Ruby: Using all? with empty collection

Enumerable#all? returns true for an empty collection. This totally makes sense but you have to think about it when making assumptions on relations which might be empty.

[].all?(&:will_never_be_called_here) => true

Example with empty collection

class Researcher < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :papers

class Paper
  validates :topic, inclusion: { in: ['computer_science', 'mathematics', 'economy'] }

Easy goal: Delete all researches who write onl...

Carrierwave: Deleting files outside of forms

TL;DR Use user.update!(remove_avatar: true) to delete attachments outside of forms. This will have the same behavior as if you were in a form.

As you know, Carrierwave file attachments work by mounting an Uploader class to an attribute of the model. Though the database field holds the file name as string, calling the attribute will always return the uploader, no matter if a file is attached or not. (Side note: use #present? on the uploader to check if the file exists.)

class User < ApplicationRecord
  mount :avatar, ...

Rails and Postgres: How to test if your index is used as expected

This is a small example on how you can check if your Postgres index can be used by a specific query in you Rails application. For more complex execution plans it might still be a good idea to use the same path of proof.

1. Identify the query your application produces

query = User.order(:last_name, :created_at).to_sql
puts query
# => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."last_name" ASC, "users"."created_at" ASC

2. Add an index in your migration and migrate

add_index :users, [:last_name, :created_at]...

Form letters with LibreOffice Writer

This is painful. Consider using Microsoft Office or switching careers. If you need to write < 20 letters consider doing it manually.

So you didn't listen and here it comes:

  1. Ignore the Mail Merge Wizard. It will crash or destroy your document.
  2. Export your addresses, recipient names, etc. as a .ods spreadsheet (.xls, .xlsx, .ods). Use any columns that work for you, but be consistent. I like to use one column for the address, one column for the salutation line.
  3. Import the spreadsheet as an address book source: *Tools => Add...

Rails: Migration helper for inserting records without using models

You should avoid using application models in your migrations. But how else could you create records in a migration?

The most basic way is to write plain SQL, but since INSERT statements are no pleasant write for Rubyists, here is a simple wrapper:

Record creation helper for migrations

The helper method below takes a table name and a hash of attributes, which it inserts into the specified table. Copy it over to your migration and profit!


  def insert_record(table, **attributes)

PostgreSQL's OVERLAPS operator is not fully inclusive

PostgreSQL supports the SQL OVERLAPS operator. You can use it to test if two date ranges overlap:

=> SELECT ('2001-02-16'::date, '2001-12-21'::date) OVERLAPS
          ('2001-12-20'::date, '2002-10-30'::date);


An important caveat is that the date ranges are defined as start <= time < end. As such the later date is not included in the range:

=> SELECT ('2001-02-16'::date, '2001-12-21'::date) OVERLAPS
          ('2001-12-21'::date, '2002-10-30'::date);


Also compar...

Git: creating and deleting a tag

Git has two kind of tags:

  • annotated
  • lightweight

Annotated tags are stored as full objects in the Git database. They’re checksummed; contain the tagger name, email, and date; have a tagging message; and can be signed and verified with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)

The following command will create a (lightweight) tag:

git tag v0.1

An annotated tag is created by:

git tag -a v0.1 -m "a special tag message"

A normal git push will not push the tag. So in order to publish your (local) tags, you have to

git push --tags

How to install packages from newer Ubuntu releases

We're usually running Ubuntu LTS versions. Sometimes newer hardware requires packages from more recent Ubuntu releases that only come with 6 months of support. If there is really no other way, it's possible to install packages from later Ubuntu releases

Caution: Pay really close attention to what you're doing. Depending on the package, this process may require upgrading a lot of dependencies, possibly breaking the system! You really should not do this unless you've carefully calculated the impact on your system



Fixing flaky E2E tests

An end-to-end test (E2E test) is a script that remote-controls a web browser with tools like Selenium WebDriver. This card shows basic techniques for fixing a flaky E2E test suite that sometimes passes and sometimes fails.

Although many examples in this card use Ruby, Cucumber and Selenium, the techniques are applicable to all languages and testing tools.

Why tests are flaky

Your tests probably look like this:

When I click on A
And I click on B
And I click on C
Then I should see effects of C

A test like this works fine...

Be careful to use correct HTTP status codes for maintenance pages

When your public-facing application has a longer downtime for server maintenance or long migrations, it's nice to setup a maintenance page to inform your users.

When delivering the maintenance page, be very careful to send the correct HTTP status code. Sending the wrong status code might get you kicked out of Google, or undo years of SEO work.

Popular footguns

Here are some ways to shoot yourself in the foot during maintenance:

  • If all your routes send a "200 OK" with a HTML body "We're b...

Async control flow in JavaScript: Promises, Microtasks, async/await

Slides for Henning's talk on Sep 21st 2017.

Understanding sync vs. async control flow

Talking to synchronous (or "blocking") API

print('script start')
html = get('/foo')
print('script end')

Script outputs 'script start', (long delay), '<html>...</html>', 'script end'.

Talking to asynchronous (or "evented") API

print('script start')
get('foo', done: function(html) {
print('script end')

Script outputs 'script start', `'...

How to fix broken font collisions in wkhtmltopdf

If you are using PDFKit / wkhtmltopdf, you might as well want to use custom fonts in your stylesheets. Usually this should not be a problem, but at times they include misleading Meta-information that leads to a strange error in the PDF.

The setup

  • The designer gave you two fonts named something like BrandonText-Regular and BrandonText-Bold. (With flawed Meta-information)
  • You have a HTML string to be rendered by PDFKit
  • For demonstration purposes, this strin...

Association to polymorphic model does not determine inverse_of automatically

You need to set the :inverse_of option manually for relations that have an association to a polymorphic model. Otherwise you will not be able to save a record with a nested polymorphic association.

class Event < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :letters, as: :record

class Letter < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :record, polymorphic: true

event =! # => ActiveRe...

RSpec: How to define classes for specs

RSpec allows defining methods inside describe/context blocks which will only exist inside them.
However, classes (or any constants, for that matter) will not be affected by this. If you define them in your specs, they will exist globally. This is because of how RSpec works (short story: instance_eval).

describe Notifier do
  class TestRecord
    # ...
  let(:record) { }
  it { ... }

# TestRecord will exist here, outside of the spec!

This will come bite you at least when you try to define a ...

Rails: render a template that accepts a block by using the layout option of render

Let's say you have a form that you render a few times but you would like to customize your submit section each time. You can achieve this by rendering your form partial as layout and passing in a block. Your template or partial then serves as the surrounding layout of the block that you pass in. You can then yield back the form to the block and access the form in your block.


= form_for record do |form|

In order to make your template record/_form.haml accept a block whe...

How to avoid ActiveRecord::EnvironmentMismatchError on "rails db:drop"

After loading a staging dump into development, you might get an ActiveRecord::EnvironmentMismatchError when trying to replace the database (like rails db:drop, rails db:schema:load).

$ rails db:drop
rails aborted!
ActiveRecord::EnvironmentMismatchError: You are attempting to modify a database that was last run in `staging` environment.
You are running in `development` environment. If you are sure you want to continue, first set the environment using:

        bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development

Starting with R...

Postgres: How to force database sessions to terminate

If another session is accessing your database you are trying to reset or drop you might have seen the following error:

PG::ObjectInUse: ERROR:  database "foo_development" is being accessed by other users
DETAIL:  There is 1 other session using the database.

This could be the rails server, rubymine and many more. Beside terminating the session connection manually you can also find out the pid and kill the process.

1. rails db
2. SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

datid            | 98359
datname          | foo_developm...