Although you can access many symbols using the AltGr key you may be missing some, like the en-dash (–) or...
Note: For PostgreSQL you should use advisory locks. For MySQL we still recommend the solution in this card.
See our new comprehensive guide for upgrading every Rails 2 version ever.
When you try to remove a non-existing index using remove_index, the migration will incorrectly pass without an error...
A check if two date or time ranges A and B overlap needs to cover a lot of cases:
Sometimes it is useful to define a named scope by implementing a static method with the scope's name on...
Given group size If you would like to split a Ruby array into pairs of two, you can use the...
You cannot use Array#join on an array of strings where some strings are html_safe and others are not...
Update: This trick probably isn't very useful anymore in Ruby 2.x. The Ruby GC has improved a lot...
In January this year (2010), Gmail switched to using HTTPS for everything by default. Previously it had been introduced as...
See our new comprehensive guide to upgrading every Rails 2 version ever.
In RSpec 2 shared_examples_for can have parameters. You can simply hand over arguments from it_behaves...
When you eagerly load an association list using the .include option, and at the same time have a .where on...
RSpec 1, RSpec 2 To test whether two arrays have the same elements regardless of order, RSpec 1 and 2...
When using an odd value for line-height in CSS the result will vary across all major browsers.\
To only run the next two migrations: rake db:migrate STEP=2 To revert the previous two migrations:
Thanks to habits engrained by Rails 2’s link_to_remote and remote_form_for, we expect that Rails 3...
You will need to upgrade to RSpec >= 2 and rspec-rails >= 2 for Rails 3. Here are some hints to...
If you previously used version 2.x of Thunderbird and upgraded to 3.x (for example through an Ubuntu release...
If you need to look at the list of methods that are called upon certain events (like before/after saving etc...
Note: We are talking about Machinist 1 here, Machinist 2 may have solved this or might require a different approach...
If you have problems with SSH session timing out, add the following to your /etc/.ssh/config: Host * ServerAliveInterval 55 ServerAliveCountMax 2
You can use record.send(:update_without_callbacks) or record.send(:create_without_callbacks) This can be used as a...
Find conditions for scopes can be given either as an array (:conditions => ['state = ?', 'draft']) or a hash (:conditions => { 'state' => 'draft...