Making media queries work in IE8 and below

When using @media CSS queries, Internet Explorer 8 and below will fail to respect them.

Though there are several options (like mediatizr and css3-mediaqueries), Respond.js was the only one that worked for me.

If you do not want to pollute your application's default JS file with Respond.js, simply:

  1. Create an extra JS file (like media_queries_polyfill.js) that loads Respond.js:

    //= require respond-1.4.2
  2. Make sure it's added to config.assets.precompile

  3. Embed that JS fi...

Sticky table header with jQuery

When you want the table headers to always stay around (e.g. because that table is huuuge), use the code below.


  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  width: auto;
  display: none;
  border: none;
  margin: 0;


;(function($) {
   $.fn.fixHeader = function() {
      return this.each(function() {
         var $table = $(this),

         function init() {
            $t_fixed = $table.clone();

Ruby: How to camelize a string with a lower-case first letter

If you want to do JavaScript-style camelization, ActiveSupport's String#camelize method can actually help you out. Simply pass a :lower argument to it.

>> 'foo_bar_baz'.camelize
=> "FooBarBaz"
>> 'foo_bar_baz'.camelize(:lower)
=> "fooBarBaz"

Howto prompt before accidentally discarding unsaved changes with JavaScript

Ask before leaving an unsaved CKEditor

Vanilla JavaScript way, but removes any other onbeforeunload handlers:

    document.body.onbeforeunload = function() {
      for(editorName in CKEDITOR.instances) {
        if (CKEDITOR.instances[editorName].checkDirty()) {
          return "Unsaved changes present!"

A robuster implementation example

Note: Don't forget to mark the 'search as you type' forms with the skip_pending_changes_warning class.

var WarnBeforeAccidentallyDiscard...

Make custom web font available within CKEditor content

  1. Make your custom web font available

  2. Add to ckeditor/config.js

    CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
      config.contentsCss = [
        '/assets/myCkeditorStyles.css', // any other file to encapsulate custom styles

It's not enough to provide the font face tags within your public folder. You have to explixitly call it within the ckeditor/config.js.


Prevent long strings from stretching your <table> with CSS

  • Give the table a style table-layout: fixed
  • Give the cells in the first row a width
  • The same width will be automatically used for following rows

Howto set jQuery colorbox overlay opacity

Setting the colorbox opacity by hash parameter when initializing doesn't work the way like the documentation tells you.

  $(selector).colorbox({ ..., opacity: 0.5, ... }); // has no effect

The opacity value of 0.5 will be overwritten by the inline style attribute style="opacity: 0.9" that colorbox sets.

To manually set the opacity you have to add the following css rule

  #cboxOverlay { opacity: 0.5 !important; }

Embed Font Awesome icons from your CSS

An annoying part of using font icons is that the icons usually need to live in the DOM. This is a step back from the time when we defined raster icons with background-image, in the CSS.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Copy the attached file font-awesome-sass.css.sass to your assets (we recommend /vendor/asset-libs/font-awesome-sass).

You can now use Font Awesome icons from your Sass files:

@import font-awesome-sass


Fix „command failed: /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf ...“ using PDFKit middleware

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64, Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.13, PDFKit 0.5.4, Phusion Passenger Apache 2

I ran into this, when I started using passenger to deal with the Single Thread Issue which caused my webrick to deadlock when an ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "...") occurred.

These steps brought me a little further

(1) assert dependencies are installed

 sudo aptitude install openssl build-essential xorg libssl-dev

(2) only for 64bits OS Run one by one the follo...

A simpler default controller implementation

Rails has always included a scaffold script that generates a default controller implementation for you. Unfortunately that generated controller is unnecessarily verbose.

When we take over Rails projects from other teams, we often find that controllers are the unloved child, where annoying glue code has been paved over and over again, negotiating between request and model using implicit and convoluted protocols.

We prefer a different approach. We believe that among all the classes in a Rails project, controllers are some of the hardest to...

Disable text-transforms in Selenium tests

Using text-transform: uppercase - especially on form labels - can cause you serious headaches in Selenium tests. Sometimes the web driver will see the uppercase text, sometimes it won't, and umlauts will be a problem as well.

Simply disable it in tests, by

  • adding a body class for tests

    %body{'data-environment' => Rails.env}
  • overriding the transforms

    [data-environment="test"] *
      text-transform: none !important

Many box shadows will make your app unusable on smartphones and tablets

Box shadows are awesome. Unfortunately they are also very costly to render. You will rarely notice the rendering time on a laptop or desktop PC, box shadows can make your app completely unusable on smartphones and tables. By "unusable" I mean "device freezes for 10 seconds after an user action".

But isn't it the future?

Not yet. Eventually mobile devices will become powerful enough to make this a no...

Sprites with Compass

Using CSS sprites for background images is a technique for optimizing page load time by combining smaller images into a larger image sprite.

There are ongoing arguments on how useful this still is, as modern browsers become more comfortable to load images in parallel. However, many major websites still use them, for example amazon, [facebook](...