Unpoly: Automatically show the full better_errors page when Rails raises an error

When an AJAX request raises an exception on the server, Rails will show a minimal error page with only basic information. Because all Unpoly updates work using AJAX requests, you won't get the more detailled better_errors page with the interactive REPL.

Below is an event listener that automatically repeats the request as a full-page load if your development error shows an error page. This means you get...

Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules - JakeArchibald.com

The way that Javascript schedules timeouts and promise callbacks is more complicated than you think. This can be the reason why callbacks are not executed in the order that they are queued.

Please read this article!

This is an extract of the example in the article which demonstrates the execution order of tasks and microtasks.

console.log('script start');

setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(function() {
}).then(function() {

IE11: Trigger native mouse events with Javascript

The attached Coffeescript helper will let you create mouse events:

$element = $('div')

The dispatched events are real DOM events, which will trigger both native and jQuery handlers.
jQuery's .trigger is simpler, but will only trigger event handlers that were bound by jQuery's .on.

Real user actions t...

How to add esbuild to the rails asset pipeline

This are the steps I needed to do to add esbuild to an application that used the vanilla rails asset pipeline with sprockets before.


  1. update Sprockets to version 4
  2. add a .nvmrc with your preferred node version (and install it)
  3. add gems jsbundling-rails and foreman to your Gemfile:
    gem 'jsbundling-rails'
    group :development, :test do
      gem 'foreman'
      # ...
  4. bundle install
  5. run bin/rails javascript:install:esbuild in a console to prepare esbuild.
  6. run yarn install...

Accessibility: Making non-standard elements interactive

A common cause of non-accessible web pages are elements that were made interactive via JavaScript but cannot be focused or activated with anything but the mouse.

❌ Bad example

Let's take a look at a common example:

<form filter>
  <input filter--query name="query" type="text">
  <span filter--reset>Clear Search</span>

The HTML above is being activated with an Unpoly compiler like this:

up.compiler('[filter]', function(filterForm) {
  const resetButton = filterForm.querySelec...

SASS: Adding, removing and converting units

Adding a unit

Multiply by 1x the unit:

$number = 13
$length = $number * 1px // => 13px

Removing a unit

Divide by 1x the unit:

$length = 13px
$number = $length / 1px // => 13

Converting a unit

the result of an addition or subtraction between two numbers of different units is expressed in the first member’s unit

Thus, to convert a number, add it to 0 of the desired unit:

$duration: .21s
$duration-in-milliseconds: 0ms + $duration // => 210ms

An example is storing a transition duration as CS...

Event delegation (without jQuery)

Event delegation is a pattern where a container element has a single event listener that handles events for all descendants that match a CSS selector.

This pattern was popularized by jQuery that lets you do this:

$('.container').on('click', '.message', function(event) {
  console.log("A message element was clicked!")

This technique has some advantages:

  1. When you have many descendants, you save time by only registering a single listener.
  2. When the descendants are changed dynamic...

Always disable autocomplete for date pickers

When we write a form with date fields, we often use graphical data picker like Rome to get a consistent calendar popup on all browsers.

When you integrate a date picker popup, remember to also set autocomplete="off" on the text input that opens the calendar on click. Otherwise the autocomplete suggestions will cover the calendar box and make it unusable:


If you are using a tool like Unpoly you might want to set autocomplete="off" i...

Webpack: How to avoid multiple versions of jQuery

To avoid multiple versions of a package, you can manually maintain a resolutions section in your package.json. We recommend you to do this for packages like jQuery. Otherwise the jQuery library attached to window might not include the functions of your packages that depend on jQuery.

Note: This is only an issue in case you want to use a package functionality from window e.g. $(...).datepicker() from your dev console or any other javascript within the application.


By default yarn will create a folder node_modules ...

HTML: Making browsers wrap long words

By default, browsers will not wrap text at syllable boundaries. Text is wrapped at word boundaries only.

This card explains some options to make browsers wrap inside a long word like "Donaudampfschifffahrt".

Option 1: hyphens CSS property

Modern browsers are able to hyphenate natively with the CSS property hyphens:

hyphens: auto

There is also hyphens: none (disable hyphenations even at &shy; entities) and hyphens: manual (hyphenation at &shy; only).
This feature was integrated [just ...

Caution when using the || operator to set defaults

I often see the use of || to set a default value for a variable that might be nil, null or undefined.

x = x || 'default-value'

This pattern should be avoided in all languages.

While using || works as intended when x is null or an actual object, it also sets the default value for other falsy values, such as false. false is a non-blank value that you never want to override with a default.

To make it worse, languages like JavaScript or Perl have [many more fal...

Escape a string for transportation in a URL

To safely transport an arbitrary string within a URL, you need to percent-encode characters that have a particular meaning in URLs, like & or =.

If you are using Rails URL helpers like movies_path(:query => ARBITRARY_STRING_HERE), Rails will take care of the encoding for you. If you are building URLs manually, you need to follow this guide.


In Ruby, use CGI.escape:

=> "foo%3Dfoo%26bar%3Dbar"

Do not ever use URI.encode or ...

