MenuetOS is an Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language. Menuet64 is released...
Programatically invoke Rails generators Require the generator, instantiate it and invoke it (because generators are Thor::Groups, you need...
If you regularly get ActionView::MissingTemplate exceptions, maybe some bot visits your site requesting silly formats like:
If you are using Angular and want something like Rails' simple_format which HTML-formats a plain-text input into...
If you come across an (older) application that is using Prototype instead of jQuery, you may often see events bound...
We now have a gem that supports our form model approach.
Check out the jsFiddle Demo. CSS .absoluteCenterWrapper { position: relative; /* Declare this element as the anchor point for centering */ } /* Positioning */ .absoluteCenter...
How to remove/disable the automatic XSS protection helper html escaping for Rails 3. This is probably a horrible idea.
Alternatives to drop-down menus to consider in form design.
rake stats # => LOC per controllers, models, helpers; code ratios, and more rake notes # => collects TODO, FIXME and...
Eduardo Russo was tired of complex favicon creation and created his own favicon generator. It's really easy and allows...
I had to deal with JavaScript Undefined Error while accessing a specific CKEditor instance to fill in text. Ensure everything...
Ask before leaving an unsaved CKEditor Vanilla JavaScript way, but removes any other onbeforeunload handlers: $(function(){ document.body.onbeforeunload = function() { for(editorName...
If you have a text that is edited by WSYIWYG-Editor but want some length checking nevertheless, you need to...
After I upgraded to Mac OS X Mavericks, I regularly got this error message when running Cucumber features with Selenium...
Warning: Because of (unclear) rounding issues and missing decimal places (see examples below), do NOT use this when dealing with...
Alternative approach to form models.
Great slide deck about various forms of refactorings.
If you have a FooController and also have a layout app/views/layouts/foo.html, Rails will use this without being told so.
TLDR: This card explains which threads and processes interact with each other when you run a Selenium test with Capybara...
tl;dr: Using has_many associations with a :through option can lead to lost or duplicate records. You should avoid...
We've since created ActiveType which has a restricted subset of Virtus' features. It might be enough for your needs...
Say you have a User with a Carrierwave attribute #avatar: class User < ActiveRecord::Base mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader end
Use protocol independent URLs whenever possible so that the browser will choose the protocol related to the protocol which the...