When you need information about a gem (like version(s) or install path(s)), you can use the gem binary...
tl;dr: Use the URLSearchParams API to make your live easier if you want to get or manipulate query parameters...
Due to the way we setup Jasmine tests in our projects, you may run into various errors when Jasmine boots...
This card explains how to generate an entity relationship diagram for your Rails application. We also show how to limit...
Redis.current will be removed without replacement in redis-rb 5.0. Version 4.6.0 adds deprecation warnings for Redis.current and Redis.current=: `Redis.current...
While we are used to run our JavaScript tests on a test page within our Browser, it's also possible...
I recently was in a weird situation where my (Jest/CLI) tests were referencing a function that was no longer part...
RSpec's let allows you to super into "outside" definitions, in parent contexts. Example: describe '#save' do subject { described_class.new(attributes...
To ensure a consistent code style for JavaScript code, we use ESLint. The workflow is similar to integrating rubocop...
This are the steps I needed to do to add esbuild to an application that used the vanilla rails asset...
Sometimes we write plain SQL queries in migrations so we don't have to mock ActiveRecord classes. These two migrations...
Attaching files to a field that is handled by Carrierwave uploaders (or maybe any other attachment solution for Rails) in...
You want to deploy new features but the latest commits are not ready for production? Then use git merge master...
When Capybara locates elements in the DOM, by default it allows only accessing visible elements -- when you are using a...
Sometimes you need to access a dev server running on localhost from another machine that is not part of the...
RSpec Rails can automatically mix in different behaviors to your tests based on their type tag, for example enabling you...
You can use RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher to define a negated version of an existing matcher. This is particularly useful...
Proxy caching is a good feature to serve your publicly visible application content faster and reduce load on your servers...
ImageMagick can convert SVGs to raster image formats. Example for PNG: convert input.svg output.png If the SVG has a...
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is a European marketing association which has introduced a standard how advertising can be served...
Some users might use Adblock Plus or similar browser plugins to reduce the number of ads displayed. If you run...
From Exploring ES6: Module imports are hoisted (internally moved to the beginning of the current scope). Therefore, it doesn’t...
Modern versions of Capybara include a finder method #ancestor which allows you to find a parental element using CSS or...
Jasmine is a great way to unit test your JavaScript components without writing an expensive end-to-end test for...