This checklist should help you to check edge cases that are not part of the default Carrierwave configuration.

Debugging image color profiles is hard. You can't trust your eyes in this matter, as the image rendering depends...

Browsers come with a set of built-in elements like or . When we need a new component not covered by...

Install the latest bundler version: gem install bundler Fetching bundler-2.3.5.gem Successfully installed bundler-2.3.5 1 gem installed Update the bundler...

This is a bookmarklet you can add to Chrome or Firefox which will allow you to create a story in...

Capybara provides execute_script and evaluate_script to execute JavaScript code in a Selenium-controlled browser. This however is not...

Rails is split into a large number of (sub-) frameworks. The most important and central of those are activesupport (extends...

When a user shares your content, a snippet with title, image, link and description appears in her timeline. By default...

You can share a state in Ruby with global variables. Even if you should avoid them whenever possible, for debugging...

When an AJAX request raises an exception on the server, Rails will show a minimal error page with only basic...

makandra dev

webpack is a very powerful asset bundler written in node.js to bundle (ES6) JavaScript modules, stylesheets, images, and other assets...

RubyMine comes with a nice way to grep through your project's files: The finder (ctrl + shift + f). Don't...

Jasmine has long standing support for writing asynchronous specs. In days gone by we used the done callback to achieve...

Not all versions of Node.js are compatible with each other. Also npm packages may require a minimum or maximum version...

Until Capybara 2, node finders that accept a text option were able to find nodes based on rendered text, even...

jQuery has a function $.fn.trigger(). You can use it to dispatch an event on a jQuery object: let $element = $('.foo...

To keep JavaScript sources small, it can sometimes make sense to split your webpack bundles. For example, if your website...

Download buttons can be difficult to test, especially with Selenium. Depending on browser, user settings and response headers, one of...

We're always striving towards keeping our website's JavaScript as small as possible. If you're using webpack(er...

makandra dev

TL;DR Most web applications do not require action on this. SameSite=None (old browser default) will continue to work...

When delivering non-public uploaded files (images, documents etc), one has to decide whether and how to do authorization. The...

An alternative of using a multiple assignment for a Regex are named groups. Especially when your Regex becomes more complicates...

To avoid multiple versions of a package, you can manually maintain a resolutions section in your package.json. We recommend you...

When doing some meta-programming magic and you want to do something for all attributes of a class, you may...