Rio is a facade for most of the standard ruby classes that deal with I/O; providing a simple, intuitive, succinct...
It's important, however, that his wonderful code live on, and we need your help to do so. We've...
You want to try out all of the different ruby interpreters and versions including different patchlevels, but you don't...
Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. It provides a simple API for...
Recently I've been made aware of people inside US Government organizations using my Ruby on Rails Security presentation as...
Amidst my 400 unread Boing Boing links are probably ten or fifteen that are probably real gems. But I’ll...
Write declarative tests using nested contexts without performance penalties. Contest is less than 100 lines of code and gets the...
Pure-Ruby alternative to Cucumber.
Passing the –profile flag to RSpec produces some additional output, namely the running times of the ten slowest examples in...
All methods generated by string_attr_reader are now added to that new module instead of the class. The result...
The idea behind scrooge is both surprisingly simple and powerful: instead of forcing the developer to manually specify each attribute...
Deadweight is RCov for CSS, kind of. Given a set of stylesheets and a set of URLs, it determines which...
decided to go fixtureless with Shoulda + Factory Girl. All good, except one problem. Slow as fuck tests. So here’s...
Stop writing your own random string generators. Rails does this for you.
WTF GitHub??
DevIL is a fast and lightweight image library that supports the loading and saving of images in almost any graphics...
Riot differs primarily in that it does not rerun setup for each test in a context.
Limelight is a rich client GUI framework unlike any other. With a unique angle on GUI development, Limelight harnesses the...
Learn how to set up a one-to-many or many-to-many association which is entirely embedded into a...
A rails plugin to store a collection of boolean attributes in a single ActiveRecord column as a bit field.
The Juggernaut plugin for Ruby on Rails aims to revolutionize your Rails app by letting the server initiate a connection...
Are you still adding printf/puts calls and restarting your app to figure what went wrong