When using Chrome for Selenium tests, the chromedriver binary will be used to control Chrome. To debug problems that stem...

There are several ways to merge two (or more) PDF files to a single file using the Linux command line...

The issue in this card can occur if the node_modules directory is checked into your Git repository. We usually...


Set up a package root in your homedir to hold the Node "global" packages: $ NPM_PACKAGES="$HOME/.npm-packages"

The rendered font often depends on the local font your system provides, therefore you often find a rule like below...

When you receive a ZIP file from a Windows user, umlauts and other non-latin1 characters in filenames may look...

Boot partitions from installations prior to the 16.04 era are terribly small. When you install updates and encounter errors due...

The httpclient gem comes with a custom SSL cert store. While an customizable, application-level cert store is great when...


Your default postgres user is named like your linux user. That default user has limited access privileges, which can cause...

If you want to make a screenshot of a website that works well in print or on a high-DPI...

Let's say you have a folder images and want to to move all files in there to a new...

ImageMagick has a command line tool called identify which can read image metadata: >identify -verbose DSC00136.JPG Image: DSC00136.JPG Format: JPEG...


run-one is a wrapper script that won't run the given command while another instance of it is running...

Add the following to /etc/rc.local: (sleep 3 && echo disable > /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth)& Bluetooth icon will be active for a few seconds, then...

To create a 10 GB file: fallocate -l 10G huge_file.dat

You can use three different versions of the regular expression syntax in grep: basic: -G extended: -E(POSIX)

This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course...

If your external displays not switching on or showing a weird behavior (for e.g. all displays getting the same configuration...

When giving a presentation with a projector it is sometimes better to use a dual screen layout instead of a...

A few releases back, Chrome started using a Material Design UI on desktop. If you don't like it (on...

On OSX (real or inside Browserstack), you need different keystrokes for your favorite special characters than you'd use on...

By convention, common protocols use a defined port, like 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS. You can use nmap...

So you downloaded a theme for Chrome a while ago and don't remember which one it is?

I had an issue with icons from an icon font aligning differently on Linux, iOS and Windows (seemingly browser-independent...