Pie sometimes does not properly redraw elements upon changes. This often happens when the change comes from somewhere further up...
JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives...
"Wallaby" is the codename for an experimental technology that converts the artwork and animation contained in Adobe® Flash® Professional (FLA...
If you have content inside a page that is hidden by CSS, the following will work with Selenium, but not...
Flash movies (.swf files) can talk with Javascript code embedded in the same HTML page. There are two ways to...
Javascript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents.
You know Firebug as a Firefox extension but there is also a "Lite" version which runs purely off JavaScript.
jQuery plugin to register callback functions to keyboard shortkuts. Keyboard events in vanilla Javascripts are super-painful to work with...
The difference between .bind(), .live(), and .delegate() is not always apparent. Having a clear understanding of all the differences, though...
You can use these step definitions: Then /^I should not see an error$/ do (200 .. 399).should include(page.status_code...
jQuery's selector engine, live()-like event handlers, pixel-perfect layout measuring.
Selenium has been the siren song that continually calls out to us. Unfortunately, in practice we’ve been unable to...
Added utility methods for the Prototype Javascript framework.
This is non-trivial because you need to fake event objects and require different code for different browsers. Luckily, there...
For clarity and traceability, your commit messages should include the ID and title of the Pivotal Tracker story you're...
Compresses JavaScript.
Thanks to habits engrained by Rails 2’s link_to_remote and remote_form_for, we expect that Rails 3...
Terminus is a Capybara driver where most of the driver functions are implemented in client-side JavaScript. It lets you...
The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker (jQueryUI) is required for using any of...
If you have several submit elements (inputs or buttons with type="submit") that each cause different things to happen (e.g...
When Paperclip attachments should only be downloadable for selected users, there are three ways to go. The same applies to...
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on...
WMD is a simple, lightweight HTML editor for blog comments, forum posts, and basic content management. You can add WMD...
When you need to add a event listener to hundreds of elements, this might slow down the browser. An alternative...