PhantomJS is a minimalistic headless WebKit. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector...

Add deprecation warnings and their solution or link to available solutions. Global access to Rake DSL methods is deprecated. Please...

jQuery offers many different methods to move a selection through the DOM tree. These are the most important: $element.find(selector...

A while ago we were working on an application that had an entire version specially created for mobiles, such as...

When a has_many association basically serves to store a list of associated strings (tags, categories, ...), it can be convenient...

Terminus is a Capybara driver where most of the driver functions are implemented in client-side JavaScript. It lets you...

Ruby gem that provides an AR-style interface for the Pivotal Tracker API.

A well-written API can be a great asset to the organization that wrote it and to all that use...

Try our Apify gem which solves many problems you will be having.

Wrapper from Globalite API to the Rails 2.2 I18n API

This guide will walk you through the I18n API and contains a tutorial how to internationalize a Rails application from...

PUT means update the resource with this entity, which tends means "overwrite". Now think for a moment about how that...

makandra dev

This is a project to make a complete replacement for the default HTML generator for Rdoc, the API documentation-extraction...

The Echo Nest Remix API (“Remix,” for short) is an open-source programming framework written in Python. It provides numerous...

Most of the problems with cookies are due to breaking visibility,

Without intending to take anything away from Roy’s (valid) criticism on labeling, REST isn’t an all or nothing...

Rfm brings your FileMaker data to Ruby with elegance and speed. Now your Ruby scripts and Rails applications can talk...

You should endeavor to tell objects what you want them to do; do not ask them questions about their state...

The goal of modelling is to produce something substantially simpler than the world. This is achieved not through endlessly inventing...

makandra dev

Understand API usage.

Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. It provides a simple API for...

I brought up the question whether tests should call the translation API when checking for the presence of a string...

Mockito is a mocking framework that tastes really good. It lets you write beautiful tests with clean & simple API. Mockito...