Be careful when memoizing a method that returns a scope, e.g.: def variants scoped(:conditions => { :name => name }) end memoize :variants...

The ancestry gem allows you to easily use tree structures in your Rails application. There is one somewhat unobvious pitfall...

You need to install the following packages before you can build the Nokogiri gem: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev...

Even when you're using bundler, it might be significant in which order your gems are listed in your Gemfile...

Ruby gem that provides an AR-style interface for the Pivotal Tracker API.

You need to install the following packages before you can build the Paperclip gem: sudo apt-get install imagemagick librmagick...

You can use record.send(:update_without_callbacks) or record.send(:create_without_callbacks) This can be used as a...

makandra dev

You don't need a Rails application to use Sass. Even when you're working on a static site you...

power-rake db:migrate VERSION=20100913132321 By default the environments development, test, cucumber and performance are considered...

First of all: You could just use RVM which would make the pain go away. If for some reason you...

You can use the whatlanguage gem to detect the language of a Ruby string. Note that it also has not...

This gem is designed to provide CSS views to Rails, and a process to concatenate and minify these files to...

Call with the server's hostname (and user if you have no SSH agent), e.g. install-gems-remotely

makandra dev

This is an awesome gadget in your toolbox, even if your test coverage is great. gem install ruby-debug (Ruby...

Our gem Mail Magnet allows you to override e-mail recipients in ActionMailer so all mails go to a given...

There will probably be better solutions as we become more experienced with using Bundler, and more command line tools become...

Rails 3, 4, 5, 6 config/application.rb config/environment.rb before the initialize! call (we don't usually edit this file)

The state_machine gem ships with a scope with_state. This scope has some problems in complex queries or scope...

makandra dev

Update RubyGems and Passenger Bundler requires Rubygems >= 1.3.6. Run gem update --system if you have an older version.

Sometimes files attain executable-flags that they do not need, e.g. when your Windows VM copies them over a Samba...

Boolean attributes can now be set by appending "which", "that" or "who" at the end: Given there is a movie...

When working with times and dates in Rails applications, you need to deal with the following problem: In Rails, Time...

popthis is awesome when used with inaction_mailer. Setup inaction_mailer Install the gem: sudo gem install popthis