:before {
  content: attr(title) ": ";

There also is a jsFiddle for the examp...

Test that a form field is visible with Cucumber/Capybara

Spreewald now comes with a step that tests if a form field is visible:

Then the "Due date" field should be visible
But the "Author" field should not be visible

The step works by looking up the field for the given label, then checks if that field is hidden via CSS (or Javascript).

It is not currently tested if the label is visible or hidden. For this see: [Check that an element is visible or hidden via CSS with Cucumber/Capybara](

Detect effective horizontal pixel width on a mobile device with Javascript

So you want to find out how many horizontal pixels you have available on a mobile device. This is super difficult because: