If you want to inspect the compiled code of your erb (or haml) templates, you can run the following code...

If you are on a Linux shell and want to open a file with whatever default application is configured for...

Let's say you want to find the element with the text hello in the following DOM tree: hello

Imagine you have a list you want to render inline on large screens, but stacked on small screens. high

TL;DR There are three dimensions you can control when scoping routes: scope module: 'module', path: 'path', as: 'as' do...

Our preferred way of testing ActiveRecord is to simply create/update/destroy the record and then check if the expected behavior has...

makandra dev

Angular's directives have a transclude option, that allows for rendering an element's original content within the directive's...

A HTTP 302 Found redirect to PATCH and DELETE requests will be followed with PATCH or DELETE. Redirect responses to...

There are a million ways to center s or text in CSS, horizontally or vertically. All the ways are unsatisfying...


Using Scenic, you can bring the power of SQL views to your Rails application without having to switch your schema...


Note The maintenance mode is enabled on all application server as soon as the file /public/system/maintenance.html is present. Installation

Once Rails knows a given string is html_safe, it will never escape it. However, there may be times when...


You know that layouting HTML e-mails is terrible. For more fun, check Litmus' list of top 10 e-mail...

There are cases when you need to select DOM elements without jQuery, such as: when jQuery is not available

Until recently, you could open a new tab via window.open when using execute_script in Selenium tests. It no longer...

The nokogiri gem provides different packages for several platforms. Each platform-specific variant ships pre-built binaries of libxml2, e.g...


You can use proxy_hide_header in different contextes: Syntax: proxy_hide_header field; Default: — Context: http, server, location


You know that Devise offers RSpec test helpers for controller specs. However, in request specs, they will not work.

I recommend to go straight to 2.1.5+ without intermediate steps. Otherwhise you burden yourself with unnecessary work of encoding problems...


A very informative and interesting presentation about browsing performance, looking at efforts Google Chrome takes to increase it.


You can use mail-tester.com to check your application's e-mails for issues that might cause e-mails to be...

makandra dev

Note This card does not reflect the current state of lazy loading technologies. The native lazy attribute could be used...

Nobody needs HTML e-mails. However, you occasionally might have to write an HTML message for some weird reason. Here...

makandra dev

Installing SSL certificates usually implies additionally using intermediate certificates. If one of them is missing, some SSL client implementations might...