PhantomJS has no binary builds for Linux, and building it yourself is painful. However, you can install it through npm...

makandra dev

First install Node.js / npm. Then you can install Bower through npm: sudo npm install -g bower

I recommend install Node.js using nvm. This way you can have multiple Node versions in your ~/.nvm. You also won...

makandra dev

DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. Here's what you should know before you...

If you need a postgresql extension for your database it isn't a good idea to give your applications database...

Use form models to handle this problem Or soften the validation to validates_presence_of :parent

makandra dev

tig is a command line explorer for Git that is just awesome. Install via apt-get or brew. Handy commands...

makandra dev

CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N : Search for any symbol in your application, like CSS classes, Ruby classes, methods, helpers etc...

In tests, it is sometimes useful to create records with specific ids. On PostgreSQL this can cause problems: Usually, PostgreSQL...

The migration DSL now supports adding and removing foreign keys. They are dumped to schema.rb as well. At this time...

Large projects usually have large test suites that can run for a long time. This can be annoying as running...

If you need to follow links, click buttons, etc. using Capybara inside an , you can do it like this:

In my RubyMine I have recorded two macros for debugging and linked them to some keyboard shortcuts. Since I believe...

Rails comes with grouped_collection_select that appears to be useful, but isn't. As an alternative, consider the flat...

There is no such thing as a "default order" of rows in database tables. For instance, when you paginate a...

sslscan is a nice tool to show details about TLS/SSL connections: ~> sslscan Testing SSL server on port 443...

makandra dev

Capistrano 3 is a major rework of the framework and requires several adjustments to your deploy configuration files. The biggest...

Please don't use the horrible datetime_select helper. It has a terrible UI. Always prefer to use a visual...

When you want to UPDATE a table with information from an associated table, you can JOIN the associated table into...

Several Rails migration methods accept index: true as an option to create an index. In some cases (like #add_column...

makandra dev

There are times when you have a chunk of text that you want to do something with, e.g. replace something...

makandra dev

Code folding is a very useful feature to me. It gives me a quick overview over a file and keeps...

Starting from Rails 4.0, you can use a special form options helper called #collection_check_boxes. It behaves similar to...

There are some frontends available, but they all suck, are no longer maintained or are hard to install.