We experienced problems with Sunspot and Solr on Tomcat: Umlauts (ä, ö, ü) were not correctly handled on Tomcat while...
The handy method has_select?(field, :selected => text) does not behave as expected with Cucumber 0.10.2, Capybara and Selenium...
When your gems complain about invalid gemspecs and illformed requirements, it is most probably an error resulting from the transition...
Tooltips that are delivered through HTML attributes are encoded. Decode entities before checking for their presence. Capybara: Then /^there should...
Sometimes it might be helpful to have a version history for a gem, e.g. when you want to see if...
The following snippet demonstrates how you could create excel files (with spreadsheet gem) and format columns so that they follow...
This describes all the steps you'll need to get Solr up and running for your project using the Sunspot...
Gem to get Rails 3's new ActiveRecord query interface (where, order) and the new scope syntax (chaining scope definitions...
Gem to get Ruby 1.9 features in Ruby 1.8.
Sometimes you want one distinct version of RubyGems to be installed to replicate the same behavior across multiple servers.
Our gitpt script to generate git commits from Pivotal Tracker stories has been tweaked and polished and is now part...
When internationalizing your Rails app, you'll be replacing strings like 'Please enter your name' with t('.name_prompt'). You...
When Rack::Bug has been added to your project and your Apache2/Passenger only replies with an Error 500 (Internal Server...
Seems like a useful gem for cases where ActiveRecord is overkill but you don't want to do everything by...
Gem to generate entity relationship diagrams from your Rails 3 ActiveRecord models. The diagram style is pretty and configurable.
For performance improvements (and to remove the need for eager loading), the ActsAsTaggableOn gem supports caching your tag lists directly...
I still see people promoting various gems and plugins to handle miscellaneous configuration elements for your application. One little known...
"Classic" Excel (XLS) has a magic limit of 65535 rows per worksheet. This was fixed in XLSX but the version...
When you have objects in your database that hold latitude and longitude and you want to find others that are...
You have to specify the environment with -e env_name or RAILS_ENV=env_name if you want to run...
ActiveSupport's memoize has a dangerous feature you might not know about. Assume you have class DeepThought extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable...
If you get an error like this: Unable to launch /home/bruce/Projects/myproject/tmp/capybara/capybara-201110311210111407691101.html ... update your launchy gem. It failed for us in...
After starting the Rails server in a freshly generated Rails 3.1 project you could see an error message such as...
Clearance is a gem that provides authentication functionality (e.g. login, logout). This note explains, how the clearance login, logout and...