Minify Font Awesome fonts with webpack

Posted Over 5 years ago by Tobias Kraze.

...will keep using the cached font and not see new icons. When deploying with capistrano, the following workaround will cause a new font file to be generate on every deploy...

Using Bumbler to Reduce Runtime Dependencies - The Lean Software Boutique

Posted Almost 8 years ago by Henning Koch.

179.62 sass-rails 205.04 delayed_job_active_record 286.76 rails 289.36 mail 291.98 capistrano 326.05 delayed_job 414.27 pry 852.13 salesforce_bulk_api

Geordi 1.0 released

Posted Over 9 years ago by Dominik Schöler.

...version-agnostic, or remotely, e.g. geordi console staging shell: open a shell on a Capistrano target, optionally selecting the server with --select-server tests: run all employed tests; checks for...

Shell script to deploy changes to production and not shoot yourself in the foot

Posted About 12 years ago by Henning Koch.

...will ask you for the names of your master branch, production branch and production Capistrano stage. Get the new script by saying sudo gem install geordi You can now say...

We forked craken

Posted Over 12 years ago by Thomas Eisenbarth.

...task raised a "can't convert Hash into String" error e.g. while deploying with Capistrano.

Script to create and copy a production dump to your project root

Posted Almost 13 years ago by Dominik Schöler.

...the dump to your project's tmp directory and name it according to the capistrano stage you're calling for, here: staging.dump. When you pass the optional -s option, the...

rubaidh's rubaidhstrano at master - GitHub

Posted Almost 15 years ago by Lexy.

Capistrano recipes for database backups before migrations, passenger deployment strategy, release tagging in Git repos...

net-ssh and openssl-3.0.0

Posted About 2 years ago by Stefan Langenmaier.

Typically this can cause an error while deploying an application with capistrano: could not verify server signature (SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError) or Ed25519::VerifyError: signature verification failed!

better rails app restart with the passenger restart-app tool

Posted Almost 10 years ago by Kim Klotz.

...on the next request. If you want to use this with capistrano 2.x just replace the touch command: - run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt" + run "passenger-config...

...restart-app --ignore-app-not-running #{deploy_to}" If you are using capistrano 3.x: - execute :touch, "#{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt" + execute "passenger-config restart-app --ignore-app-not-running #{deploy...

Make nokogiri >=1.6.0 use system libxml2

Posted Over 8 years ago by Emanuel.

...the right version and uninstall it with gem uninstall nokogiri. If you deploy with capistrano, bundler ignores development and test group, which means nokogiri is not loaded. Step 4 will...

Upgrade from Ruby 1.8.7 to 2.1.5 – an incomplete guide

Posted Over 8 years ago.

Remove gem oniguruma Remove gem fastercsv Replace gem mysql with mysql2 Update gem capistrano 2.12.0 to ~>2.12 when bound for Ruby 1.8.7 and remove obsolete explicite Gemfile entries for...