When you add a linear gradient to an element, IE9 removes all border-radius and inset box-shadows. This is...
Though the W3C even gives it as an example, no browser actually supports this CSS: img:before { content: "something"; }
It's not logical, so don't be too hard on yourself. You need to give it a height and...
Note that you are not allowed to embed any font in a website. You need to check the license first...
You can use this code: function scrollToLine($textarea, lineNumber) { var lineHeight = parseInt($textarea.css('line-height')); $textarea.scrollTop(lineNumber * lineHeight); }
The following two hints are taken from Github's Ruby style guide: If your regular expression mentions a lot of...
This is a demo of the "Tabby" Javascript jQuery plugin to use tabs in regular textareas to make them suitable...
Capybara has a global option (Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements) that determines whether Capybara sees or ignores hidden elements.
This card shows you how to format a card's content using Markdown. We use the Commonmarker interpreter, so here...
Imagine you have 2 HTML boxes. The first one has a margin-bottom of let's say 30px and the...
You can change the color for text selection via CSS, using the ::selection and ::-moz-selection pseudo-elements.
This is a very general introduction to MV* Javascript frameworks. This card won't tell you anything new if you...
You can now add code blocks without indentation, by using triple-backticks: ``` Code block goes here. ```
You can use text-overflow to truncate a text using CSS but it does not fit fancy requirements.
When using Rails to truncate strings, you may end up with strings that are still too long for their container...
Twitter's Bootstrap CSS blueprint as a jQuery UI theme. Even if you don't want to use Bootstrap as...
I have no idea how it's supposed to work (or why the don't have a print CSS), but...
Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer will repeat elements with position: fixed on every printed page (see attached example).
Though Internet Explorer 9 supports the box-shadow CSS property there is a nasty bug which sometimes prevents it from...
A pull quote is a typographical technique in which an excerpt or quote from an article is duplicated within the...
When you print out a HTML pages, all raster images (like PNGs) will appear aliased. This is because a printer...
Although it's tempting flirt with detecting mobile/touch devices with CSS media queries or Javascript feature detection alone, this approach...
Add a separator between left-aligned and right-aligned items. In the separator properties, set the style to "Transparent" and...
A list of CSS vendor-prefixes.