In Rails, we usually have a mailer setup like this: class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base def newsletter mail to: 'receiver@host.tld',

RSpec >= 3.3 added aggregate_failures, which allows multiple failures in an example and list them all, rather than aborting on...

makandra dev

Class-level process definitions are only applied to the original file Versions are generated based on the processed original file...

When building an application that sends e-mails to users, you want to avoid those e-mails from being classified...

When projects run for many years, they require special regular maintenance to stay fresh. This kind of maintenance is usually...

It is very common to parse dates from strings. It seems obvious to use Date.parse for this job. However this...

When debugging your application, you will come across objects created by some gem or framework. You don't have the...

Scrolling overflowing elements with JavaScript HTML elements with overflow-y: auto or overflow-y: scroll will get a scrollbar when...

makandra dev

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack pattern for websites. A CSRF attack is usually relevant in a...

A JavaScript error in an E2E test with Selenium will not cause your test to fail. This may cause you...

makandra dev

Geordi provides a pretty neat way to generate beautiful commit messages according to your stories in Pivotal Tracker:

Geordi's cucumber command has a --rerun option that reruns failing tests the given number of times. Usage: geordi cucumber...

Let's say you have a gem which has the following module: module SuperClient def 'Foo' end

Most forms have a single submit button that will save the record when pressed. Sometimes a form needs additional submit...

Migrating data from a legacy into a new system can be a surprisingly large undertaking. We have done this a...

In general, the tracker should always be the definitive source of truth of what needs to be done as part...

In a project team for a bigger project people have several roles: Developer: at makandra Project lead: at makandra

At makandra, we've built a few gems over the years. Some of these are quite popular: spreewald (> 1M downloads...

makandra dev

For webpages to load fast it's recommended to optimize images. Ideally an image's file size should be as...

Background information about session storage in Rails Rails has a default mechanism to store the session in the CookieStore. This...

Whenever is a Ruby gem that provides a nicer syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs. Leading zeros are important...

makandra dev

Authentication is a special part of web applications. On the one hand, it usually is a crucial security mechanism restrict...

For outputting a given String in HTML, you mostly want to replace line breaks with or tags.

Don't sum up columns with + in a sql-query if NULL-Values can be present. MySQL and PostgreSQL cannot...