Spreewald 1.3.0 comes with these steps: Then I should see an element ".panel" Then I should not see an element...


Web safe fonts are fonts that are pre-installed by many operating systems. While not all systems have the same...

makandra dev

Note This card does not reflect the current state of lazy loading technologies. The native lazy attribute could be used...

Our applications not only need to be functional, they need to be fast. But, to quote Donald Knuth, premature optimization...

makandra dev

I figure we needed a definitive reference for what work is triggered by changing various CSS properties. It's something...

As the web is being used for more and more tasks, expectations rise. Not only should web pages offer rich...


With ngAnimate, you can easily animate certain events (see directive support). We'll make use of ngClass animations to style...


All browsers + IE9 know the CSS :empty selector. It lets you hide an element when it has no content, i.e...

makandra dev

Moved from Less to Sass. Bootstrap now compiles faster than ever thanks to Libsass, and we join...

makandra dev

Using the CSS border-radius property, we can create rounded shapes and circles. Add some gradients and they become spheres...

Spreewald comes with a selector_for helper that matches an English term like the user's profile into a CSS...

makandra dev

Free Bootstrap theme resembling Material Design. Bootswatch offers Sass and Less files, so the theme can easily be integrated into...

makandra dev

CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N : Search for any symbol in your application, like CSS classes, Ruby classes, methods, helpers etc...

iPads will not trigger click events for all elements. You can fix that, but you don't want to know...

makandra dev

This blew my mind today: 12 Little-Known CSS Facts 12 Little-Known CSS Facts (The Sequel) Please make sure...

makandra dev

CSS (+ some Javascript) framework, implementing Google's material design for static web pages. Can be used for plain websites without...


CSS support in major e-mail clients is horrible. This will give you an overview what you will not be...


Insanely detailled guide about controlling copy & paste behavior using web technology in 2015. Note that you can now trigger a...


Small web application where you can upload an image (PNG, JPEG, GIF) and generate a base64-encoded version of it...

Note: Making a reverse proxy with nginx is much more straightforward. A reverse proxy is a "man in the middle...


Datetime picker that offers: simple UI without a specific framework several of customization options allows custom date/time validations Localization happens...

Rails comes with a Rake task notes that shows code comments that start with "TODO", "FIXME", or "OPTIMIZE".

makandra dev

Fontawesome 4 ships with many useful CSS helper classes. Enlarge Icon Add fa-lg (133%), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa...


Fontawesome 4 has introduced new naming conventions that make it easy to retrieve variants of a given icon.