makandra dev

The linked slidedeck holds many tips, of which I list the most interesting to me below DATA and END

Ruby's mathn library changes Fixnum division to work with exact Rationals, so 2 / 3 => 0 2 / 3 * 3 => 0...

makandra dev

Browsing the git stash is a bit tricky. Here is how to see the changes without applying them:

There is no reason to leave trailing whitespace characters in your project's files, so don't add any.

The ActionMailer in Rails 2 depends on a buggy version of TMail, which sometimes inserts a blank line into the...

Note: Modern Rails has two build pipelines, the asset pipeline (or "Sprockets") and Webpacker. The principles below apply for both...

If you have an html_safe string, you won't be able to call gsub with a block and match...

This works in modern RSpecs (RSpec >= 2.x) and Cucumbers: rspec spec/models/node_spec.rb:294:322 cucumber features/nodes.feature:543:563:579

Assuming the following sunspot setup of the post class: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base searchable do text :title string :state

Jedes nicht rein private Profil auf Social Media Portalen muss ein Impressum haben, das heißt insbesondere Unternehmen und Freiberufler (§ 5...

Sometimes you need to look at the filter chain in specs. You can do it like that on Rails 2...

makandra dev

Explanation of the "bootstrap 2" base CSS. Contains information about: Typography Code Tables Forms Buttons Icons

assignable_values now lets you define a secondary default that is only used if the primary default value is not...

The will_paginate gem will show a default of 30 records per page. If you want to test pagination in...

In a nutshell: Use git rebase --onto target-branch source-commit target-branch means "branch you want to be based...

Sometimes, you may want to open up a second database connection, to a read slave or another database. When doing...

makandra dev

The asset pipeline from Rails 3.1 packported to 2.3. By Michael Grosser from parallel_tests fame.

You can say this in helpers like link_to and content_tag: = link_to 'Label', root_url, :data => { :foo => 'bar...

There was a bug in Skype that could cause messages to be sent to incorrect recipients (anyone, not only people...

In Rails 3.1+, instead of defining a separate up and down method you can define a single method change:

Also works on Gnome 2 Much prettier than Skype notifications Better visibility

In a nutshell: Capybara's find will not work properly on nodes from a list. Don't find on elements...

CSS is a lot easier to write and read than clumsy XPath expressions. So when you need to use XPath...

Note that this seems to affect only recent Rails 2 versions. You will not encounter this until you are writing...