Be careful when using buttons without a type attribute, since browsers will consider them the default submit button of a...
jQuery doesn't store information about event listeners and data values with the element itself. This information is instead stored...
When you are using the #selector_for helper in Cucumber steps, as e.g. Spreewald does, the following snippet will save...
It's like a GUI for the famous git add [-p]. Select files with the up/down-keys and hit
If your angular app is not served on /, but on a different url (say /admin), links generated with ui-router...
If you're getting this strange error message when setting debugging breakpoints, probably HAML is the culprit. Cause
Just run git show branch:file. Examples: git show HEAD~:bin/command git show origin/master:../lib/version.rb
Here is a Javascript function reloadUsers() that fetches a HTML snippet from the server using AJAX and replaces the current...
This jasmine plugin helps with testing DOM manipulation in two ways: It gives you DOM-related matchers like toBeVisible() or...
Angular 1.3+ has an alternative getter/setter pattern: You can bind ng-model to an accessor function. This is a function...
Capybara-screenshot can automatically save screenshots and the HTML for failed Capybara tests in Cucumber, RSpec or Minitest. Requires Capybara...
Interesting approach to caching responses directly in the HTTP server, based on the value of an individual cookie.
A set of javascript tools for working with files. It offers different kinds of things: A cross-browser JS API...
The Angular 1.2 way: # By default, angular returns undefined for invalid attributes which removes # the value from the form field...
Adobe no longer supports their PDF reader on Linux and the official page does not offer it for download. \
In the Controller: // Instead of doing this: app.controller('TodoCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.input = 'ex. buy milk'; }); // Do this: app.controller('TodoCtrl', function...
Clamps (ie. cuts off) an HTML element's content by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too...
When putting phone numbers into web pages, you should use tel: links so smartphone users can click those numbers to...
An amped-up alternative to Turbolinks that differs in points like this: It's opt-in instead of opt-out...
Rails migrations allow you to use a change method whose calls are automatically inverted for the down path. However, if...
Using this gem I could get JSON generation from a large, nested Ruby hash down from 200ms to 2ms.
To bind an HTML value to ng-bind-html, you need to mark it as "trusted" first. Among other ways...
If you have issues with PDFs, fix them like this: pdftk .pdf output .pdf Background I had an issue where...
The asset pipeline changes the paths of CSS files during precompilation. This opens a world of pain when CSS files...