How to make your application assets cachable in Rails

Note: Modern Rails has two build pipelines, the asset pipeline (or "Sprockets") and Webpacker. The principles below apply for both, but the examples shown are for Sprockets.

Every page in your application uses many assets, such as images, javascripts and stylesheets. Without your intervention, the browser will request these assets again and again on every request. There is no magic in Rails that gives you automatic caching for assets. In fact, if you haven't been paying attention to this, your application is probabl...

Using attribute event handlers with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)

Given you have a strict CSP that only allows <script src> elements from your own domain:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'

This will block JavaScript handlers inlined as attribute into your HTML elements. Clicking on the following link will only log an error with a strict CSP:

<a href="javascript:alert('hello')">click me</a>
<a href="#" onclick="alert('hello')">click me</a>

Solution 1: Move the handler into your JavaScript

The recommended solution is to move the handler from the HTML to the allowed ...

Code splitting in esbuild: Caveats and setup

TL;DR Still has caveats.

Code splitting is a feature of JavaScript bundlers that can keep huge libraries out of the main bundle.

How code splitting works

Like Webpack esbuild lets you use the await import() function to load code on demand:

// application.js
const { fun } = await import('library.js')


However, esbuild's code splitting is disabled by default. The code above would simply [inline](https://en.wiki...

Lazy-loading images


This card does not reflect the current state of lazy loading technologies. The native lazy attribute could be used, which is supported by all major browsers since 2022.

Since images are magnitudes larger in file size than text (HTML, CSS, Javascript) is, loading the images of a large web page takes a significant amount of the total load time. When your internet connection is good, this is usually not an issue. However, users with limited bandwidth (i.e. on mobile) need to mine their data budget...

How to make Webpacker compile once for parallel tests, and only if necessary

Webpack is the future. We're using it in our latest Rails applications.

For tests, we want to compile assets like for production.
For parallel tests, we want to avoid 8 workers compiling the same files at the same time.
When assets did not change, we do not want to spend time compiling them.

Here is our solution for all that.

Its concept should work for all test suites.

Copy the following to config/initializers/webpacker_compile_once.rb. It will patch Webpacker, but only for the test environment:

# Avoid hardcoded asset host...

Understanding the Selenium error "Modal Dialog Present"

So your Cucumber feature sometimes dies with this exception:

Modal Dialog Present (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError)

As a seasoned Selenium vetaran you are used to misleading error messages. Hence you might be surprised that the reason for this particular error is that there is actually a modal dialog present and preventing Selenium from executing commands like click or page.have_css?.

How your code triggers this issue

The reason why a dialog is shown is somewhat fucked ...

Debugging cucumber feature with javascript + firefox vnc

TL;DR Debugging problems with javascript errors in cucumber tests is sometimes easier in the browser. Run the test, stop at the problematic point (with Then pause from Spreewald 1.7+) and open VNC for Firefox.


Unobtrusive JavaScript and AJAX

Attached (see below) is some code to allow using unobtrusive JavaScript on pages fetched with an AJAX call.

After you included it, you now do not use the usual

$(function() { 

any more, but instead you write

$.unobtrusive(function() {

that is

  • $.unobtrusive() instead of $()
  • don't do stuff to the whole page, but just to elements nested below $(this)

Normal pages work as before (your $.unobtrusive functions are ca...

Lightning Talk: Coverage based Test Case Prioritization in Ruby on Rails

For my computer science bachelor's thesis I programmed and evaluated a CLI Test Case Prioritization (TCP) tool for makandra. It has been written as a Ruby Gem and was tested and evaluated against one Ruby on Rails project. This card will summarize and present the research results, the evaluation and the programmed CLI tool.

The code has been published for educational purposes on GitHub. The german bachelor's thesis has also been included for download at the end.


Use -webkit-line-clamp to natively truncate long (multi-line) texts with an ellipsis

Note: You won't need this for single lines of text. In this case it is better to just use the text-overflow property: Use CSS "text-overflow" to truncate long texts

You can use -webkit-line-clamp in your CSS/SASS to natively render an ellipsis (...) after a specific amount of lines for a multi-line text in your HTML.
Earlier, it was necessary to implement JavaScript solutions like Superclamp.js to enable this because the browser support has been rather limited...

Integrating ESLint


To ensure a consistent code style for JavaScript code, we use ESLint. The workflow is similar to integrating rubocop for Ruby code.

1. Adding the gem to an existing code base

You can add the following lines to your package.json under devDependencies:

  "devDependencies": {
    "eslint": "^8.7.0",
    "eslint-config-standard": "^16.0.3",
    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.25.4",

Rails asset pipeline: Using ESNext without a transpiler

If your app does not need to support IE11, you can use most ES6 features without a build step. Just deliver your plain JavaScript without transpilation through Babel or TypeScript, and modern browsers will run them natively.

Features supported by all modern browsers include:

  • fat arrow functions (() => { expr })
  • let / const
  • class
  • async / await
  • Promises
  • Generators
  • Symbols
  • Rest arguments (...args)
  • Destructuring

You won't be able to use import and export, or use npm modules.

See this [ES6 compatibility mat...