Our CI setup frequently sees this error while running yarn install: yarn install v1.22.19 [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages...

makandra dev

In a Jasmine spec you want to spy on a function that is imported by the code under test. This...

You have some SVG files you want to use as icons on your website. How would you embed them?

In esbuild, you usually import other files using relative paths: import './some-related-module' import `../../utils/some-utility-module` import `../../../css/some-css.sass` This is totally fine...

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common...

tl;dr In RubyMine you can use find and replace with capture groups (.*?) and backreferences $1 (if you have several...

Ruby's standard library includes a class for creating temporary directories. Similar to Tempfile it creates a unique directory name...

A memory leak is an unintentional, uncontrolled, and unending increase in memory usage. No matter how small, eventually, a leak...

For Rails models where only one of multiple attributes may be filled out at the same time, there is no...

tl;dr The :is() pseudo selector - specificity of its most specific argument - matches against a comma-separated list of selectors...

tl;dr The :where() pseudo selector - zero specificity - matches against a comma-separated list of selectors. Example Compound selectors like...

When your Rails application offers downloading a bunch of files as ZIP archive, you basically have two options:

These are the results of the "personal tech stack survey". I've included only the most popular mentions, maybe it...

This should be fixed in the latest LTS-branches of our mysql2 fork, 0.2.x-lts and 0.3.x-lts...

tl;dr Since Rails 6.1+ you can use .compact_blank or .compact_blank! to remove blank values from collections (e.g...

Somewhat regularly, you will need to filter a list down to some items and then map them to another value...

It might sometimes be useful to check whether your Rails application accesses the file system unnecessarily, for example if your...

Testing file download links in an end-to-end test can be painful, especially with Selenium. The attached download_helpers.rb provides...

Code quality can be measured in four levels: (Working code) Reliable code (minimum) Readable code (ok for short-lived code...

When you need information about a gem (like version(s) or install path(s)), you can use the gem binary...

Due to the way we setup Jasmine tests in our projects, you may run into various errors when Jasmine boots...

Sometimes you will need an input field which wraps content and grows in height as soon as content gets longer...

makandra dev

To ensure a consistent code style for JavaScript code, we use ESLint. The workflow is similar to integrating rubocop...

This are the steps I needed to do to add esbuild to an application that used the vanilla rails asset...