This is called "cherry-picking". git cherry-pick commit-sha1 Note that since branches are nothing but commit pointers, cherry...
To delete a local branch git branch -d the_local_branch To remove a remote branch (if you know what...
Reverting a commit means creating a new commit that undoes the old changes. Imagine the following commit history:
PaintbrushJS is a lightweight, browser-based image processing library that can apply various visual filters to images within a web...
home_run is an implementation of ruby’s Date/DateTime classes in C, with much better performance (20-200x) than...
A fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.
Ancestry is a gem/plugin that allows the records of a Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord model to be organised as a...
To retain all branches you can try the svn2git tool. However, this tool has some bugs. To only import the...
Create a branch: svn copy$ticketnumber_shortdesc Don't just copy the folder into your working...
Some browsers render PNG images with color profiles and other shenanigans, some don't. The cleanest way to have consistent...
Until May 2011 our gems have been created with Jeweler, which is a helper library to package code into a...
Install gem and plugin sudo gem install parallel script/plugin install git:// Adapt config/database.yml test: database: xxx_test<%= ENV...
sudo gem install gettext --no-ri --no-rdoc sudo gem install fast_gettext --no-ri --no-rdoc script/plugin install git://...
See the lemonade descriptions. Unfortunately, the gem has a few problems: it does not work with Sass2...
This is about converting Haml to ERB and not the other way round which you probably want! This process can...
sudo gem install zip git clone git:// cd date-performance rake package:build cd dist sudo gem install...
ActsAsSolr::Post.execute( => "#{Location.solr_configuration[:type_field]}:#{ModelClass}")) ActsAsSolr::Post.execute(
This note shows how to merge an ugly feature branch with multiple dirty WIP commits back into the master as...
Append this to your ~/.bashrc: export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033[31m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s...
tmp/* storage/* db/*.sqlite3 db/schema.rb db/structure.sql public/system .project .idea/ public/javascripts/all* public/stylesheets/all* public/stylesheets/*.css config/database.yml *~ *#* .#* .DS_Store webrat-*.html
If you would like to checkout the branch groups, you can simply say this in recent versions of Git:
Basic configuration Please keep this config simple. It should be a starting point for new developers learning Git. [user]
This is for people recovering from Subversion. Get an existing from the server for the first time git clone
You are getting when connecting via SSH or deploying with Capistrano (which uses SSH): Too many authentication failures for username...