List of handy Ruby scripts to transcode different file types (often by using GPT)

It's 2024 and we have tools like ffmpeg, imagemagick and GPT readily available. With them, it's easy to convert texts, images, audio and video clips into each other.

For the everyday use without any parameter tweaking I'm using a collection of tiny scripts in my ~/bin folder that can then be used as bash functions. And: It's faster to use the CLI than interacting with a website and cheaper to use the API than buying GPT plus.. :-)


  • text-to-image "parmiggiano cheese wedding cake, digital art"
  • `text-to-audio "Yesterday I ate ...

In Chrome 121+ the now supported spec-compliant scrollbar properties override the non-standard `-webkit-scrollbar-*` styles

Up until Chrome 120, scrollbars could only be styled using the various -webkit-scrollbar-* pseudo elements, e.g. to make the scrollbars have no arrows, be rounded, or with additional margin towards their container.

Starting with version 121, Chrome now also supports the spec-compliant properties scrollbar-width and scrollbar-color.
These allow less styling. You may only specify the track and thumb colors, and a non-specific width like auto, thin, or none.

How to: Upgrade CarrierWave to 3.x

While upgrading CarrierWave from version 0.11.x to 3.x, we encountered some very nasty fails. Below are the basic changes you need to perform and some behavior you may eventually run into when upgrading your application. This aims to save you some time understanding what happens under the hood to possibly discover problems faster as digging deeply into CarrierWave code is very fun...

Whitelists and blacklists

The following focuses on extension allowlisting, but it is the exact same thing for content type allowlisting with the `content_ty...

Debug MiniMagick calls in your Rails app

Most of our applications use CarrierWave for file uploads. CarrierWave has an integrated processing mechanism for different file versions with support for ImageMagick through CarrierWave::MiniMagick (which requires the mini_magick gem). In case your processing runs into an error, CarrierWave will just swallow it and rethrow an error with a very generic message like Processing failed. Maybe it is not an image? which does not help you finding out what the actual problem is. CarrierWave probably does this for security purposes, but does n...

Advanced plotting in Ruby with Gnuplot

Besides Plotting graphs in Ruby with Gruff, which comes handy for many uses cases, you sometimes might need configuration for more advanced plots, e.g. for academic concerns. Then using Gnuplot, the first academic open source plotting software, might be a good option.

There are several wrappers for Ruby available and I mainly looked at one of the two most frequently used ones, which are [ruby_gnuplot](

Postgres in Alpine docker container: sorting order might differ

In CI test runs I noticed that string sorting order changed after switching from a debian-based PostgreSQL docker image to one that is based on Alpine Linux.

Debian image sorting: bar Bar foo Foo
Alpine image sorting: Bar Foo bar foo


Alpine Linux is a very slim linux distribution that results in small docker image sizes (roughly 100MB instead of 150MB), so it's a popular choice. However, it does not have all comman locales installed and does not use all locales that a user installs by default.
Postgres orders string co...

Node: How to run a globally installed package with npx

You can tell npm to install a package globally with npm -g install @puppeteer/browsers. However, it seems that its not possible that npx can run commands from global packages without referencing the global package path.


Installing @puppeteer/browsers globally:

$ npm -g install @puppeteer/browsers

The globally installed package @puppeteer/browsers can not be access via npx:

$ npx --no-install @puppeteer/browsers

npm ERR! canceled # Error message when package is not installed

But it is installed g...

CarrierWave: Processing images with libvips

When you write your next CarrierWave uploader, consider processing your images with libvips instead of ImageMagick.

Reasons for libvips

There are several upsides to using libvips over ImageMagick:

Chromedriver: Connect local chromedriver with docker

Debugging your integration tests, that run a headless Chrome inside a docker image, is tricky.

In many cases you can connect your Chrome to a remote docker container like docker-selenium, which should be the preferred way when you try to inspect a page within your integration test.

Otherwise you might be able to start your docker container with --net=host and access your local chromedriver in the host address space host.docker.internal.

If both options above don't work for you here is a...

Preventing users from uploading malicious content

When you allow file uploads in your app, a user might upload content that hurts other users.

Our primary concern here is users uploading .html or .svg files that can run JavaScript and possibly hijack another user's session.

A secondary concern is that malicious users can upload executables (like an .exe or .scr file) and use your server to distribute it. However, modern operating systems usually warn before executing files that were downloaded from t...

