Use return to return from a method. return accepts a value that will be the return value of the...

before(:all) runs the block once before all of the examples. before(:each) runs the block once before each...

There are many approaches out there how you can import data from a legacy application to a new application. Here...

You can not use the hash_including argument matcher with a nested hash: describe 'user' do let(:user) { {id: 1...

Follow the instructions here. PRs at makandra/rubocop-config are welcome. Also check the issue tracker. RubyMine Since version 2017-1 RubyMine...

When using geordi for integration tests you might get the following error when trying to run geordi cucumber:

Rails default config uses the ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore and disables controller caching for all environments except production: config.action_controller.perform_caching = false...

Webmocks hash_including is similar to RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers#hash_including. Be aware that hash_including (webmock v3.0.1) doesn't...

Typhoeus has a different way of representing array params in a get request than RestClient. Typhoeus:[0]=1&foo[1]=2&foo[2]=3

Separate subject from body with a blank line Limit the subject line to 50 characters (max. 72), include...

In case you want to require a gem, that is not in the Gemfile of you bundle and therefore not...

Solved with flexbox is a collection of css problems which were hard or impossible to solve without flexbox: Better, Simpler...

For the initial setup or changes in the sentry reporting it might be useful to enabled reporting of sentry in...

makandra dev

You can start vim with a read-only option. This prevents making accidentally changes in files you don't want...

A collection of code snippets which return a boolean value for a regex comparison. regexp.match?(string) # Recommended for Ruby >= 2.4...

Adding a gem means you take over the liability towards the external code. Checklist Based on "To gem, or not...

Chrome gives you the currently selected element in the inspector with $0. If you select a button in the DOM...

Building plain text emails with an .erb template doesn't allow you to indent code like you normally do in...

Plot graphs in Ruby WebGraphviz renders in your browser via JavaScript (to store the rendered graph, extract the SVG using...

Like you know from "How to tell ActiveRecord how to preload associations (either JOINs or separate queries)", you can tell...

This card tries to summarize by example the different uses of heredoc. In Ruby << vs. <<- vs. <<~ In Rails strip_heredoc...

TL;DR Debugging problems with javascript errors in cucumber tests is sometimes easier in the browser. Run the test, stop...

This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course...

If you want to find the commits that touched a specific text in a file, use git log -S 'text...