When storing a file with Carrierwave, it is always cached prior to actually storing it (to support form roundtrips).
This is useful if, for example, you want to use a background-image that has to scale with the width...
Some pseudo-elements need to be addressed with vendor prefixes. E.g. ::selection is not supported by Firefox, you need to...
ImageMagick has a command line tool called identify which can read image metadata: >identify -verbose DSC00136.JPG Image: DSC00136.JPG Format: JPEG...
Barby is a great Ruby gem to generate barcodes of all different sorts. It includes support for QR codes via...
Using the dialog command you can launch ASCII-art dialogs from your shell scripts. Check out man dialog for a...
If your Carrierwave uploader dynamically generates the filename (e.g. by incorporating a user's name), you must call model.save! after...
Plot graphs in Ruby WebGraphviz renders in your browser via JavaScript (to store the rendered graph, extract the SVG using...
This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course...
This might be relevant for us since we're often managing customer documents in our apps. I played around with...
SVG is an acronym for "scalable vector graphics". SVGs should be used whenever an image can be described with vector...
Icomoon.io offers a free app to build custom icon webfonts. It offers downloads as webfont set (.eot, .ttf, .woff, .woff2...
Say you have an RGBA color that you need as a non-transparent color because of reasons. Basically, this is...
Good article about what "gamma correction" means for color processing, and what "sRGB" actually means. You probably do not need...
The linked article shows what current browsers do when you click a link like this: 1-562-867-5309
When building a web application, one is tempted to claim it "done" too early. Make sure you check this list...
This service gives you a kind-of standard color name for any hex code. This is useful if you want...
...The and tags both come with some non-default behavior that you know from other tags.
So you want to use object-fit, but you also need to support Internet Explorer. One option is to use...
When using ImageMagick to manipulate images, you might see that images get darker when beeing modified by newer versions of...
All new browsers support the new object-fit CSS property. It allows to specify how an element behaves within its...
PostgreSQL uses the C library's locale facilities for sorting strings: First, all the letters are compared, ignoring spaces and...
It claims to be even faster and brings a new plugin that polyfills object-fit and object-position. This allows...
As your Rails project grows, you will accumulate a number of small patches. These will usually fix a bug in...