Rails: Fixing ETags that never match

Every Rails response has a default ETag header. In theory this would enable caching for multiple requests to the same resource. Unfortunately the default ETags produced by Rails are effectively random, meaning they can never match a future request.

Understanding ETags

When your Rails app responds with ETag headers, future requests to the same URL can be answered with an empty response if the underlying content ha...

SASS: Reusing styles from other files

SASS has an @extend keyword to inherit styles.

  color: red
    border: 1px solid red
    padding: 5px
    @extend .-framed
    border-width: 5px

When compiling, SASS will simply join the selectors. Note how .-homepage is written where .-framed was defined:

.alert.-framed, .alert.-homepage {
  border: 1px solid red;
  padding: 5px;
.alert.-homepage {
  border-width: 5px;


Unfortunately, this does...

How to turn images into inline attachments in emails

Not all email clients support external images in all situations, e.g. an image within a link. In some cases, a viable workaround is to turn your images into inline attachments.


Rails provides a simple mechanism to achieve this:

This documentation makes it look like you have to care about these attachments in two places. You have to create the attachment in t...

Carrierwave: Custom file validations inside custom Uploaders

Carrierwave's BaseUploader can have some validations that you can use by overriding a certain method, which's expected name is hard coded. A popular example is extension_allowlist, which returns an array of strings and let's you only upload files that have a filename with an extension that matches an entry in that array. Another useful validation can be size_range, which gives you a little bit of control over how your storage gets polluted.

This is often good enough, but some times you need to validate special cases.

Validations t...

git: find the version of a gem that releases a certain commit

Sometimes I ran across a GitHub merge request of a gem where it was not completely obvious in which version the change was released. This might be the case for a bugfix PR that you want to add to your project.

Git can help you to find the next git tag that was set in the branch. This usually has the name of the version in it (as the rake release task automatically creates a git tag during release).

git name-rev --tags <commit ref>


The more commonly used git describe command will return the last tag before a c...

How to develop designs for an enterprise customer

Usually, design development starts with drafts, sketches and prototypes. These are reviewed, refined and iterated until the final design is ready – shiny, accepted and ready for implementation. I believe this works well when you get to work with the final decider in person.

However, this approach is not successful when the customer has complex internal structures ("Enterprise"). While the drafts and iterations might be all approved by the department you're working directly with ("Fachbereich"), deciders further up the hierarchy (the CEO, po...

Heads up: network requests `Kernel#open` are not mocked with VCR

We usually rely on VCR and WebMock to prevent any real network connection when running our unit tests.

This is not entirely true: They are both limited to a set of HTTP libraries listed below (as of 2022). Direct calls to Kernel#open or OpenURI#open_uri are not mocked and will trigger real network requests even in tests. This might bite you e.g. in [older versions of CarrierWave](

A modern approach to SVG icons

You have some SVG files you want to use as icons on your website. How would you embed them?

Common options are:

  1. Use them with an image: <img src='path-to-icon.svg'>
  2. Embed them inline with <svg>$ICON</svg>
  3. Embed them using CSS and background-image: url(path-to-icon.svg) or even background-image: url(data:$ICON).
  4. Build your own icon font.

All of these have drawbacks:

  • Image and background-image do not allow to recolor the image using CSS.
  • Inline-<svg> are unnecessary work for the server and are...

How to see how many inotify instances are used by each process

As a developer you may have many tools watching your project for changes: Your IDE, Webpack, Guard, etc. This is often done with an inotify watcher. If you have too many inotify instances you may run into limits of your operating system.

To find out which process is using them all up you can run:
sudo find /proc/*/fd/ -type l -lname "anon_inode:inotify" -printf "%hinfo/%f\n" | xargs grep -cE "^inotify" | column -t -s:

You will get a list like:

/proc/3753/fdinfo/7      1
/proc/3774/fdinfo/7      1
/proc/4034/fdinfo/12     14

Inspect and Debug CSS Flexbox and Grid Layouts by using the Layouts Tab in Dev Tools


In Chrome DevTools in the Layouts tab you have handy options to debug CSS Flexbox and Grid. Including:

  • Display size and lines along with labels
  • Changing their attributes
  • Change how overlay is colored and fastly switch nested elements in the Elements panel

This guide will only cover some example gif recordings on how to use with Grid, since it's basically straight forward to apply this for Flexbox by yourself afterwards.

For this purpose a the link to documentation and a simple code pen have been added...