Angular-xeditable is a bundle of AngularJS directives that allows you to create editable elements. Such technique is also known...
Modern browsers natively suppport file pickers that allow the user to choose multiple files at once. To activate this feature...
In Thunderbird, you can set custom font faces and sizes for reading plain-text e-mails. However, Thunderbird sometimes "randomly...
If you're using the :header_html option in PDFKit (or the corresponding --header-html option in wkhtmltopdf), and the...
Capybara will fail to find tags that are missing an href attribute. This will probably happen to you every now...
In Rails, you can very easily send emails with HTML and plaintext bodies. However, if you're trying to debug...
PDFKit converts a web page to a PDF document. It uses a Webkit engine under the hood...
Styling HTML email is painful. Tables, inline CSS, unsupported CSS, desktop clients, web clients, mobile clients, various devices, various providers...
Nearly all jQuery traversal functions ignore elements that are not HTML tags. To work with other type of nodes (like...
These two addons will change your life: Search as list This will always open search results in the list views...
Directly from the MySql docs: There are three likely causes for this error message. Usually it indicates network connectivity trouble...
In Cucumber, scenario outlines help avoiding tests that are basically the same, except for a few variables (such as different...
Amazing guide how to divide a ball of Javascript spaghetti distinct separate layers (model, view, controller, backend adapter).
While RSpec 1 and 2 decided that specs inside spec/model are model specs, and those inside spec/features are feature specs...
Code snippet tested with Rails 2.3 def index # ... if request.xhr? html = render_to_string(:partial => "list", :layout => false) respond_to...
When connecting to multiple (i.e. > 4) servers to dive into logfiles or do security updates, terminator is what you want...
SudoSlider is a simple yet powerful content slider that makes no (or very few) assumptions about your markup and is...
When you cannot make Selenium trigger events you rely on (e.g. a "change" event when filling in a form field...
Using this gem, whenever a Capybara test in Cucumber, Rspec or Minitest fails, the HTML for the failed page and...
SimpleForm is a great approach to simplifying your forms, and it comes with lots of well-defined input types. However...
When your Rails controller action responds with only a simple text, render text: 'Hello' may not be what you want...
Since version 34, Chromium/Chrome ignores the autocomplete="off" attribute on forms or input fields. Recent versions of other browser do...
When using @media CSS queries, Internet Explorer 8 and below will fail to respect them. Though there are several options...
Edge Rider gives your relations a method #origin_class that returns the class the relation is based on.