makandra dev

Select2 comes with AJAX support built in, using jQuery's AJAX methods. ... For remote data sources only, Select2 does not...

Speaker today is Henning Koch, Head of Development at makandra. This talk will be in German with English slides.

Test-Driven Development (TDD) in its most dogmatic form (red-green-refactor in micro-iterations) can be tedious. It does...

Simplecov is a code coverage tool. This helps you to find out which parts of your application are not tested...

When we write a form with date fields, we often use graphical data picker like Rome to get a consistent...

Turns out, Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable#diff! caches some stuff. Code of the following form will not work as intended:

By default, Devise redirects to a sign-in form when accessing a route that requires authentication. If for some reason...

makandra dev

If you need to test some HTML, e.g. an embed code, you can use RubyMine's "scratch files":

makandra dev

Or: How to avoid and refactor spaghetti code Please note that I tried to keep the examples small. The effects...

This is a personal post-mortem analysis of a project that was mainly build to provide a REST API to...

Browsers come with a set of built-in elements like or . When we need a new component not covered by...

A while ago I tweeted a thread about how a small JavaScript snippet, one that can fit in a single...

There is a kind of features in web applications that hinder automated integration tests. Examples include cookie consent banners or...

The french Tilt Studio built a caniuse clone for email clients. Note that while checking styling support helps using (or...

ActiveSupport (since 4.1) includes test helpers to manipulate time, just like the Timecop gem: To travel a relative amount of...

Capybara provides execute_script and evaluate_script to execute JavaScript code in a Selenium-controlled browser. This however is not...

Rails uses a CSRF token in forms and AJAX requests to verify a user request. Internally it compares the injected...

This collection contains some useful design resources for developers. Many of them were mentioned in the Refactoring UI tutorials.

As an application exists, data accumulates. While you'll be loosely monitoring the main models' record count, some supportive database...

There are a few ways to access view helpers from the Rails console. The easiest way is the helper shortcut...

You can use constraints in your routes.rb to avoid getting errors when wrong routes are called. Instead, the user will...

When a user shares your content, a snippet with title, image, link and description appears in her timeline. By default...

When an AJAX request raises an exception on the server, Rails will show a minimal error page with only basic...