SAML Single Logout (SLO)

There are two ways a logout in SAML can happen: Service Provider (SP) initiated and Identity Provider (IDP) initiated logout. I'll explain how to implement both flows with devise_saml_authenticatable.


SAML also supports a SOAP and an Artifact binding to do this. This guide only refers to POST and Redirect bindings. devise_saml_authenticatable does not support SOAP and Artifact bindings.

SP initiated logout (using the Redirect Binding)

When the user clicks on Logout within the app, the app can trigger...

Rails: Testing file downloads with request specs


Prefer request specs over end-to-end tests (Capybara) to joyfully test file downloads!


Testing file downloads via Capybara is not easy and results in slow and fragile tests. We tried different approaches and the best one is just okay.

Tests for file downloads via Capybara ...

  • ... are slow,
  • ... are fragile (breaks CI, breaks if Selenium driver changes, ...),
  • ... need workarounds for your specia...

Best practices: Writing a Rails script (and how to test it)

A Rails script lives in lib/scripts and is run with bin/rails runner lib/scripts/.... They are a simple tool to perform some one-time actions on your Rails application. A Rails script has a few advantages over pasting some prepared code into a Rails console:

  • Version control
  • Part of the repository, so you can build on previous scripts for a similar task
  • You can have tests (see below)

Although not part of the application, your script is code and should adhere to the common quality standards (e.g. no spaghetti code). However, a script...

Maintaining custom application tasks in Rails

Here are some hints on best practices to maintain your tasks in larger projects.

Rake Tasks vs. Scripts

  • The Rails default is using rake tasks for your application tasks. These live in lib/tasks/*.
  • In case you want to avoid rake for your tasks and just use plain ruby scripts, consider lib/scripts/* as folder.

Keeping tasks slim

For readability and testing it's easier to keep your tasks slim.



module Gitlab
  module MaintenanceTasks
    class UserExport

Node: How to run a globally installed package with npx

You can tell npm to install a package globally with npm -g install @puppeteer/browsers. However, it seems that its not possible that npx can run commands from global packages without referencing the global package path.


Installing @puppeteer/browsers globally:

$ npm -g install @puppeteer/browsers

The globally installed package @puppeteer/browsers can not be access via npx:

$ npx --no-install @puppeteer/browsers

npm ERR! canceled # Error message when package is not installed

But it is installed g...

RSpec: How to write isolated specs with cookies


Rails offers several methods to manage three types of different cookies along with a session storage for cookies. These are normal, signed and encrypted cookies.

By following the happy path of testing a web application, that is only the main use-case is tested as a integration test and the rest as isolated (more unit ...

Chromedriver: Connect local chromedriver with docker

Debugging your integration tests, that run a headless Chrome inside a docker image, is tricky.

In many cases you can connect your Chrome to a remote docker container like docker-selenium, which should be the preferred way when you try to inspect a page within your integration test.

Otherwise you might be able to start your docker container with --net=host and access your local chromedriver in the host address space host.docker.internal.

If both options above don't work for you here is a...

Rails: How to test the parsed response body

Testing your responses in Rails allows to parse the body depending on the response MIME type with parsed_body.

get '/posts.json'
response.parsed_body # => [{'id' => 42,  'title' => 'Title'}, ...]

For JSON APIs we often parse the response as symbolized keys with JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true), which is not supported by parsed_body. For all other cases you might want to drop JSON.parse(response.body) and replace it w...

Jasmine: Creating DOM elements efficiently

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common task, we should have an efficient way to do it.

Let's say I need this HTML structure:

<ul type="square">
  <li>item 1</li>
  <li>item 2</li>

This card compares various approaches to fabricating DOM elements for testing.

Constructing individual elements

While you can use standard DOM functions to individually create and append elements, this is extremely verbose:

let list = document.createElement('...

JavaScript: Testing whether the browser is online or offline

You can use the code below to check whether the browser can make connections to the current site:

await isOnline() // resolves to true or false

Limitations of navigator.onLine

While you can use the built-in function navigator.onLine (sic), it is only a hint for whether the device can access the Internet.

When navigator.onLine === false you know for certain that the user device has no connection to the Internet. This mea...

Capybara: Most okayest helper to download and inspect files

Testing file download links in an end-to-end test can be painful, especially with Selenium.

The attached download_helpers.rb provides a download_link method for your Capybara tests. It returns a hash describing the download's response:

details = download_link('Download report')
details[:disposition]  # => 'attachment' or 'inline'
details[:filename]     # => 'report.txt'
details[:text]         # => file content as string
details[:content_type] # => 'text/plain'


Compared to [other approaches](...

RSpec: How to turn off partial double verification temporarily

While verifying doubles in RSpec is a good default, it is limited in the amount of methods it actually is able to verify.

The background is that RSpec can't verify dynamically defined methods, which is a known issue for the usage of helper_method and also the reason why [RSpec >= 3.6](

Jasmine: Testing if two arrays contain the same elements

When the order matters:


Regardless of order:


Ignoring extra elements:


RSpec: You can super into parent "let" definitions

RSpec's let allows you to super into "outside" definitions, in parent contexts.


describe '#save' do
  subject { }
  let(:attributes) { title: 'Example', user: create(:user) }

  it 'saves' do
    expect( eq(true)

  context 'when trying to set a disallowed title' do
    let(:attributes) { super().merge(title: 'Hello') } # <==

    it 'will not save' do
      expect( eq(false)

I suggest you don't make a habit of using this regula...

Using feature flags to stabilize flaky E2E tests

A flaky test is a test that is often green, but sometimes red. It may only fail on some PCs, or only when the entire test suite is run.

There are many causes for flaky tests. This card focuses on a specific class of feature with heavy side effects, mostly on on the UI. Features like the following can amplify your flakiness issues by unexpectedly changing elements, causing excessive requests or other timing issues:

  • Lazy loading images
  • Autocomplete in search f...

Accessing JavaScript objects from Capybara/Selenium

When testing JavaScript functionality in Selenium (E2E), you may need to access a class or function inside of a evaluate_script block in one of your steps. Capybara may only access definitions that are attached to the browser (over the window object that acts as the base). That means that once you are exporting your definition(s) in Webpacker, these won't be available in your tests (and neither in the dev console). The following principles/concepts also apply to Sprockets.

Say we have a StreetMap class:

// street_map.js
class S...

How to test inside iframes with cucumber / capybara

When testing with Cucumber / Caypbara, iframes are ignored, so you can't interact with them.

To interact with your iframe, you have to explicitly tell your driver to use it.
You can reference your iframe either through it's id, or if none given, by it's number:

When /^(.*?) inside the (.*?). iframe$/ do |nested_step, frame_number|
  page.within_frame(frame_number.to_i) do
    step nested_step

When /^(.*?) inside the (.*?). iframe:$/ do |nested...

Select2 alternatives without jQuery

Select2 is a fantastic library for advanced dropdown boxes, but it depends on jQuery.


Tom Select

There is a selectize.js fork called Tom Select. It is well tested, comes with Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5 styles and is easy to use. You might miss some advanced features.

Known issues:

  • Dynamic opt-groups in AJAX requests are not supported, you need to define them in advance on the select field (see <