When you register a delegated event using on (or the deprecated delegate / live), it is somewhat hard to manually trigger...

makandra dev

Capistrano 3 is a major rework of the framework and requires several adjustments to your deploy configuration files. The biggest...

Please don't use the horrible datetime_select helper. It has a terrible UI. Always prefer to use a visual...

When using Savon to connect a SOAP API, you may want to use Savon::SpecHelper to mock requests in your...


Jasmine has a jasmine.clock() helper that you can use to travel through time and trigger setTimeout and setInterval callbacks:


jquery-placeholder is a simple jQuery plugin that enables form placeholders in browsers that do not support them natively, i.e...

Rails comes with a Rake task notes that shows code comments that start with "TODO", "FIXME", or "OPTIMIZE".

To use a form model with devise, you can simply override #resource_class in a controller. A typical use case...

makandra dev

Fontawesome 4 ships with many useful CSS helper classes. Enlarge Icon Add fa-lg (133%), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa...


Starting from Rails 4.0, you can use a special form options helper called #collection_check_boxes. It behaves similar to...

When using threads, you must make your code thread-safe. This can be done by either locking (mutexes) all data...

Awesome hack by Tim VanFosson:

makandra dev

RSpec 3 has verifying doubles. This breed of mock objects check that any methods being stubbed are present on an...


What if a complicated component comes along that is naturally modeled by multiple directives? This group of directives, as a...


See this Railscast. Basically you can simply write views like index.xlsx.erb: ID Name Release Date Price <% @products.each do |product| %> <%= product.id...

Be careful when using buttons without a type attribute, since browsers will consider them the default submit button of a...

jQuery doesn't store information about event listeners and data values with the element itself. This information is instead stored...

When you are using the #selector_for helper in Cucumber steps, as e.g. Spreewald does, the following snippet will save...

makandra dev

It's like a GUI for the famous git add [-p]. Select files with the up/down-keys and hit

If your angular app is not served on /, but on a different url (say /admin), links generated with ui-router...

If you're getting this strange error message when setting debugging breakpoints, probably HAML is the culprit. Cause


Just run git show branch:file. Examples: git show HEAD~:bin/command git show origin/master:../lib/version.rb

Here is a Javascript function reloadUsers() that fetches a HTML snippet from the server using AJAX and replaces the current...

makandra dev

This jasmine plugin helps with testing DOM manipulation in two ways: It gives you DOM-related matchers like toBeVisible() or...