You are probably using Ruby 1.8.7 with a too recent versions of Rubygems. Downgrade your Rubygems to the latest version...
config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters enables logging or raising an exception if parameters that are not explicitly permitted are...
quiet_assets helps with disabling asset pipeline log messages in the development log. When the gem is added, asset pipeline...
Spring is a Rails application preloader. When debugging e.g. the rails gem, you'll be wondering why your raise, puts...
Programatically invoke Rails generators : Require the generator, instantiate it and invoke it (because generators are Thor::Groups, you need...
Rubygems can produce lots of deprecation warnings, but sometimes, you cannot fix them. To have a tidy terminal with output...
If you want to label things with a color but don't actually care which cholor, you can use the...
better_errors is an awesome gem for enhanced error pages in development, featuring a live-REPL for some light debugging...
When using TextMate2 with the cucumber bundle, it does not recognize step definitions (e.g. custom_steps.rb) as such but believes they...
We now have a gem that supports our form model approach.
Development environment setup Rails Composer : Basically a comprehensive Rails Template. Prepares your development environment and lets you select web server...
String#indent is not a standard Ruby method. When you use it, be sure to know where this method comes...
There seems to be no way to use therubyracer -v '0.11.4' and libv8 -v '' on OS X Mavericks.
We have released Modularity 2. It has many incompatible changes. See below for a script to migrate your applications automatically...
When you do something like this in your code: def var_value @var ||= some_expensive_calculation end
On recent/fresh installations of Ruby 1.8.7 you may encounter this error why calling any bundled binary (or just bundle exec...
Assert rmagick provision ... Gemfile gem 'rmagick', '2.13.2' # at this moment the latest stable version config/initializer/carrierwave.rb require 'carrierwave/processing/rmagick' ... and define a...
Today I ran into trouble installing therubyracer on Ruby 1.8. The installation failed with *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile...
You're better off using debugger-ruby_core_source: gem install debugger-ruby_core_source If you can't do...
Geordi 0.16+ supports running selenium tests with project-specific firefox versions. Just update the gem. It will still default to...
If you need to test interaction with a remote API, check out the VCR gem as an alternative to Webmock...
The mysql2 gem in version 0.3.13 might break while compiling on older patch releases of Ruby 1.9.3 within rvm:
dusen 0.4.8 and edge_rider 0.2.3 no longer depend on Rails (they still depend on ActiveRecord). That means you can...
After running bundler / gem install I could not load nokogiri lately. It died with cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri.